In the Face of Universal Surveillance: PRISM and the Litmus
Test for Liberty |
Ladies and gentlemen, most
of what you do using the Internet or your phone is being
tracked by the National Security Agency via its
PRISM surveillance program. If you thought you
could take measures to escape such monitoring, it is too
late; the program has been operating, clandestinely,
since 2007. It took the heroic courage of
Edward Snowden, a former CIA and Booz Allen Hamilton
employee with access to information about the full
depths of this travesty, to reveal this astoundingly
invasive operation to us six years later. Snowden has –
at the risk of his own comfort, his income, his freedom,
and possibly his life – given us the invaluable
knowledge that the world is quite unlike what most of us
thought it to be. Glenn Greenwald, the perceptive
Guardian journalist and long-time defender of civil
liberties, is also a champion of human freedom, dignity,
and justice, because of his outstanding work in
publicizing these abuses before a worldwide audience.
Even I – despite my strong
libertarian convictions and considerable skepticism of
centralized authority – could not have imagined that
virtually all of the large technology companies to whom
I had entrusted large amounts of my personal information
– Google, Facebook, Skype, Microsoft, YouTube – were
participants in the surveillance, enabling the NSA to
build covert backdoors into their systems to steal the
most confidential possible personal information. From
e-mails, to search histories, to credit-card
transactions – all of this is within the NSA’s reach;
all of this could be used to destroy the reputation and
life of anyone suspected of being a threat. It is only
by the mercy, or the oversight, or the higher priorities,
of our political masters that any of us retain vestiges
of the freedom we think we have.
Upon finding out about the
massive scope of this surveillance, I struggled to
figure out what I could do to regain any expectation of
privacy that I had even a week ago. If only one or two
private companies had “partnered” with the NSA to
facilitate the indiscriminate monitoring and data
collection, it might have been possible, with a few
judicious restructurings of one’s habits, to avoid any
services of those companies. But it seems that almost
all of the major players on the Internet – the ones into
whose hands hundreds of millions of us voluntarily (and,
in retrospect, foolishly) entrusted vast amounts of
personal data – are participants. Apart from taking the
drastic (and, in many respects, self-undermining) step
of ceasing to use most of the tools of the Internet and
mobile technology altogether, one can do very little
right away to insulate oneself from the surveillance,
and even if such insulation were possible, the data
already collected by the NSA are a sunk cost. It is not
clear whether these companies chose to involve
themselves in PRISM voluntarily, or whether they were
browbeaten into it by the NSA and the Obama
administration, as a price they needed to pay for being
allowed to remain successful and relatively unhampered
by politically motivated persecution. The companies are
certainly not helping their case by denying all
knowledge of their evident involvement in PRISM, using
near-identical phrasing (composed by whom, I
wonder?) which only prevents them from explaining any
elements of their participation which might have been
While it would have been
supremely satisfying for me to simply disassociate
myself from any of the companies implicated in the PRISM
surveillance, they are, at present, embedded too deeply
into the fabric of our lives. A gradual, evolutionary
process will need to occur to enable individuals to
discover ways of taking advantage of all the benefits of
networked technologies, while preventing the present
centralization of Internet activity from ever occurring
again. The
Meshnet project for creating a decentralized
Internet is an intriguing concept supporting this goal. Also helpful are anonymous search engines such as
DuckDuckGo, which I have begun using in place of
Google. Over the coming weeks, months, and years, it
would benefit us all to think of creative ways to avoid
the unwanted disclosure of our private information
through the centralized Internet behemoths. As for
information that we intend to be public, there
seems to be no harm in disclosing that anywhere. The NSA
and even Barack Obama himself may read The Rational
Argumentator and watch my videos without any objections
from me; indeed, this would do them much good. But I
draw a clear line between the public and the private
aspects of my life, and I intend to be the one
who draws that line.
