Because jawboning has achieved nothing, the Body Corporate
turns to sterner measures. The failure of the campaign of
exhortation has dampened spirits and thus stemmed the flow
of volunteers, and so the BC (on the advice of paid
consultants) hires "energy monitors" to patrol the
corridors, knock on residents' doors and admonish them to
conserve utilities. Initially, most residents politely
assure the monitors that they're doing the right thing and
indignantly insist that "the real problem" lies with other
owners. After a few months, many residents, tired of the
badgering, simply ignore the knocks. Jane, pleased that
something else is being tried, disappointed that nothing has
yet worked but secure in the knowledge at she's doing the
right thing, continues (albeit with less fervour) to
economise. Chris claims that he's always at the office and
so is never at home to hear the knocks. Further, secure in
the knowledge that nobody (least of all Chris) knows how
much he consumes, he continues to consume as much water and
energy as he damn well pleases. The average resident
complains ever more loudly about the relentlessly rising
fees, deplores the "budgetary problem" that is emerging ("we
can't afford proper communal childcare because the communal
energy bill is so high!") and demands ever more vociferously
to the Body Corporate that it "do something."
In response to the rising pitch of complaints and after much
hand wringing and some rancour, the Body Corporate
intervenes more directly in owner-occupiers' personal
affairs. The complex's Constitution is amended such that
every owner must provide a spare key to an expanded force of
energy monitors. The BC reassures residents that their
concerns about privacy are groundless because the monitors
will enter dwellings only after knocking and receiving no
reply. And besides, sneers the Body Corporate with not a
little impatience, "if you're doing the right thing then you
have nothing to fear." Jane, who has unfailingly done "the
right thing" from the start, resents the imposition and
worries what might happen in her dwelling whilst she is at
work or on holiday. And if Person X with a key can enter her
flat when she's not there, what's to prevent X (or somebody
to whom X has given her key without her knowledge) to enter
when she is there? Chris anticipates this intrusion upon his
property and takes precautions to avert it. Rather than
surrender his key, he offers to pay the monitors to leave
him and his townhouse alone. Receiving money from both Chris
and the BC, and lacking any mechanism to ascertain the
efficiency and effectiveness of their services, the monitors
are more than happy to accept his offer.
But all to no avail. Consumption and hence fees continue
remorselessly to rise, owners become desperate and so
draconian measures are eventually imposed. The Body
Corporate will issue special ID cards to owners and their
families, and hire electricians to rewire the complex such
that lights, AC, heating, etc., work only when the ID card
is swiped into a monitoring device installed inside each
dwelling. Consumption of electricity, gas, etc., will be
permitted only during certain hours decreed by the Body
Corporate; and once consumption within each dwelling reached
some specified threshold, no further energy will be supplied.
Further, owners must provide bank account details to the
Body Corporate, which will directly debit its fees every
month. If owners will not do "the right thing" voluntarily,
then the BC, in the name of "energy justice," will bloody
well force it upon them! But is this justice? Jane belatedly
realises that her home is no longer her castle: henceforth,
it is effectively her prison and the Body Corporate is her
gaol keeper. But Chris remains unaffected. Alerted well
ahead of time by friendly energy monitor contacts, who told
him all he needed to know in exchange for a generous
gratuity, he sold his townhouse and left the complex.
Note the sad state of affairs that has come to pass: the
Body Corporate saddled owners with inexorably rising
utilities fees, and now massive "infrastructure" and "social
justice" expenditures. It has also violated owners' feeling
of safety within their dwellings, and in these and other
ways it has weakened their rights as owners of private
property. It has also eroded owners' means and motive to
maintain their dwellings. Roofs, for example, fall into
disrepair because residents can less and less afford to
maintain them; and they can no longer afford this expense
not least because their BC fees have exploded. For all of
these reasons, the market prices of dwellings within this
complex fall steadily. Who wants to live in what is becoming
a ghetto of high taxes, poor services, deteriorating quality
of life and growing compulsion? What was once a pleasant
place to live is rapidly ceasing to be so. Owners belatedly
realise that they have a property rights problem their
property, after all, is disintegrating before their very
eyes but the linkage between the collective organisation
of utilities, the laws of human action and their present
woes continues to elude them.
