The Folly of Rent Control (or, Bad Ideas Never Die) |
The onward march of progress may not be constant, but it is both
inevitable and irreversible. After all, what becomes known can never be
unknown. Or so I thought until I saw a recent Toronto Star piece
entitled “Condo
renters pay hefty price for downtown living” decrying the fact that
Ontario’s rent control laws only apply to buildings occupied before
November 1, 1991. Given Toronto’s ongoing condo boom, a vast number of
apartments across the city therefore fall outside the law’s reach. The
story’s heroine is a woman whose landlord sought a $150/month rent
increase (almost 10%). Kerri McAllister declared herself and her friends
“shocked … to find out that we are powerless.” Naturally, the solution
is to close this “loophole” by subjecting newer units to the same
controls as older apartments.
What astonishes me is that rent control has long been quite literally
the textbook example of why price controls are a terrible idea. Last
year, only one member
on a panel
of 42 economists agreed that limiting rent increases has “a positive
impact … on the amount and quality of broadly affordable rental housing.”
In 1992, over 93% of economists agreed that “a
ceiling on rents reduces the quality and quantity of housing available.”
The (communist) Vietnamese foreign minister told an Indian audience in
1989 that “the Americans couldn’t destroy Hanoi, but we have destroyed
our city by very low rents. We realized it was stupid and that we must
change policy.” And (socialist) economist Assar Lindbeck stated in 1972
that “rent control appears to be the most efficient technique presently
known to destroy a city – except for bombing.”
The Problem
So what, exactly, is wrong with rent control? As any introductory
economics textbook will explain, forcing prices to below-market levels
causes a wide range of problems, including fewer new housing units being
built, less maintenance on existing ones and landlords picking tenants
not for their ability to pay rent, but instead based on anything from
race or religion to personal connections to
flat-out bribes.
That’s the theory, but what about the real world? Take
cited by Paul Krugman:
a 2000 New York Times article
about the difficulty of finding an apartment in San Francisco. A vacancy
rate below 1% leads to months of fruitless searching, with one woman
claiming to spend “at least six hours a day, six days a week looking.”
An available unit draws up to 80 applicants who attend open houses with
“resumes detailing their credit and job history, credit reports and
references.” They dress professionally and agents advise them to “show
enthusiasm” for the apartment. Prospective tenants offer to pay for new
floors or to renovate the bathroom; one landlord was offered $5,000 to
hold an as-yet unadvertised vacancy. Without knowing anything about San
Francisco’s housing market, to Krugman the cause of the problem was
“immediately obvious … a technology-fueled housing boom has collided
with a draconian rent-control law.”
On the opposite coast, New York City still has
about 40,000
units with frozen rents. Unsurprisingly, absurd stories abound. There is
the five-bedroom house in Brooklyn
for $1,040
per month and the three-bedroom apartment nearby for $76 per month; the
1,200 square-foot apartment in Greenwich Village
for $330
a month; the 750 square-foot unit in Brooklyn for $63 a month; and the
the adjoining apartments
in SoHo for $55 and $77 per month (apartments that would fetch about
$2,500 a month each on the open market). And thanks to
the succession rights
that can allow family members to “inherit” the controlled price, these
amounts will grow only more ludicrous over time. The law gives landlords
every incentive to find a way,
however ugly, to evict their tenants, while giving new tenants every
incentive to find a way,
however convoluted, to inherit the low rent.
As for the bigger picture, a
comprehensive literature review
found that rent controls cause tenants to keep the same apartment far
longer than they otherwise would – up to 18 years according to
one study. Among other problems, this reduced mobility causes longer
commutes and therefore lower quality of life and higher fuel consumption.
Rent controls also appear to discourage low-level maintenance, encourage
condo conversions (diminishing the supply of rental stock), lead to
higher rents in uncontrolled units as landlords try to recoup lost
revenues, actually increase segregation, and seem to have no
effect on homelessness. The author concluded that “economic research
quite consistently and predominantly frowns on rent control,” calling it
a “no-brainer.”
“Numerous studies found that
the benefits of rent controls were in no way targeted to
those in need; a household benefiting from rent control was
just as likely to be well off as to be in genuine need of
assistance.” |
Given the overwhelming evidence against “hard” rent controls, over time
governments have moved to a “soft” version that relies on controlled
increases rather than an outright freeze.
In Quebec, for example, tenants can challenge rent increases before
the rental board, which will require the landlord to justify the
difference. Under New York City’s “rent
stabilization” rules that cover
about one million
homes, each year the rental board decrees a maximum percentage increase.
While there are countless ways to implement such a scheme, ultimately,
the greater the distortion of the free market (in other words, the
bigger the difference the regulations actually make in the real world),
the more likely it will lead to the problems described above.