I am not a conspiracy
theorist, but some conspiracies are indeed real, and in
this case, the conspiracy theorists were right. Right,
too, were those who proclaimed for years that the Obama
administration represents a fundamental undermining of
basic American values – to which I will add that this
administration is opposed to basic human values of
liberty, privacy, dignity, and the presumption of
innocence. This is not routine political malfeasance; it
is the wielding of an overarching apparatus of
monitoring – a prerequisite to complete social control –
that the KGB of the Soviet Union and the Stasi of
Communist East Germany could not have dreamed of
possessing. Those oppressors of old had to use actual
human beings to monitor political dissidents – which
severely limited their reach. The default data
harvesting and algorithmic mining of the PRISM program
does not require a human being to find spurious
“associations” with alleged threats – based solely on
combinations of keywords or contacts within one’s social
The system works by focusing
on all those within a few “degrees of separation” from
the central suspects. You could have a phone number that
differs by a digit from that of a terror suspect; if
someone within that suspect’s network calls you by
accident, you might be flagged as a suspect, too. Sheer
curiosity about certain subjects, visitation of certain
sites, mention of certain topics in e-mails or private
video chats and text messages, could get you flagged. It
is not a matter of doing nothing wrong and thus having
nothing to hide. With this much data, taken wildly out
of context as is always possible with algorithmic
data-mining systems, any person’s behavior can be
construed as having nefarious motivations. Any
sufficiently inconvenient individual can be portrayed as
an enemy by Leviathan. This is why no American is safe
from his own government unless the wholesale dismantling
of the PRISM system and any related surveillance
measures occurs. An executive order from Obama could
achieve this, but it is doubtful that Obama would issue
such an order. Massive public outrage, from within and
outside the United States, might, however, set in motion
the political processes that would discredit this
heinously intrusive system. This is no time to cower in
fear, to hush up the expression of one’s honest thoughts
because one is unsure about the consequences. Now, more
than ever, it is essential for every one of us to make
full use of our inalienable First Amendment rights.
“Are Americans going to
passively roll over and accept an Orwellian level of
surveillance as a fait accompli, or will they let
their profound displeasure be known? I urge all Americans to
use peaceful methods of speech, petition, and creative
advocacy to express their absolute disapproval of PRISM.” |
The extensive surveillance
apparatus in the hands of the administration can be
readily deployed to create actual totalitarianism with
the snap of a finger. For a small-scale proof of
concept, witness the
frightening lockdown and militaristic mobilization
that occurred in Boston in the wake of the Tsarnaev
brothers’ bombings – which, as must be emphasized, the
same apparatus of total surveillance and police-state
response failed to prevent despite repeated
warnings from Russian intelligence.
And yet I know that I
am not an enemy. Neither are you. Most of us are
peaceful, productive citizens of purportedly free
nations. We wish harm to no one and wish only to lead
our lives in peace, prosperity, and self-determination.
I – and hopefully you – exercise the inalienable basic
human right of free speech, a right enshrined in the
American First Amendment, a right for whose defense the
American Founders pledged their lives, their fortunes,
and their sacred honor. Edward Snowden knows what it
means to make such a pledge, and what its consequences
can be in a world ruled by might rather than by right.
This is why it is imperative that he be pardoned, if
charged, for any alleged “crimes” that the U.S.
government perceives him to have committed. If you do
nothing else, please go to and sign the
petition requesting his pardon. This is, after all,
Constitutionally protected speech. If the administration
begins to persecute those who signed the petition, then
it would be clear that this country is too far gone.
Moreover, if Edward Snowden should meet an untimely end,
from whatever apparent cause, I would have no doubts of
the origins of his demise, and it would also be clear
that this country is too far gone.
But I do not believe that
this country is too far gone, yet. We may be teetering
on the brink of totalitarianism, but I have hope that
the fundamental decency of the American people – and the
residual adherence in this country to founding American
principles – will overcome the depredations of the
current American government. Another vitally important
project that calls upon the participation of as many
Americans as possible is the
class-action lawsuit spearheaded by Senator Rand
Paul against the NSA PRISM program. (You can sign up to
join the lawsuit
here.) I have been
critical of Rand Paul’s stances (particularly his
endorsement of Mitt Romney) in the past, but on the
issue of NSA surveillance, he is perhaps the most
powerful ally that friends of liberty have within the
United States, and we need all of the allies we can get
right now. If Rand Paul can help to dismantle the
Orwellian apparatus of the NSA, then any of his past
errors of judgment would pale in comparison.
