What Does Greenpeace Have Against Golden Rice? |
Imagine if you stumbled across a naturally-occurring variety of rice
that was rich in beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A found in
carrots, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes. A lack of vitamin A in the body
leads to an increased risk of blindness and increased susceptibility to
disease, which can in turn lead to premature death in small children. If
you could get people in poor rice-based societies to substitute this
newfound variety of rice for the kind of rice they normally eat, then
you could help them dramatically improve their health.
Well, no such naturally-occurring variety of rice exists on Earth.
Fortunately, though, some very intelligent human beings
have created
such a variety
through genetic modification or genetic engineering (GE). It is called
“Golden Rice” because of its golden colour. But far from celebrating
this life-saving invention, groups like Greenpeace are fighting
to stop
it from being accepted and implemented.
My first reaction to this was that the good people at Greenpeace and
similar groups are out of their gourds. But skeptical though I was, I
wanted to give them a chance to change my mind, to prove me wrong. What
I found was not very impressive. Here are some of the reasons the
organization gives* for claiming that “Golden Rice is environmentally
irresponsible, poses risks to human health, and could compromise food,
nutrition and financial security.”
1) “The tens of millions of dollars invested in Golden Rice would
have been better spent on VAD [vitamin A deficiency] solutions that are
already available and working, such as food supplements, food
fortification and home gardening.”
Well, maybe yes, maybe no. But who is to decide where money is better
spent? I personally would rather have lots of people trying lots of
different things. The best solutions will win out in the marketplace if
people are free to choose. Oh, and Golden Rice is a form of food
fortification. It just takes place at the genetic level.
2) “If cross-pollination or seed mix-up causes Golden Rice
contamination, it could prove difficult, if not impossible to
The use of words like
‘contamination’ and ‘eradicate’ are clearly meant to poison the debate,
to get people to equate Golden Rice with dangerous diseases and harmful
radiation. Rhetoric aside, is there any reason to expect more
cross-pollination or seed mix-ups with Golden Rice than with other
varieties? Are we afraid that basmati might cross-pollinate jasmine
3) “If any hazardous, unexpected effects would develop from Golden
Rice, the GE contamination would affect countries where rice is an
essential staple and put people and food security at risk.”
The reason they have to imagine hypothetical hazardous effects is that
as far as anyone can tell, Golden Rice has no actual hazardous
effects. It’s safe. It’s been tested. In the absence of any indication
that it is harmful, we should go ahead and consume it. Or at least let
other people consume it if we ourselves are filled with irrational fear.
4) “It is irresponsible to impose Golden Rice on people if it goes
against their religious beliefs, cultural heritage and sense of
identity, or simply because they do not want it.”
Uh, no argument here. It’s not just irresponsible, it’s completely
immoral. But who, exactly, is talking about imposing anything on anyone?
Groups like Greenpeace are the ones that want to prevent people from
being able to choose Golden Rice. I’m unaware of anyone who wants
to force people to eat it, or farmers to grow it.
“I can't help but think that
the people in charge of [Greenpeace's campaign against
Golden Rice] are unscientifically opposed to the
transformative technology of genetic engineering itself,
despite all of its potential to improve human lives.” |
5) “Golden Rice does not address the underlying causes of VAD, which
are mainly poverty and lack of access to a healthy and varied diet.” So what? An
artificial knee doesn’t address the underlying causes of bone density
loss, but it sure makes life better for people whose natural knees are
worn out. Getting at underlying causes is great, and I am certainly all
for the economic freedom that will help the poor escape poverty. But in
the meantime, treating some of the more dire symptoms of poverty also
seems like a good idea.
6) “[T]he single-crop approach of Golden Rice could make malnutrition
worse because it encourages a diet based solely on rice, rather than
increasing access to a diverse diet of fruits and vegetables, considered
crucial to combatting VAD and other nutrient deficiencies.”
Golden Rice is a food, not an approach. The sooner the people in poor
rice-based societies can get access to a diverse diet with lots of
fruits and vegetables, the better, but again, in the meantime, Golden
Rice can help. To forbid this option while holding out for a better one
is perverse.
7) “Despite all the hype surrounding Golden Rice, it still remains
unproven whether daily consumption of Golden Rice would actually improve
the vitamin A status of people who are deficient.”
This is patently false.
Scientific studies have shown
that the beta-carotene contained in Golden Rice is “highly available and
easily taken up into the bloodstream by the human digestive system.”
There is no reason to believe that Golden Rice would not improve the
vitamin A status of people who are deficient, and every reason to
believe that it would.
Since the reasons Greenpeace gives for opposing Golden Rice are so
transparently inadequate, I have to wonder what the real, unstated
reasons are. I can’t help but think that the people in charge of this
campaign are unscientifically opposed to the transformative technology
of genetic engineering itself, despite all of its potential to improve
human lives. It really seems to me that they are motivated by an
ecological religion whose goal is not to make human life better, but to
preserve the non-human natural world for its own sake, and to stop us
from altering it in any way unless it is to return it to a previous
state before humans started altering it, which was somehow a better
state despite being less suited to human survival and flourishing.
I’m all for reducing pollution and dealing with other environmental
problems to the extent that doing so actually improves the human
condition. Prioritizing the environment to the detriment of human
well-being, though, I can’t get behind. And preventing the deployment of
beneficial technologies that we have no reason to think would have any
harmful effects on people or the environment? That is simply
indefensible. Greenpeace should cease its harmful campaign against
Golden Rice and get behind this life-saving technology.
* Greenpeace refers to Golden Rice as “GE ‘Golden’ rice,” which I find
clunky. For the sake of readability, I have replaced every instance of
“GE ‘Golden’ rice” with “Golden Rice” in quotations from the Greenpeace
website. |
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