Austrian school is an alternative to the positivistic
Neoclassical school that uncritically applies the methods of
the physical sciences to the social sciences. The
neoclassicals try to make economics look like physics by
employing the quantitative approaches of the natural
sciences and by searching for quantitative laws, predictive
ability, and the statistical significance of changes in
variables. Austrians are contemptuous of, and attack,
mainstream economists for their pretensions as scientists
and for their development of mathematical models that
disregard a great deal of human nature and the uncertainty
of expectations. Empiricism is appropriate for the
purposeless realm of the natural sciences but not for the
field of purposeful human action. Because the Austrians see
man as a purposeful being who thinks, plans, decides, and
acts, they repudiate the neoclassical, positivist, and
historical ideas of man as a dependent variable in a system
of equations, as a mere quantitative physical object, or as
passive objects controlled by history.
Austrian Economics is an
excellent alternative way of looking at economics with
respect to the appraisal of means but not of ends. Misesian
praxeology therefore must be augmented. Its value-free
economics is not sufficient to establish a total case for
liberty. A systematic, reality-based ethical system must be
discovered to firmly establish the argument for individual
liberty. Natural law provides the groundwork for such a
theory and both Objectivism and the Aristotelian idea of
human flourishing are based on natural law ideas.
Establishing the case for a free
society |
An ethical system must be developed and defended in order to
establish the case for a free society. An Aristotelian
ethics of naturalism states that moral matters are matters
of fact and that morally good conduct is that which enables
the individual agent to make the best possible progress
toward achieving his self-perfection and happiness.
According to Rand, happiness relates to a person's success
as a unique, rational human being possessing free will. We
have free choice and the capacity to initiate our own
conduct that enhances or hinders our flourishing as human
beings. Rand's philosophy of Objectivism is a systematic and
integrated unity in which ethics is related to the concept
of value, which, in turn, is related to an objective
epistemology and a reality-based metaphysics.
Both economists and
ethicists are concerned with human choice and human action.
Human action, the subject of both economics and morality, is
the common denominator and the link between economic
principles and moral principles. Both economic law and moral
law are derived from natural law. Because truth is
consistent, it follows that economics and morality are
inextricably related parts of one indivisible body of
knowledge. Because natural law regulates the affairs of men,
it is the task of both economists and philosophers to
discover the natural order and to adhere to it. There is an
intimate connection between economic science and an
objective, normative framework for understanding human life.
My new book,
Philosophers of Capitalism: Menger, Mises, Rand and Beyond,
looks to the future and to the potential interaction and
integration of Austrian Economics and Objectivism into a
logical and systematic worldview. In particular, a model is
offered that combines Misesian Austrian praxeology and
methodology, as rehabilitated by the natural-law-oriented
Rothbard, with Rand's Objectivism and the Aristotelian
philosophy of human flourishing. An attempt is made to
integrate these seemingly disparate areas of thought into a
broad natural law and natural-rights-based analytic and
normative science of liberty.