Bills that are rushed through Congress under duress are never
studied enough, providing too tempting an opportunity to quietly
slip in unrelated provisions that erode freedoms in ways that
would never pass as a stand-alone bill. We famously saw this
with the PATRIOT Act, but Washington learned nothing from
The current housing crisis and the corresponding big government
fix are another prime example. First of all, the so-called
solution will actually make the problem worse. The problem stems
from easy credit and a rush to flood the housing and mortgage
markets with money.
Relaxed or non-existent
lending standards led many into mortgages and houses they could
not afford. As more foreclosures hit, the lending institutions
will continue collapsing like dominoes under the weight of all
the bad paper they underwrote. Some are reacting and
reintroducing lending standards. Thus the number of buyers in
the market for homes is beginning to shrink back to its natural
size, and hyper-inflated prices are falling back down to earth.
In these ways, the market
is trying to correct itself in the wake of the mistakes
government intervention encouraged them to make through easy
credit. However, this correction is causing pain, especially to
Wall Street investors and those who bought homes at the top of
the market bubble, never expecting it to crash, always assuming
they would easily be able to refinance.