Feedback Loops and Individual Self-Determination |
I have always been fond of the concept of feedback loops,
and it is indeed the case that much of humankind’s progress,
and the progress of a given individual, can be thought of as
a positive feedback loop. In the technology/reason
interaction, human reason leads to the creation of
technology, which empowers human reason and raises rational
thinking to new heights, which enables still further
technology, and so on. This, I think, is a good way of
understanding why technological progress is not just linear,
but exponential; the rate of progress builds on itself using
a positive feedback loop.
Negative feedback loops also exist, of course. For
instance, one eats and feels sated, so one stops eating.
One exercises and becomes tired, so one stops exercising.
Thomas Malthus’s mistake was to view human economic and
technological activity as a negative feedback loop (with
the improved life opportunities that technology makes
possible defeated in the end by overpopulation and
resource scarcity). He did not realize that the
population growth made possible by technology is a
growth in human reasoning ability (more bright minds out
there, including the extreme geniuses who can produce
radical, paradigm-shifting breakthroughs), which in turn
can result in further technological growth, far
outpacing the growth in resource demands caused by
increasing population.
I do also think that positive feedback loops play a role
in the questions surrounding free will and determinism.
For instance, the growth trajectory of an individual –
the process of intellectual empowerment and skill
acquisition – is a positive feedback loop. By learning a
skill and doing it well, a person feels better about his
situation and becomes more motivated to make further
progress in the skill. How does it start? This, I think,
is where the substance of the free-will/determinism
debate has historically led people to be at odds. In my
view, free will plays a crucial choice, especially at
the beginning of a chain of undertakings, in the
individual’s choice to focus on a particular
subset of reality – certain entities about which one
would like to know more, or certain projects one would
want to pursue further.
“History does repeat itself, though always with new and
surprising variations upon past themes. In the midst of
all this recursion, feedback, and path-dependency, we
can chart unique, never-quite-previously-tried paths for
ourselves.” |
Generally, the choice to focus or not is always under an
individual’s control under normal conditions of the
brain and body (e.g., adequate rest, lack of physical
pain, freedom from pressing demands on one’s time). A
young child who chooses to focus on productive, mind-enhancing
endeavors essentially sets himself up for a virtuous
positive feedback loop that continues throughout life.
The first instance of such focus could make a very
subtle difference, compared to a child who chooses not
to focus, and the other child could possibly catch up by
choosing to focus later, but an accumulation of subtle
differences in individual decisions could result in very
different trajectories due to path-dependencies in
history and in individual lives. The good news for all
of us is that the decision to focus is always there; as
one gets older and the set of possible opportunities
expands, the harder decision becomes on what to
focus out of a myriad of possibly worthwhile endeavors.
This understanding integrates well with the portrayal of
free will as compatible with an underlying entirely
physical nature of the mind. There is undeniably an
aspect of the chemistry of the brain that results in
human focus and enables the choice to focus. Yet this
kind of physical determination is the same as self-determination
or free will, if you will. My physical mind is the same
as me, so if it is chemically configured to focus (by
me), then this is equivalent to me making the choice to
focus, which is how the virtuous cycle of skill
acquisition leading to motivation leading to skill
acquisition begins.
In general, in these kinds of recursive phenomena, it
may be possible to legitimately answer the question of
what came first if one considers not only the types
of phenomena (A leading to B leading to A, etc.),
but also qualitative and quantitative distinctions among
each instance of the same type of phenomenon (e.g., a
small amount of A leading to a little bit of B, leading
to somewhat more of A with a slightly different flavor,
leading to radically more of B, which opens up entirely
new prospects for future feedback loops). We see this
sort of development when it comes to the evolution of
life forms, of technologies, and of entire human
societies. If traced backward chronologically, each of
these chains of development will be seen to contain many
variations of similar types of phenomena, but also clear
beginnings for each sequence of feedback loops (e.g.,
the philosophy of Aristotle paving the way for Aquinas
paving the way for the Renaissance paving the way for
the Enlightenment paving the way for transhumanism).
History does repeat itself, though always with new and
surprising variations upon past themes. In the midst of
all this recursion, feedback, and path-dependency, we
can chart unique, never-quite-previously-tried paths for
From the same author |
Review of Edward W. Younkins's Exploring
Capitalist Fiction
315 – October 15, 2013)
War in the Middle East is Inherently Collectivist
314 – Sept. 15, 2013)
Against Monsanto, For GMOs
313 – August 15, 2013)
In the Face of Universal Surveillance: PRISM and the
Litmus Test for Liberty
312 – June 15, 2013)
Fragile Reasoning in Nassim Taleb’s Antifragile:
An Enlightenment Transhumanist Critique
311 – May 15, 2013)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.