Nearly forty years ago,
Richard Nixon lost his office because he authorized
spying on a few political opponents. Those were the days!
Barack Obama and his administration, often with the
explicit support of many Members of Congress, have for
years authorized and condoned spying on hundreds of
millions of Americans and even more citizens of other
sovereign jurisdictions – individuals over whom the
United States has and ought to have no legitimate power
whatsoever. What will be the result of these
disclosures for Barack Obama’s tenure in office? The
principles of justice suggest strongly that Obama should
resign or be impeached and then removed from office, for
his transgressions in the realm of surveillance alone
are orders of magnitude greater than those of Nixon.
Along with Obama, all of his senior executive officials
should resign, in addition to senior Members of Congress
from both parties – including Lindsey Graham, John
McCain, Dianne Feinstein, Mike Rogers, and Peter King –
all of whom have expressed unequivocal support for the
violations of our Constitutional rights via the PRISM
program, and some of whom have even stated that Edward
Snowden is guilty of treason. Yet these politicians are
the ones who have violated their oaths of office to
support and defend the Constitution of the United States
against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I do not mean
to single out any one wing of the two-party
establishment which has created the Orwellian security
state in the U.S. after September 11, 2001. Leading
Republicans, including many who held prominent posts in
the Bush administration, deserve plenty of the blame for
laying the groundwork for the PRISM system. What is
needed is not a mere change in political parties (for
that achieves nothing), but a change in the fundamental
understanding of the role of government, held by those
in government.
But will the impeachment or
voluntary resignation of Obama and some of the other
most powerful people in the United States – indeed, in
the world – realistically occur, or will they be able to
successfully portray their completely unbidden
intrusions into all of our lives as being “for our own
good”? Will they frighten and bamboozle us into
believing that we need their monitoring of our lives,
which we know to be lived innocently, in order to
protect us from the threat of terrorism which, according
to Ronald Bailey of Reason Magazine, is
four times less likely to kill any of us than a
lightning strike? With a surveillance program this
pervasive – one so clearly endorsed by officials from
both parties, from the very top down – it is unlikely
that the powers that be will merely decide to sacrifice
a few of their subordinates and let them take the blame
for this gross violation of the privacy of many (perhaps
most) human beings. It appears that the American elite
has been backed into a corner; either it will vigorously
defend the PRISM system as a united front – or it will
need to capitulate to human decency and acknowledge the
gross moral failures involved at the highest levels.
The outcome will depend on
how much public outrage arises. Are Americans going to
passively roll over and accept an Orwellian level of
surveillance as a fait accompli, or will they let
their profound displeasure be known? I, as an American
citizen, do not approve of this intrusion into my
personal life by the very elected officials and their
appointees who are supposed to function as the guardians
of freedom. I urge all Americans to use peaceful methods
of speech, petition, and creative advocacy to express
their absolute disapproval of PRISM. Moreover, I hope
that foreign governments and their citizens will send a
strong message to the Obama administration and Congress
that the monitoring of innocent persons outside America
will, likewise, not be tolerated. Whether or not PRISM
will continue is the litmus test for liberty in the
United States, and perhaps in the remainder of the world
as well. The outcome of this series of events will
determine whether might or right will shape the future
of humankind.
From the same author |
Fragile Reasoning in Nassim Taleb’s Antifragile:
An Enlightenment Transhumanist Critique
311 – May 15, 2013)
Liberty Through Long Life
310 – April 15, 2013)
Open Badges and Proficiency-Based Education: A Path
to a New Age of Enlightenment
309 – March 15, 2013)
The Modularization of Activity
308 – February 15, 2013)
Review of Gary Wolfram’s A Capitalist Manifesto
307 – January 15, 2013)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
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Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.