Dynamists vs. Stasists: Virginia Postrel's The Future and
Its Enemies,
15 Years Later |
Fifteen years ago, in 1998, Le Québécois Libre was launched by
Martin Masse and Gilles Guénette. I did not know them at the time. I was
finishing up my bachelor’s degree that year, and only met them seven
years later, in 2005, shortly after submitting my first article to them.
I quickly became a regular contributor, and three years after that, in
2008, English Editor. To date, I have written 64 articles and reviews
for the QL, along with 34 shorter Illiberal Beliefs, and a
handful of blog entries in French. I’m proud of this work, and proud to
have been a part of this web magazine for the past eight years, and I
look forward to many more.
For this 15th anniversary edition, then, I thought I would
look back at a book that was published way back in 1998. I did a little
sleuthing and found an excellent one in my library, one that
appropriately enough has its gaze firmly fixed forward:
Postrel’s The Future and Its Enemies: The Growing Conflict Over
Creativity, Enterprise, and Progress. On one level, Postrel’s book
is a celebration of the technological wonders of the modern world. She
writes eloquently about the benefits of everything from biotechnology to
computers, from tampons to contact lenses. But on a deeper level, she is
celebrating the creativity and enterprise that generate open-ended,
unpredictable progress—and warning us against those who would stifle it
or stop it altogether.
Pro vs. Con
Postrel refers to those who embrace the idea of an open-ended future as
“dynamists.” Although they are a diverse group and certainly not a
proper coalition, dynamists “share beliefs in spontaneous order, in
experiments and feedback, in evolved solutions to complex problems, in
the limits of centralized knowledge, and in the possibilities of
progress.” While many libertarians will recognize themselves in such
attitudes (Postrel herself was the editor of the libertarian Reason
magazine from July 1989 to January 2000), so will others who consider
themselves progressives, liberals, or conservatives, or who are frankly
apolitical. Dynamism is a broad category, and it cuts across party
So, too, is its opposite. People who are opposed to the idea of an
open-ended future, Postrel dubs “stasists,” and they in turn fall into
two broad subcategories: “reactionaries, whose central value is
stability, and technocrats, whose central value is control.”
Certain types of conservatives who long for the way they imagine the
world to have been in the 1950s (or the 1850s) are examples of reactionaries, but so
are certain environmentalists who long for the way they imagine the
world to have been before the Industrial Revolution, or before
agriculture, or before man. Technocrats, for their part, do not want to
stop or reverse change; they just want to tame it, to bring it under
centralized, expert control by subsidizing and regulating businesses,
controlling international trade and immigration, and requiring their
stamp of approval before anything new can be allowed to flourish.
“If technology has not stopped evolving, the dynamist coalition
Postrel envisioned to defend the future does not yet appear to have
become a significant player on the political scene. Part of the reason
is surely the 2001 destruction of the World Trade Centre in New York.” |
In countering reactionaries, dynamists need to emphasize the great
benefits that have accrued to humankind from things like penicillin,
modern dentistry, and electric motors, which have eliminated many early
deaths and much pain and backbreaking toil. In responding to the siren
call of technocrats, dynamists need to explain why the future cannot be
effectively controlled without crippling it, that in order for there to
be much technological innovation and material progress, people need the
freedom to experiment.
Reactionaries, says Postrel, used to be opposed to technocrats, but now
“they attack dynamism, often in alliance with their former adversaries.”
In response, one of her tacks is to celebrate dynamism as being, in
fact, more truly natural than either stability or centralized control.
She also cleverly counters the charge that people who value freedom are
“atomistic” by pointing out that atoms are rarely found alone in nature;
they form molecular bonds, and free people form social bonds without
having to be coerced into doing so. In closing, she calls on dynamists
to start seeing themselves as a real coalition, a coalition not based
primarily on fear or self-interest, but rather “bound by love: love of
knowledge, love of exploration, love of adventure, and, just as much,
love of small dreams, of the textures of life.”
The World Today
A lot can change in fifteen years. In celebrating the gradual
development of contact lenses through the messy, undirected process of
trial and error, Postrel imagines what the future of this technology
might be: “Someday we may expect our contact lenses to function as
computer screens and navigation guides, to see infrared or enhance night
vision. Or we may displace them altogether with laser surgery or other
procedures, as yet undiscovered.” Laser eye surgery, which was still
very new in 1998, has more than come into its own in 2013, as my friend
and QL colleague Adam Allouba personally
experienced just
But if technology has not stopped evolving, the dynamist coalition
Postrel envisioned to defend the future does not yet appear to have
become a significant player on the political scene. Part of the reason
is surely the 2001 destruction of the World Trade Centre in New York,
which breathed new life into old Cold War, hawk-dove political divisions
that had up until then been fading, and thereby forestalled any
restructuring along dynamist-stasist lines. It also gave technocratic
peddlers of fear on the right another excuse to exert more centralized
control, as the 2008 financial crisis did for technocratic peddlers of
fear on the left.
Part of the challenge for libertarians has been to show that both of
these traumatic events were failures of rigid, centralized, bureaucratic
control—and that flexible, spontaneous order can do better. Hopefully,
given the work we do here at Le Québécois Libre, and the work
done by Postrel and many others around the world, in another fifteen
years, the kinds of lessons contained in The Future and Its Enemies
will be more widely appreciated, and that dynamist coalition for an
open-ended future will be a burgeoning reality.
From the same author |
No Vapour For You! Canada's Ban on Smokeless
Electronic Cigarettes
307 – January 15, 2013)
The 2012 US Election and the War
on (Some) Drugs
305 – November 15, 2012)
What Makes a Good President? A Review of Ivan Eland's
Recarving Rushmor
304 – October 15, 2012)
I’ve Got Olympic Fever—And the
Only Cure Is More Nationalism!
302 – August 15, 2012)
More of Everything for Everyone
301 – June 15, 2012)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.