No Room on the Train (Or on the Bus) |
People who travel between cities by train or bus may remember that
many years ago, customers could arrive at a terminal and purchase a
ticket to travel. At the time, the business plan of the bus and railway
companies was to provide transport service to all customers who arrived
at the terminal in time for a departure. Bus companies often chartered
services from other companies to deal with overloads of passengers,
including providing transportation between cities aboard school-bus-type
vehicles. During peak season, the railways assigned additional trains
that departed within minutes of each other on main routes. The railways
sometimes assigned commuter trains to certain intercity routes to
transport an overload of travelers to their destinations.
Government regulators stepped in to improve the quality of
transportation carrying passengers on intercity journeys. By so doing,
they achieved the same result as Soviet economic central planners who
produced either gluts or shortages. Many intercity bus and train
operators have since revised their business plans and require
prospective customers to book their tickets several days ahead of the
scheduled departure. Quite recently, three days prior to a departure,
the railway had sold out all economy seats.
The same is true of bus companies that operate heavily traveled
intercity routes. One Eastern Canadian operator has introduced double
decker coaches into service between Montreal and Toronto, despite a
government bureaucrat having claimed several years prior that the
industry ridership did not warrant the capacity of such a vehicle. But
government bureaucrats are not businesspeople, and they generally
possess very little in the way of entrepreneurial acumen. If they
actually possessed the acumen, they would more than likely have been
owners of successful businesses. Their contribution may be to retard
rather than advance transportation services.
The double decker buses conformed to all weight and dimension
requirements and were allowed to carry revenue passengers. Ridership
increased as the service provider borrowed a long-proven strategy from
the airline industry, that being to drop the ticket prices while greatly
increasing seating capacity. Pan-Am pioneered such strategy when the
introduced the Boeing 707 to trans-Atlantic service. The so-called
experts in government transportation departments claimed that there was
no market for such an airplane. It carried double the passenger load of
the next largest aircraft and could fly twice the range, at twice the
speed, at three times the altitude.
“Perhaps for purely political reasons, successive federal
transport ministers have refused to end the insanity of enforcing
economic regulation on intercity passenger transportation services.” |
But within ten years of its first commercial flight, ten times the
number of travelers were crossing the North Atlantic aboard passenger
jet aircraft. When Pan-Am introduced the Boeing 747 “jumbo” aircraft to
the North Atlantic route, the so-called experts again dismissed any
prospects of such a large aircraft becoming a commercial success. Within
ten years of the first commercial flight of a jumbo size aircraft, the
Boeing 747 became the premium aircraft to fly on the majority of heavily
traveled international routes. On Canada’s main intercity bus route, the
jumbo buses were sold out three days prior to a Monday departure.
While the intercity truck transportation industry operates
semi-trailers that are 25% longer than the sometimes booked-to-capacity
double decker buses, government bureaucrats dismiss any suggestion of
any need for larger buses on some intercity routes. They want to apply
the same standard on all roads across the nation, despite vast
differences in the travel markets along those roads. Regulation compels
some bus companies to operate empty buses on regular schedules, just in
case someone actually wants to ride on a bus.
Some 20 years ago, a bureaucrat wrote a report suggesting that
economic regulation of intercity buses served no useful purpose. But
senior bureaucrats quashed that report. They also quashed several
reports and research papers on improving the revenue-to-cost situation
on the intercity passenger trains. On the main intercity routes, the
economy seats can be sold out up to four days ahead of time during peak
travel season. Earlier research papers have suggested that intercity
passenger train operators introduce double decker passenger carriages
into intercity service, that is, upgraded versions of the commuter
carriages that serve Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. The same number of
staff per carriage would oversee a greater passenger load, thus
increasing staff productivity.
Canada’s newest intercity passenger railway carriages were built in
England, to British dimension standards. While the 2+1 seating across
the aisles of the narrower coaches may be comfortable, they reduce the
productivity of the onboard staff. By comparison, the operator of the
privately owned tourist train that travels through the Rocky Mountains
includes several double decker carriages on its trains. Its service has
achieved international recognition. It is one of several privately owned
tourist and excursion passenger trains that operate seasonally and
without subsidy. It appears that only government-regulated and
government-owned passenger trains require an operating subsidy.
While regulation may have been intended to ensure service along lightly
traveled routes through a process of internal cross-subsidy, Canada’s
rural passenger trains are now history, while local and rural intercity
bus routes barely carry any passengers. The regulation of intercity
passenger transportation falls under federal jurisdiction, but federal
authorities delegated economic regulation of intercity bus service to
the provinces. Perhaps for purely political reasons, successive federal
transport ministers have refused to end the insanity of enforcing
economic regulation on intercity passenger transportation services.
From the same author |
School Bullying and the New York Male Teacher
313 – August 15, 2013)
The Federal-Provincial Debate over Job Skills Training
313 – August 15, 2013)
Much Ado about Fixing the Price of Chocolate
312 – June 15, 2013)
State Economic Regulation and Opportunity in Atlantic
311 – May 15, 2013)
State, Society, and School-Related Teen Rape Cases
310 – April 15, 2013)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.