Finally, note that all steps short of coercion and
impoverishment have failed to stem the consumption of energy
the very "problem" that originally prompted the rising
spiral of interventions! One poor policy the initial,
collective allocation of property rights to utilities has
prompted a cascading series of ever more destructive
interventionist policies. One intervention piled atop
another has inflated costs, decreased benefits, corroded
morality and shrunk liberty. Note, then, the fundamental
principle: if rights to property are collective rather than
individual, then both efficiency and justice suffer; what
begins as exhortation eventually becomes coercion; the more
compulsion, the weaker the rights to private property; and
when coercion replaces liberty, prosperity as well as
justice evaporate.
Private Property, Glorious Private
Property |
For two reasons, the results of the master-metered billing
arrangement are unjust. First, despite all the fair-sounding
rhetoric, Jane's kindness and thoughtfulness (that is, her
desire to conserve resources and minimise the costs she
"exports" to others) is penalised. Injustice also arises
because the communal arrangement enables indeed, it
encourages Chris to impose upon others the costs that
rightfully should fall upon his own shoulders. Whether he
does it consciously or not, by exploiting the communal
arrangement Chris acts selfishly. In effect, the communal
billing system pays Chris to do the morally wrong and
economically wasteful thing. That is, it behoves him to be
both spendthrift and selfish. This result generalises.
Selfishness, which most Westerners insist is the great moral
flaw of private rights to property, is actually far more
likely to arise in situations where private property either
does not exist, or where the definition and enforcement of
private rights are difficult to achieve.
To appreciate this fundamental point, let us return to our
example. This time, however, suppose that a majority of
owners quickly detect the perversities of the communal
billing system and agree to install private utility meters.
What impact are these new arrangements likely to have upon
the behaviour of Jane and other considerate people? Probably
little or none. How will these new arrangements affect these
people's spirits? Their finances? They will likely
strengthen both.
Recall that Jane strives to conserve energy. The new,
privatised arrangements reward this virtue and thereby give
her a financial incentive to continue her efforts. How so?
The amount she pays for utilities now depends upon her
actions (which she can control) and not upon others' actions
(which she can't). Given her discipline, once rights to
utilities are privatised her bills (which now accurately
reflect her consumption) are likely to fall significantly.
Every month, her relatively modest bill reminds her of (or,
like a mirror, reflects back to her) the financial benefits
of her prudence. Under these privatised billing arrangements
she reaps the positive benefits of what her conservation has
sown. Jane rejoices at her savings and the uses (e.g.,
accelerating the repayment of her mortgage, hosting of
dinner parties, undertaking face-to-face charity to the less
fortunate, etc.) to which she can apply them. As a result,
under these private billing arrangements more people will
tend to act like Jane.
What impact are these new arrangements likely to have upon
the behaviour of Chris and other utilities pigs? Probably
some and perhaps much. How will they affect their spirits?
Initially, they will likely deflate them; subsequently, they
will tend to reform them.
Recall that Chris, perhaps without realising it (how could
he? Without a personal meter he could only guess how much he
consumes) is predisposed towards ever greater energy
gluttony. The new billing arrangement punishes this vice and
thereby gives him a financial incentive to correct it. How
so? Under the new arrangement, he continues to "privatise"
the benefits of his profligacy; but he can no longer
"collectivise" their costs. Like a mirror, private rights to
property reflect both the benefits and the costs of his
gluttony back upon him. Given his indiscipline, once rights
to utilities are privatised his bills are likely to rise
considerably. Every month, these bills remind him of his
imprudence. Chris bewails the opportunity cost that now
stares him in the face: either he economises his use of
water and energy, or he tightens his belt elsewhere (i.e.,
he must spend less time at the pub, races, etc.). At last,
he must confront the negative financial consequences of his
actions. As a result, under these private billing
arrangements fewer people will act like Chris.
Imagine that Chris is once again commencing a month-long
summer holiday. This time, however, he has a much stronger
incentive to turn off his air conditioner. He knows that if
it remains running during his absence it will consume $15 of
electricity and that he will have to pay the entire amount.
