Phone-y competition in Canada's wireless sector* |
Nobody should be surprised to have learned in recent days that three
of Canada’s small wireless companies – Wind Mobile, Mobilicity and
Public Mobile – are now for sale and may soon disappear as
independent players. The federal government’s attempts at
artificially creating more competition in this market were never
based on a realistic assessment of the Canadian market, or on sound
economic theory.
It all started in 2008, when Ottawa set aside for new wireless
players part of the spectrum being auctioned off that year, and
forced existing carriers to open their networks and share their
transmission towers with the new entrants.
I wrote at the time in this page that this amounted to a subsidy
to new entrants and would distort the allocation of resources in
this market.
We simply don’t know the optimal number of wireless networks in a
market like Canada’s. Market forces (including an unbiased spectrum
auction that reproduces market rules as much as possible) are
supposed to determine this.
In theory, more competition is a good thing. It forces players to
lower their prices and to offer better services to attract clients.
But how many more players should we have, in addition to the big
three? Would we be better off with one more wireless network, three,
Such networks cost billions of dollars to set up from coast to coast.
Obviously, at some point, it becomes wasteful to add another one and
it’s better for society if these resources are spent elsewhere.
We had seen earlier in the decade how difficult it was for smaller
players to remain viable. Clearnet was bought out by Telus in 2000
and, after seeking bankruptcy protection in 2003, Microcell was
taken over by Rogers in 2004.
It is true that among the recent new entrants, Videotron in Quebec
and EastLink in Atlantic Canada have been able to establish a
foothold. They have a loyal local customer base in their regional
markets and they can offer packages of cable telephone services,
broadband Internet access, and digital television in addition to
wireless telephone services. In the West however, Shaw decided that
it could not make a decent return on invested funds and has been
sitting on its spectrum ever since.
“We find it ridiculous nowadays when we think that the federal
government tried for years to keep mines open by subsidizing the
coal mining industry on Cape Breton Island. Didn't it realize back
then that you could not ignore markets and prevent economic
transformation?” |
I was working on the telecom file as a policy advisor to then
Industry Minister Maxime Bernier in 2007. The consensus view in the
minister's office was to open the sector entirely to foreign
investors and set up the coming spectrum auction so as to have a
level-playing field, without a set-aside for new entrants. With no
more barriers to the entry of foreign players with deep pockets, but
also no advantages given to potential new entrants, we could then
have seen if the market was ready to support a fourth national
Opening the market meant amending the Telecommunications Act. Since
the government was then in a minority, it needed the support of one
of the opposition parties. The minister had been talking to some of
his counterparts and believed he could make a deal on this issue.
However, Industry Canada's senior bureaucrats opposed the plan.
There was also strong lobbying against one or the other of these
policies by some influential industry players. When Bernier was
shifted to Foreign Affairs in August and replaced by Jim Prentice,
it was clear that the supporters of more government meddling in the
industry had won. Prentice announced the 2008 auction rules with a
set-aside a few months later.
So, instead of real competition, what we've had since then is
constant attempts by Industry Canada to artificially foster a phony
type of competition with repeated interventions.
The market was belatedly opened to foreign investment in 2012, but
only for companies that have less than 10% market share. Current
Industry Minister Christian Paradis also announced last year that
the government would cap the amount of spectrum any one party will
be able to purchase in another spectrum auction to be held this
autumn, again explicitly in order to favour new competitors.
And now, we hear that the minister is considering taking more
measures to block Rogers, Bell and Telus from acquiring spectrum
from the small players or the unused spectrum from Shaw.
Hundreds of millions of dollars will have been wasted in this futile
attempt to create, foster, and then reanimate the clinically dead
new entrants. The major carriers will have had roadblocks put in
front of them as they try to improve their services and answer their
customers' demand for more bandwidth, thus actually reducing real
competition and achieving the opposite of what was intended.
And let's not forget that all these policies could become obsolete
in a couple of years if a new technological breakthrough radically
alters the industry. What a waste of resources!
We find it ridiculous nowadays when we think that the federal
government tried for years to keep mines open by subsidizing the
coal mining industry on Cape Breton Island. Didn't it realize back
then that you could not ignore markets and prevent economic
The industries, policies and the buzzwords may have changed
somewhat. But this government's telecom policy shows that wasteful
and pigheaded interventionism is as popular as ever in Ottawa.
first published in the National Post on April 22, 2013.
From the same author |
Is More Business Investment Going to Get Us Out of
the Crisis?
310 – April 15 2013)
Quinze années de crise, quinze années de progrès
308 – 15 février 2013)
Milton Friedman aurait-il eu les bons réflexes face à
la crise économique?
297 – 15 février 2012)
La balloune Legault se dégonfle
287 – 15 mars 2011)
Conservateur? Libertarien? Néolibéral de droite?
287 – 15 mars 2011)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.