The Booksellers' Petition |
Quebec consumers need to pay more for books if they want to continue to
have a local book industry. So argues a coalition of organizations
claiming to represent the province’s booksellers, publishers, writers
and libraries, which has launched a publicity campaign under the slogan
“Nos livres à
juste prix (Our books at a fair price).” At issue are the deep
discounts typically offered by online and big-box retailers like Amazon
and Walmart, whose competition is supposedly putting intolerable
pressure on Quebec’s booksellers.
The coalition modestly proposes the following compromise: discounts on
all newly-released books should be capped at 10% for the nine months
following their release. A committee of the Quebec legislature began
deliberating on the proposal in August and
Culture Minister Maka Kotto indicated
that he wants to
decide the matter quickly. It may be safe to say that the proposal
is a good fit for the Parti Québécois’s nationalist agenda.
So consumers used to getting roughly a third off new titles on Amazon
will just have to be more patient. And surely nobody would buy fewer
books just because they cost more, right? Is an extra 20% on new titles
too much to ask to preserve Quebec culture?

The Montreal Economic Institute, taking the unorthodox position that
guilt about Quebec culture does not cancel the law of demand with
respect to books, undertook to calculate the Price Elasticity of Demand
according to standard models and concluded that the price increases from
implementing the proposal would result in a total drop of 14% for all
book sales and
drop of 17% for titles published in Quebec. The history of similar
regulations in Europe
bears this out.
A would-be cartel looking for protection from competition can hardly be
expected to take the ravings of a free-market think tank like the MEI
seriously! Nor will the coalition that identifies itself as “all of
Quebec’s professional literary associations” be swayed by petty
considerations like the popularity of its proposals. A Léger Marketing
poll commissioned by the MEI found that
65% of Quebecers rejected the proposed regulations. But common
people can hardly be expected to take the long view about such things.
It is easy to mock the naked rent-seeking of the parties to this
proposal, yet another echo of Bastiat’s immortal “Candlemakers' Petition” against unfair competition from the sun. But perhaps the
petitioners have a point that the competition from Amazon and big-box
stores is unfair. Amazon deserves an article unto itself, but suffice it
to say that its dominance of the bookselling market has not been
achieved without the collusion of governments around the world, and
enthusiasts of free(d) markets should not be over-eager to identify
Amazon as a paragon of their ideals.
“Books are not anti-gravity commodities. Like almost all things, the
cheaper they are, the more people buy them. Anyone who earnestly wants
people to buy and read more books—and not just more of his
books—understands this.” |
But in keeping with Bastiat’s great theme of “What Is Seen and What Is
Not Seen,” we should reflect on the simple fact that cheap books are
a good thing.
Books are not anti-gravity commodities. Like almost all things, the
cheaper they are, the more people buy them. Anyone who earnestly wants
people to buy and read more books—and not just more of his
books—understands this.
To return to the complaint that launched this initiative, Quebec
booksellers, like brick-and-mortar retailers everywhere, find themselves
hard-pressed to compete with Amazon. Fair enough: Amazon is as
“disruptive” as it gets. But they also complain about the competition
from Walmart and Costco. Here an interesting detail emerges.
A Globe and Mail article about the proposal quotes a coalition
spokesperson, Sylvie Desrosiers, who notes that the
big-box stores offer at most a variety
of about 300 titles but, by law, registered bookstores have to provide
at least
6,000 titles in seven categories. This piqued my interest. Sure
enough, in Quebec, anyone who wants to be accredited as a bookseller has
to adapt to a raft of regulations including this one:
“keep, for the entire bookstore and irrespective of the date on which
the person was accredited, an inventory of at least 6,000 différent
[sic] book titles, including at least 2,000 different titles of books
published in Québec and 4,000 different titles of books published
elsewhere, divided into categories the names and minimum numbers of
are listed in Schedule B.”
The big-box stores, under no pressure to label themselves “booksellers,”
can bypass these regulations. Desrosiers clearly takes this to be yet
another argument in favour of price-fixing. One is reminded of the joke
that “there are no atheists in foxholes” is an argument for atheism, not
for hanging out in foxholes. Could it be, in other words, that a lot of
regulations adopted in the past—in the hopes, no doubt, of limiting
competition in the Quebec book trade by making it harder for upstarts
with the temerity to offer fewer than 6,000 unique titles and yadda
yadda to call themselves “booksellers”—could it be that those rules have
themselves made it more difficult to operate as a bookseller in Quebec?
What is not seen? Well,
the cost of
regulation, for one thing. But if history has taught us anything,
it’s that the damage caused by one regulation can always be fixed by
adding a few more… |
From the same author |
The Revolution Will Be Printed
313 – August 15, 2013)
Seeking Permission to Rent What's Yours: Airbnb vs.
Entrenched Interests
312 – June 15, 2013)
Indecision 2012, Quebec Version: Is Cleaner
Government Possible?
302 – August 15, 2012)
The Housing Hustle: A Review of Matthew Yglesias's
The Rent Is Too Damn High
301 – June 15, 2012)
Is "Capitalism" Worth Saving? A Conversation
300 – May 15, 2012)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.