If he switches off the AC, does he act selfishly? It makes
no sense to say that somebody who acts prudently thereby
acts selfishly. But suppose that Chris again decides to
leave his AC running. Perhaps his dislike of a hot townhouse
upon his return outweighs the expense it will impose upon
him. Is this selfish? It may be wasteful, but if he bears
all of his decision's consequences then how can it be
selfish? It is in this fundamental sense that the privatised
billing arrangement is fair and just. Just as Jane's reward
(namely lower bills) relates directly and proportionately to
her virtue and discipline, the penalty borne by Chris
relates directly and proportionately to his vice and
extravagance. If Chris's bank balance depletes, then we
might conclude that his decision to leave the AC running is
stupid and harms himself. But idiocy and self-harm is not
A startling to sceptics and enemies of rights to private
property result emerges from this extended example. Where
rights to property are communal, it makes sense to describe
some actions (like Jane's) as altruistic and others (like
Chris's) as selfish. But when private property supplants
communal property, it no longer makes sense to talk of
either public-spiritedness or selfishness. It is precisely
in situations where private rights to property are
imprecisely defined, or not defined at all, that selfish
acts are possible. Indeed, these situations encourage
because they reward selfishness. It is in these situations
that the individual, considering his own interests, has the
opportunity to "export" his costs to others. A selfish
person is one who takes a disproportionately large share of
some common good and leaves unreasonably small shares for
everyone else. But where all the shares have been
mutually-exclusively and exhaustively defined and are
privately owned, selfishness is no longer possible. We
may therefore turn the tables on the legions who say that if
private property "works" then it does so only because it
gives free rein to selfishness. Quite the contrary: where
private property does not exist, it is actually greed that
will be given free rein.
Accordingly, it is communal and not private property that
breeds injustice. In Summa Theologica, Thomas Aquinas
stated "the act of justice is to render what is due
Justice, properly so-called, is one special virtue, whose
object is the perfect due, which can be paid according to an
exact equivalence. But the name of justice is extended to
all cases in which something due is rendered." By ensuring
that something due is rendered such as high bills to
squanderers and low bills to conservers private property
advances justice.
The great moral blessing of private property is that it
enables people to benefit from their discipline, industry
and frugality, and also to insulate themselves from others'
sloth, recklessness and profligacy. One cannot over-emphasise
it: private property is a mirror that reflects back upon its
owner the ethical consequences of his actions. The
industrious will reap the benefits of industry, the frugal
the consequences of frugality and likewise the improvident,
slack and idle the results of these vices. People will
usually receive their due, which is to say that, as a matter
of routine, they will experience justice. Private property,
in other words, institutionalises justice. This, its
greatest moral blessing, dwarfs its many material benefits.
Democracy: The Worst Possible
"Master Meter" |
If you accept (or are at least prepared to consider) this
conclusion, then also consider two implications. First, in
Queensland (and elsewhere in Australia, Britain, Canada,
etc.) there is no "health care crisis" instead, there is a
crisis of property rights in the sense that, thanks to
idiotic Commonwealth and State governments and the stifling
collectivist orthodoxy they strive to impose, rights to
medical goods and services are insufficiently private.
Similarly, in Brisbane (and who knows how many other cities),
there is no "water problem" and there are no "traffic
problems." There are property rights problems in the sense
that you guessed it, and thanks to all three levels of
government ownership of water and roads are insufficiently
Second, and even more generally, the alleged failures of
markets are actually manifestations of the abject failures
of politicians and bureaucrats particularly their
suppression, corruption and destruction of private rights to
property. When the crowd chants "market failure," in other
words, think "government failure." As a piθce de
rιsistance of this line of reasoning, consider a
government's budget. With our "meter" example in mind, this
budget can be regarded as a communal pool of money that is
replenished every year with the property (namely the money)
that is looted from the government's subjects. Gathered
around this communal pool, like wolves circling a terrified
lamb or bullies tormenting a shy schoolboy, are politicians.
They are powerful because as a group they claim the right to
siphon money from the pool. Note that the stronger the
pollies' "siphoning rights," the more precarious are
individuals' rights to private property. Each year
politicians drain the pool, keep some of the proceeds for
themselves, dispense some to their bureaucrats and their
poodles such as academics, and channel the rest to favoured
recipients in their constituencies. Party labels are
irrelevant because politicians' squabbles about the extent
and nature of the siphoning are trivial, and their
agreement-in-principle about the necessity of siphoning is
deep and unshakeable.