Even less intrusive schemes can deter investors due to the threat of
future restrictions. Indeed, in response to the Toronto Star
article, an NDP legislator described the lack of controls for post-1991
occupancies as “clearly
a loophole that was overlooked by this government.” Of course, it
was no such thing, but rather
a deliberate choice
to avoid creating disincentives to building new rental units. When
considering a new project, any sensible developer will weigh the risk
that political pressure will give rise to new limits on what it can
charge future tenants.
So What Gives?
According to the meta-study mentioned above, as of 2001 there were 140
jurisdictions in the US alone with rent controls of some kind. And as
reflected by the mini-campaign in its favour run by Canada’s largest
newspaper, rent control is far from dead. So why does such a bad idea
persist? In two words: political pressure. Like all government
distortions of the economy, rent control creates numerous losers –
primarily landlords and aspiring tenants shut out of the rental market –
but also a few winners: lucky tenants who benefit from lower rents.
Sure, the paint might be peeling, your commute longer and the landlord
conniving to evict you, but you can’t argue with $55 a month in lower
Manhattan (an admittedly extreme example).
But even the winners may not benefit as much as they think. One analysis
cited in the literature review found that new tenants in New York’s
rent-stabilized units actually started off paying more than those
in uncontrolled units. Why? “Tenants forgo low current rent in exchange
for low future rent … the system simply altered the timing of payment
rather than the total cost of rent.” Moreover, numerous studies found
that the benefits of rent controls were in no way targeted to those in
need; a household benefiting from rent control was just as likely to be
well off as to be in genuine need of assistance. And efforts to
means-test such controls
are denounced
on the grounds that landlords will then rent only to the wealthy.
It’s Not Just Rent
While rent control in particular get a lot of attention, it’s important
to remember that no attempts to fix price ceilings ever end well. When
the US government responded to the 1973 Arab oil embargo by imposing a
maximum price for gasoline, shortages and then
quickly ensued. California’s
price caps
on electricity were so clearly responsible for its rolling blackouts a
decade ago that then-governor Gray Davis lamented, “if
I wanted to raise rates I could have solved this problem in 20 minutes.”
And Venezuela’s myriad price controls, consisting of
over 500,000
edicts enacted under Orwellian-sounding Law on Fair Costs and Prices,
have produced chronic shortages of
just about everything
and provide a vivid example of what happens when government fixes the
price of everything
from food
to drugs
to cement
to consumer goods
and, yes,
Given the
thousands of years
worth of evidence that governments cannot simply repeal the laws of
supply and demand, any endorsement of price controls today epitomizes
the triumph of hope over experience. One of history’s best-known
examples of price controls dates back to the year 301 and the Roman
Emperor Diocletian’s
Edict on Maximum Prices, the disastrous effects of which were
vividly described
at the time:
Much blood was shed for the veriest trifles; men were afraid to expose
aught to sale, and the scarcity became more excessive and grievous than
ever, until, in the end, the ordinance, after having proved destructive
to multitudes, was from mere necessity abrogated.
The Solution
The desire to help “the little guy” is a normal one, and is especially
understandable when he is pitted against some of society’s archetypal
villains: landlords, property developers and big corporations. But rent
control is one of the worst ways to go about it. If we must help people
through government coercion, simply giving them money from the public
purse is a much less economically destructive approach. However, it is
best by far to simply allow market forces to operate unimpeded. When
rent levels are determined by supply and demand, landlords have every
incentive to attract tenants by ensuring that their units are appealing,
while property developers have every reason to seek profits by building
new units in a variety of price ranges once supply becomes tight. And of
course such an approach has the added benefit of respecting property
rights rather than telling owners what they can and can’t do with their
own buildings.
Some might think that an inherent power imbalance exists between
landlords and tenants, one that makes the rental market intrinsically
unfair. As any landlord will tell you, however, a good tenant – clean,
quiet, reasonable and solvent – is priceless. Quite contrary to Kerri
McAllister’s claims, renters in an uncontrolled market are far from
“powerless.” As in any free market, if they are unhappy with what is on
offer, then they can simply take their business elsewhere. That dynamic,
more than anything the state could ever do, is the best guarantor of a
fair and efficient rental market. |
From the same author |
Ten Years On: A Look Back at the Iraq War
310 – April 15, 2013)
The Education of Quebec: The Perils of Public Funding
309 – March 15, 2013)
I Can See Clearly Now: A Tale of Two Clinics
308 – February 15, 2013)
Defending the Undefendable? Canada's Ban on Polygamy
295 – December 15, 2011)
The Wheat Board: Farewell to a Wartime Relic
294 – November 15, 2011)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.