Against Monsanto, For GMOs |
The depredations of the multinational agricultural corporation
Monsanto are rightly condemned by many. Monsanto is a prominent
example of a crony corporation – a company that bolsters its market
dominance not through honest competition and innovation, but through the
persistent use of the political and legal system to enforce its
preferences against its competitors and customers. Most outrageous is
Monsanto’s stretching of patents beyond all conceivable limits –
attempting to patent genes and life forms and to forcibly destroy the
crops of farmers who replant seeds from crops originally obtained from
Yet because Monsanto is one of the world’s leading producers of
genetically modified crops, campaigners who oppose all genetically
modified organisms (GMOs) often use Monsanto as the poster child for the
problems with GMOs as a whole. The March Against Monsanto, which took
place in cities worldwide in late May of 2013, is the most recent
prominent example of this conflation. The blanket condemnation of GMOs
because of Monsanto’s misbehavior is deeply fallacious. The policy of a
particular company does not serve to discredit an entire class of
products, just because that company produces those products – even if it
could be granted that the company’s actions result in its own
products being more harmful than they would otherwise be.
GMOs, in conventional usage, are any life forms which
have been altered through techniques more advanced than the kind of
selective breeding which has existed for millennia. In fact, the only
material distinction between genetic engineering and selective breeding
is in the degree to which the procedure is targeted toward specific
features of an organism. Whereas selective breeding is largely based on
observation of the organism’s phenotype, genetic engineering relies on
more precise manipulation of the organism’s DNA. Because of its ability
to more closely focus on specific desirable or undesirable attributes,
genetic engineering is less subject to unintended consequences than a
solely macroscopic approach. Issues of a particular company’s abuse of
the political system and its attempts to render the patent system ever
more draconian do not constitute an argument against GMOs or the
techniques used to create them.
Consider that Monsanto’s
behavior is not unique; similar depredations are found throughout the
status quo of crony corporatism, where many large firms thrive not on
the basis of merit, but on the basis of political pull and
institutionalized coercion. Walt Disney Corporation has made similar
outrageous (and successful) attempts to extend the intellectual-property
system solely for its own benefit. The 1998
Copyright Term Extension Act was primarily motivated by Disney’s
lobbying to prevent the character of Mickey Mouse from entering the
public domain. Yet are all films, and all animated characters, evil or
wrong because of Disney’s manipulation of the legal system instead of
competing fairly and honestly on the market? Surely, to condemn films on
the basis of Disney’s behavior would be absurd.
“We do not need to like
Monsanto in order to embrace the life-saving, life-enhancing potential
of GMOs. We need to consider the technology involved in GMOs on its own
terms, imagining how we would view it if it could be delivered by
economic arrangements we would prefer.” |
Consider, likewise, Apple
Corporation, which has attempted to sue its competitors’ products out of
existence and to patent the rectangle with rounded corners – a geometric
shape which is no less basic an idea in mathematics than a trapezoid or
an octagon. Are all smartphones, tablet computers, MP3 players, and
online music services – including those of Apple’s competitors – wrong
and evil solely because of Apple’s unethical use of the legal system to
squelch competition? Surely not! EA Games, until May 2013, embedded
crushingly restrictive
digital-rights management (DRM) into its products, requiring a
continuous Internet connection (and de facto continual monitoring of the
user by EA) for some games to be playable at all. Are all computer games
and video games evil and wrong because of EA’s intrusive anti-consumer
practices? Should they all be banned in favor of only those games that
use pre-1950s-era technology – e.g., board games and other table-top
games? If the reader does not support the wholesale abolition, or even
the limitation, of films, consumer electronics, and games as a result of
the misbehavior of prominent makers of these products, then what
rationale can there possibly be for viewing GMOs differently?
Indeed, the loathing of all
GMOs stems from a more fundamental fallacy, for which any criticism of
Monsanto only provides convenient cover. That fallacy is the assumption
that “the natural” – i.e., anything not affected by human technology,
or, more realistically, human technology of sufficiently recent origin –
is somehow optimal for human purposes or simply for its own sake. While
it is logically conceivable that some genetic modifications to organisms
could render them more harmful than they would otherwise be (though
there has never been any evidence of such harms arising despite the
trillions of servings of genetically modified foods consumed to date),
the condemnation of all genetic modifications using techniques
from the last 60 years is far more sweeping than this. Such condemnation
is not and cannot be scientific; rather, it is an outgrowth of the
indiscriminate anti-technology agenda of the anti-GMO campaigners. A
scientific approach, based on experimentation, empirical observation,
and the immense knowledge thus far amassed regarding chemistry and
biology, might conceivably give rise to a sophisticated classification
of GMOs based on gradations of safety, safe uses, unsafe uses, and
possible yet-unknown risks. The anti-GMO campaigners’ approach, on the
other hand, can simply be summarized as “Nature good – human technology
bad” – not scientific or discerning at all.
The reverence for
purportedly unaltered “nature” completely ignores the vicious, cruel,
appallingly wasteful (not even to mention suboptimal) conditions of any
environment untouched by human influence. After all, 99.9% of all
species that ever existed
are extinct – the vast majority from causes that arose long before
human beings evolved. The plants and animals that primitive hunter-gatherers
consumed did not evolve with the intention of providing optimal
nutrition for man; they simply happened to be around, attainable for
humans, and nutritious enough that humans did not die right away after
consuming them – and some humans (the ones that were not poisoned, or
killed hunting, or murdered by their fellow men) managed to survive to
reproductive age by eating these “natural” foods. Just because the
primitive “paleo” diet of our ancestors enabled them to survive long
enough to trigger the chain of events that led to us, does not render
their lives, or their diets, ideal for emulation in every aspect. We can
do better. We must do better – if protection of large numbers of human
beings from famine, drought, pests, and prohibitive costs of food is to
be considered a moral priority in the least. By depriving human beings
of the increased abundance, resilience, and nutritional content that
only the genetic modification of foods can provide, anti-GMO campaigners
would sentence millions – perhaps billions – of humans to the miserable
subsistence conditions and tragically early deaths of their primeval
forebears, of whom the Earth could support only a few million without
human agricultural interventions.
We do not need to like
Monsanto in order to embrace the life-saving, life-enhancing potential
of GMOs. We need to consider the technology involved in GMOs on its own
terms, imagining how we would view it if it could be delivered by
economic arrangements we would prefer. As a libertarian individualist, I
advocate for a world in which GMOs could be produced by thousands of
competing firms, each fairly trying to win the business of consumers
through the creation of superior products which add value to people’s
lives. If you are justifiably concerned about the practices of Monsanto,
consider working toward a world like that, instead of a world where the
promise of GMOs is denied to the billions who currently owe their very
existences to human technology and ingenuity.
From the same author |
In the Face of Universal Surveillance: PRISM and the
Litmus Test for Liberty
312 – June 15, 2013)
Fragile Reasoning in Nassim Taleb’s Antifragile:
An Enlightenment Transhumanist Critique
311 – May 15, 2013)
Liberty Through Long Life
310 – April 15, 2013)
Open Badges and Proficiency-Based Education: A Path
to a New Age of Enlightenment
309 – March 15, 2013)
The Modularization of Activity
308 – February 15, 2013)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.