State, Society, and School-Related Teen Rape Cases |
Earlier this month, the Prime Minister of Canada expressed shock and
dismay over the alleged gang rape and suicide of a teenage girl in Nova
Scotia, Rehtaeh Parsons. This is not the first case of its kind to have occurred
involving teenage boys and a girl at a party where alcohol was served.
The events that surround this case make several statements about the
society in which we live and the manner in which our society is
governed. In the USA, a group of teenage boys who were members of a high
school football team raped an inebriated teenage girl and were
prosecuted for their offence.
About a decade ago, a gang rape occurred in Johannesburg, South Africa
and police apprehended the gang. While in prison, each gang member was
interviewed individually and asked about their feeling during the rape.
Each reported having felt dirty, degraded and ashamed of having
performed the deed, not even enjoying the act. When asked to explain
their participation in the attack on a defenseless woman, each answered,
“to look good in front of their friends who were watching!” Their
friends were present and cheered them on as each took his turn
committing the violation.
India recently witnessed two high profile cases of gang rape, where
women were sober and accompanied by a trusted male companion whom the
gangs assaulted. The rapists in India and South Africa lived in
societies where social norms and government policy bestowed privileges
on some citizens that were denied to other citizens. India had for ages
observed a caste system, while during an earlier era, South Africa
enforced racial segregation. Perhaps it is ironic that the rapists were
from the lower social strata and may have seen themselves as having been
oppressed, even powerless before social and political norms.
Lack of Role Models
In his landmark treatise entitled Man and His Symbols, Dr. Karl
Gustav Jung advised that early societies recognized the need of older
boys and young men “to prove themselves,” and provided a series of
challenges or rites of initiation for them to achieve such ends. Success
meant recognition, validation, acknowledgment and status from their
peers and also from their community or society. Jung cautioned that
societies that fail to provide appropriate and challenging rites of
passage for adolescent males to “prove themselves” may lead groups of
boys to devise their own alternative rites of passage to gain
acceptance, recognition and validation from their peers.
Psychologists Drs. Sam Osherson and Barry Gordon have suggested that
younger boys may be hard-wired to seek acceptance, approval and
validation from older males who become their role models. The behaviour
of an adult male role model in the early lives of young boys serves as a
guide to appropriate and acceptable behaviour in the family, community
and society. In emotionally healthy families, boys learn by example from
older, more mature adult male role models when it comes to appropriate
interaction with women, including matters that pertain to the emotional
and physical aspects of intimacy and sexuality.
“In emotionally healthy families, boys learn by example from
older, more mature adult male role models when it comes to appropriate
interaction with women, including matters that pertain to the emotional
and physical aspects of intimacy and sexuality.” |
In some cases and some countries, school systems have been able to provide
appropriate adult male role models in the lives of young boys from
single-parent, mother-only homes. Male teachers are placed in charge of
boys’ classes. But such practices are rare outside the private school
system. Perhaps to enforce a policy that promotes opportunities for
women, state-run school systems train and hire more women than men as
teachers. In many districts, school systems seem to have become more
pro-girl, even at the expense of boys, many of whom may live in
fatherless homes.
Desperately Seeking Status
Incidents involving groups of teenage boys having raped a teenage girl,
recorded the event and posted it on social media suggests that they were
seeking status and recognition from their peers. Their behaviour may be
a symptom of a problem in a society where state social and welfare
policy undermines traditional family values and the role of religion and
spiritual guidance in the lives of the younger generation. The teenage
gang members were all products of a state-created socio-economic
environment that may initially have had noble intentions with regard to
the family, but have had the exact opposite effect.
In two high profile cases that gained news media attention, girls were
alleged to have been inebriated during the assault. In a third high
profile case from California, the girl was sober when a group of three
teenage boys overpowered her. In all three cases, the gangs of boys
targeted a seemingly weaker person whom they could easily overpower in
order to fulfill some urge. They recorded the events to gain the
attention of their peers who then targeted the victim of the assault for
further emotional bullying, perhaps to exert power over the girl or to
gain status, acceptance and approval from their peers in turn.
The news media has reported several incidents of teen targets being
bullied to the point of suicide. A related news documentary reported on
teachers who resigned as a result of being repeatedly taunted and
bullied by students who ultimately achieved recognition and
acknowledgement from their peers as a result. Another news report showed
a mass gathering of teens attending an initiation ceremony during which
teens willingly degraded themselves to gain the acceptance of a peer
group. When parents were away, some teens either hosted parties or
“crashed” into the home of another teen’s absent parents, then trashed
the home.
The rape and suicide of Rehtaeh Parsons may be the tip of the iceberg of
problems involving a segment of the teen population. One factor these
cases have in common is compulsory attendance at state run “educational”
institutions that may operate like prisons, robbing them of the joy of
learning and numbing their minds with often irrelevant and useless
information. The unmet emotional needs of a significant percentage of
the teen population may be propelling them to seek acknowledgement,
acceptance, validation, approval and recognition from peers, perhaps the
unintended result of state policy aimed at undermining the traditional
State officials have previously attempted to address the problem of
school-related bullying with zero-tolerance policies. Several star
students were suspended for such infractions as having a plastic butter
knife in their lunch boxes. Bullies also learned how to manipulate the
system to their advantage, with bullying targets being suspended from
school. While elected officials express concern over recent tragic
incidents of teen bullying, they may be reluctant to address the root
cause of the problem: failed state policy developed and implemented at
an earlier time.
From the same author |
The Ongoing Saga of State-Subsidized Entrepreneurship
309 – March 15, 2013)
The Quest for Feasible Postal Services
309 – March 15, 2013)
University and College Graduates Seeking Professional
308 – February 15, 2013)
Idle No More and the Destruction of Canada's First
307 – January 15, 2013)
Water Fluoridation and the Tyranny of Forcible
307 – January 15, 2013)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.