Notice that government expenditure rises remorselessly for
exactly the same reason that utility consumption rises
inexorably in "master metered" complexes. Democracy in
Australia and elsewhere is "master metered" because
taxpayers, much like residents of the complex in our
original example, pay "Body Corporate fees" at the same
rate. The Commonwealth Tax Act is uniform across the
country, and so too its counterparts in other countries.
This communal arrangement encourages taxpayers and hence
politicians to behave like pigs that is, to drain the
annual pool as quickly as they can, and to siphon from the
pool more than they contribute to it. As in the complex's
Body Corporate, so too in the parliament: given these
communal incentives, a coalition of pigs inescapably emerges,
and rising costs, injustice and poverty inevitably result.
What is the solution? Is there a political equivalent to
individual utility meters within a residential complex? As a
modest beginning, why not begin by amending the tax code so
that taxes within each constituency adjust up or down
according to the amount that its Member of Parliament votes
to spend? With one "meter" per constituency, profligate MPs
would then impose a heavy burden of taxation upon their
constituents, and frugal ones a light burden. But why stop
there? Why not extend this idea to its logical conclusion?
Why not reduce the size of parliamentary constituencies so
that each voter can exert a decisive influence upon which
candidate is elected, and so that the actions of MPs conform
perfectly to their constituents' desires? Why not reduce the
size of "constituencies" to one person (or one household,
couple or family), such that each person or head of family
is effectively his own MP, raises and spends his own "taxes"
and thus reaps the maximum benefit and incurs the maximum
cost of his own decisions? Where each man is his own MP, all
communal meters are abandoned and each person or family pays
for what it consumes in the free market. So forget the
lunacy of "one man, one vote" one meter per man (or couple
or family) is the way to go!
Why not, in other words, shut the stupid parliament, dismiss
the evil politicians, extend self-government to its logical
limit and return private property to its rightful place at
the centre of civilisation? But back to the real world: it
is safe to predict that, just as Chris and his coalition of
energy pigs scuttled the privatisation of the Body
Corporate's utility meters, today's political pigs and their
legions of selfish mascots will thwart this "ultimate
privatisation." Their grounds will be equally emotive,
irrelevant, groundless and idiotic; and their results will
be just as harmful to liberty, justice, peace and prosperity.
The sobering reality is that, as H.L. Mencken cautioned,
politicians' "urge to save humanity is almost always a false
front for the urge to rule." Today, we face a real and
growing threat to civilisation. But it does not lie abroad:
it exists right here at home. Tyranny seldom emerges
suddenly. Typically, it waxes gradually and in direct
proportion to the waning respect accorded to private
property. All politicians promise that they will be good
masters, but make no mistake: they intend first and foremost
to be masters.
Today, in most Western countries the portents are clear. And
the warning of John T. Flynn, uttered in 1944, has stood the
test of time so well that it now sounds prophetic. His
vision of the future is a mass and hence much more
frightening version of our Body Corporate gone mad. "Fascism,"
he said in 1944, "will come at the hands of perfectly
authentic Americans who have been working to commit this
country to the rule of the bureaucratic state; interfering
in the affairs of the states and cities; taking part in the
management of industry and finance and agriculture; assuming
the role of great national banker and investor, borrowing
billions every year and spending them on all sorts of
projects through which such a government can paralyse
opposition and command public support; marshalling great
armies and navies at crushing costs to support the industry
of war and preparation for war which will become our
nation's greatest industry; and adding to all this the most
romantic adventures in global planning, regeneration, and
domination all to be done under the authority of a
powerfully centralised government in which the executive
will hold in effect all the powers, with Congress reduced to
the role of a debating society."
Chris, ever alert to his self interest and entertaining few
illusions about his rulers, will structure his affairs such
that they mitigate the worst of these effects. But Jane, who
has largely succumbed to the
Stockholm Syndrome and thus regards her rulers as
protectors rather than predators, may not be so fortunate.