The Cost of Regulation: Why It's Worth Thinking About |
What would you do with $190,000 a year? That's what the median household
income would be right now in the United States if the federal regulatory
burden had remained at its 1949 level, according to
a recent study by
economists John Dawson and John Seater.
Instead, it's $53,000.
That's still nothing to sneeze at, but it's only about a quarter as
much. Imagine, assuming the distribution of incomes retained the same
shape it has now, that everyone had four times as much money. I wonder
if we can.
What a Drag
The authors of the above-mentioned study point out that while
microeconomists have been analyzing the effects of regulation for
decades, macroeconomists have only much more recently begun paying
attention. The general conclusion they've reached, though, is that
regulation reduces economic growth. The authors' purpose: to get
specific and quantify just how much of an economic drag it is getting
told what to do all the time.
To get a sense of how much regulation has increased, they looked at the
number of pages in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). They
found that the CFR page count had increased from 19,335 pages in 1949 to
134,261 in 2005, a more than six-fold increase. (According to Ronald
Bailey, writing about the study for Reason, that number
had risen
to 169,301 by 2011.)
This growth was not steady—in fact, a few years here and there under the
Clinton, Reagan, and Kennedy administrations actually saw reductions in
the total number of pages in the CFR—but the overall trend has been
clearly upward.
What effect did they find exactly? All of those extra regulations piling
up year after year produced substantial negative effects on economic
growth, reducing it by some two percentage points a year on average.
“That reduction in the growth rate has led to an accumulated reduction
in GDP of about $38.8 trillion as of the end of 2011. That is, GDP at
the end of 2011 would have been $53.9 trillion instead of $15.1 trillion
if regulation had remained at its 1949 level.” The American economy is
just 28 percent as large as it would have been if it could have gotten
by on a mere 20,000 pages of federal regulations. As the world's other
industrialized countries have followed similar paths over the last six
decades, heaping regulations upon regulations, it is not unrealistic to
assume that most of the wealthy nations of the world could be four times
Why Rules Are Overrated
Of course, some will object that we need all those rules, or some of
them at least—that in addition to costs, regulations have benefits too.
The study provides no estimate of such benefits, but its authors do note
that economist Arthur Pigou, for instance, “argues that regulation
arises from government's attempt to improve social welfare by correcting
market failures.” The most obvious such market failure is pollution, a
“negative externality” that imposes diffuse costs on people other than
the ones who benefit from the pollution-causing activities. Though
difficult to quantify, reducing pollution is certainly a benefit.
“Regulation follows rather
than leads society and its mores. Rivers are less polluted,
the air is cleaner, and forests are better-managed in the
industrialized countries of the world not primarily because
of regulations, but because we are wealthy enough now to
care about such things.” |
But, the authors also point out, other economists see regulation as much
less benign. George Stigler has argued that the regulatory process is
often captured and distorted to benefit the very corporations it is
intended to control. Fred McChesney believes that “regulations are
created for the benefit of politicians and regulators.” By the light of
such public choice arguments, any benefit derived from regulation is
purely coincidental.
Another consideration, not raised by the authors of the study, is that
regulation follows rather than leads society and its mores. Rivers are
less polluted, the air is cleaner, and forests are better-managed in the
industrialized countries of the world not primarily because of
regulations, but because we are wealthy enough now to care about such
things. People want, and can afford, a more pristine environment. We
would demand cleaner cars even if regulations did not mandate emissions
How Much Do We Really Need?
There is a different kind of objection to the argument that we would all
be a lot richer if there were fewer regulations. It takes the form of
such questions as: What's so great about economic growth? Aren't we rich
enough already? How much money do we really need, anyway?
To answer these kinds of questions, we need to imagine what your average
household might do with $190,000 a year.(1) Some people would surely
spend some of their extra cash in ways that others considered
self-destructive, like drugs and gambling, or wasteful and frivolous,
like ever-fancier cars and houses. As long as it was honestly earned, I
personally think we should all mind our own business about the spending
decisions other people make, but I'm weird that way.
However, all of that extra income can also buy a lot more in the way of
health care, education, art, environmental protection, poverty relief,
travel, leisure, space exploration, and any other more socially
acceptable amenities you care to name. Are we rich enough already in
Canada with one MRI machine per 100,000 people? If everyone in the US
were four times richer, would anyone who wanted it lack health
insurance? What if the average person could work just 40 weeks a year
and spend the other 12 in the Caribbean, or vacationing on the moon
colony we would have been rich enough to build by now? What if we were
all financially secure enough to stop demanding “protection” from
foreign competition and instead traded freely with all the peoples of
the world, thus helping them catch up and move into the 21st
century, incidentally removing one of the major excuses for war?
How much money is enough? Money is just a medium of
exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value. It
represents the productive effort we expend in an effort to
satisfy our wants and needs. Those wants and needs are
potentially endless, limited only by our imaginations. How
much money is enough depends, ultimately, on how big we are
willing to dream—and on how many regulations we think we can
live without.
1. The $190,000 figure is arrived at by taking the current
figure ($53,000) and dividing it by 0.28, since the study by
Dawson and Seater mentioned in the text found that US GDP today
is 28 percent of what it would have been if the federal
regulatory burden had remained at its 1949 level. The authors
themselves calculate that mean household income is $277,000 less
than it would have been, which means it would be $385,000
instead of $108,000, but since the distribution of income is
skewed, medians provide a more accurate description of what the
“average” household looks like. |
From the same author |
Is Government a Necessary Evil? A Review of Michael
Huemer's The Problem of Political Authority
312 – June 15, 2013)
The Planned Chaos of New Orleans, LA
311 – May 15, 2013)
The Unplanned Order of Houston, TX
310 – April 15, 2013)
Dynamists vs. Stasists: Virginia Postrel's The
Future and Its Enemies, 15 Years Later
308 – February 15, 2013)
No Vapour For You! Canada's Ban on Smokeless
Electronic Cigarettes
307 – January 15, 2013)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
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