The Quest for Feasible Postal Services |
There was a time long ago
when few people in the general population could read or write. In many
parts of the ancient world, religious teachings and other historical
information was transferred to younger generations through the spoken
word. The few members of the younger generation who were entrusted with
such information were required to be able to repeat it almost
word-for-word to members of the older generation, to provide proof that
the information had been accurately recorded.
The advent of trade
involved the movement of goods by water transport or over land assisted
by animals. Trade required some knowledge of symbols that represented
numbers and quantities of goods, and symbols that denoted specific
objects. When traders were unable to be physically present at multiple
distant locations within a short duration of time, agents would
represent them. While a trader could send an agent on an extended
journey, it cost far less to send some form of communication recorded on
a piece of cloth and eventually on paper.
The early form of airmail
involved trading boats carrying homing pigeons to distant locations. At
a distant location, a written message on paper could be attached to a
pigeon that was then set free. Within a few days or a few weeks, the
pigeon returned to the home of its owner with the message. The
development of the printing press created a demand for instructors who
could teach the skills of reading and writing to a large population,
while the industrial revolution greatly increased the demand for people
who could read, write and understand numbers.
As the ability to read and
write increased among various populations, people at distant locations
sought low-cost methods by which to communicate, by sending written
messages on pieces of paper. Private entrepreneurs initially attracted
large numbers of customers by offering to carry their written messages
at much lower cost than the cost of a ticket to travel aboard a boat or
a stagecoach. Colonial governments nationalized such services by
establishing post offices that owned, operated or rented a variety of
transportation vehicles to carry letter mail across vast distances at
relatively low prices. There were mail ships and post office carriages
on railway trains.
Then private entrepreneurs
connected to the evolving world of electricity and developed a method by
which to transmit messages over vast distances using electric cables.
Several private companies, including the railways that installed
electric cables on poles along their railway lines, began to offer
telegraph services. They employed telegraph delivery personnel in most
main cities, who carried telegrams to recipients either on foot or by
bicycle. In some countries, governments nationalized both the railways
and the telegraph services and transferred telegraph operations to post
“The advent of new
telecommunications technology in the form of e-mail, Facebook, Twitter
and Skype has challenged the supremacy of government post offices that
are now operating at a deficit.” |
The advent of new
telecommunications technology in the form of e-mail, Facebook, Twitter
and Skype has challenged the supremacy of government post offices that
are now operating at a deficit. The Internet has become a ‘disruptive
technology’ that has prompted governments in many nations to now seek
methods by which to feasibly offer services that involve the delivery of
letter mail. While numerous private companies such as Purolater and
Fedex offer viable parcel carrying services, state regulation protects
the government monopoly on letter delivery.
The US Post Office earns a
large percentage of its revenue from delivering ‘junk mail’ flyers that
may also be included in traditional newspapers and also in
advertiser-paid community newspapers that are distributed free of
charge. In many cities, traditional newspapers have stopped printing as
a result of declining readership and competition from the fact of news
being readily available on many Internet sites. In Canada, the
management of Canada Post has announced plans to review their ‘business’
to seek ways by which to more feasibly offer their services.
Governments are reluctant
to privatize letter-delivery postal services, mainly for political
reasons. Over a period of many decades, the Government of Canada was
reluctant to privatize railway freight and reluctant to end the monopoly
of the Canadian Wheat Board. Advances in the world of electronic
telecommunications have presented government post office services with a
decentralized competition that “they never saw coming.” Government
regulation that forbade parcel courier companies from carrying letter
mail has not assured the viability of government-owned post office
Private courier and parcel
delivery companies could carry letter mail aboard their airplanes and
trucks. They already deliver parcels to the premises of the recipients,
paid for by the sender, and could deliver pre-sorted containers of
letter mail to a variety of decentralized distribution centers located
in large and small towns. Many paid-subscription newspapers and
advertiser-paid community newspapers provide home delivery and they
often include flyers with their delivery. With some minor modifications,
it might be feasible to combine home delivery of newspapers and some
forms of letter mail.
It is very unlikely that a
government-owned postal service could develop a business plan that
involves the viable delivery of letter mail at low cost. Over the short
term, the post office may incur cost savings by reducing the frequency
of mail delivery and make greater use of community postal delivery boxes
or postal boxes at retail outlets. Over the longer term, post office
services can be expected to decline and languish for several years,
perhaps eventually delivering letter mail once or twice per week as
politicians oppose any suggestion of private delivery of letter mail.
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University and College Graduates Seeking Professional
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Idle No More and the Destruction of Canada's First
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Water Fluoridation and the Tyranny of Forcible
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The Benefits of Private Initiative During Times of
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Governmental Undermining of Spirituality and
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First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.