Cryptocurrencies as a Single Pool of Wealth: Thoughts on the
Purchasing Power of Decentralized Electronic Money |
The recent meteoric
rise in the dollar price of
Bitcoin – from around $12 at the beginning of 2013
to several peaks above $1000 at the end – has brought
widespread attention to the prospects for and future of
cryptocurrencies. I have no material stake in Bitcoin (although
I do accept
donations), and this article will not attempt to
predict whether the current price of Bitcoin signifies
mostly lasting value or a bubble akin to the Dutch
tulip mania of the 1630s. Instead of speculation
about any particular price level, I hope here to
establish a principle pertaining to the purchasing power
of cryptocurrencies in general, since Bitcoin is no
longer the only one.
Although Bitcoin, developed
in 2009 by the pseudonymous Satoshi Namakoto, has the
distinction and advantage of having been the first
cryptocurrency to gain widespread adoption, others, such
Litecoin (2011),
Namecoin (2011),
Peercoin (2012), and even
Dogecoin (2013) – the first cryptocurrency based on
an Internet meme – have followed suit. Many of these
cryptocurrencies’ fundamental elements are similar.
Litecoin’s algorithm is nearly identical to Bitcoin (with
the major difference being the fourfold increase in the
rate of block processing and transaction confirmation),
and the Dogecoin algorithm is the same as that of
Litecoin. The premise behind each cryptocurrency is a
built-in deflation; the rate of production slows with
time, and only 21 million Bitcoins could ever be “mined”
electronically. The limit for the total pool of
Litecoins is 84 million, whereas the total Dogecoins in
circulation will approach an asymptote of 100 billion.
The deflationary mechanism
of each cryptocurrency is admirable; it is an attempt to
preserve real purchasing power. With fiat paper money
printed by an out-of-control central bank, an increase
in the number and denomination of papers (or their
electronic equivalents) circulating in the economy will
not increase material prosperity or the abundance of
real goods; it will only raise the prices of goods in
terms of fiat-money quantities. Ludwig von Mises, in his
Theory of Money and Credit, outlined the
redistributive effects of inflation; those who get the
new money first (typically politically connected cronies
and the institutions they control) will gain in real
purchasing power, while those to whom the new money
spreads last will lose. Cryptocurrencies are independent
of any central issuer (although different organizations
administer the technical protocols of each
cryptocurrency) and so are not vulnerable to such
redistributive inflationary pressures induced by
political considerations. This is the principal
advantage of cryptocurrencies over any fiat currency
issued by a governmental or quasi-governmental central bank. Moreover, the real expenditure of resources
(computer hardware and electricity) for mining
cryptocurrencies provides a built-in scarcity that
further restricts the possibility of inflation.
“The deflationary mechanism
of each cryptocurrency is admirable; it is an attempt to
preserve real purchasing power.” |
Yet there is another
element to consider. Virtually any major cryptocurrency
can be exchanged freely for any other (with some
inevitable but minor transaction costs and spreads) as
well as for national fiat currencies (with higher
transaction costs in both time and money). For instance,
on January 12, 2014, one Bitcoin could trade for
approximately $850, while one Litecoin could trade for
approximately $25, implying an exchange rate of 34
Litecoins per Bitcoin. Due to the similarity in the
technical specifications of each cryptocurrency (similar
algorithms, similar built-in scarcity, ability to be
mined by the same computer hardware, and similar
decentralized, distributed generation), any
cryptocurrency could theoretically serve an identical
function to any other. (The one caveat to this
principle is that any future cryptocurrency algorithm
that offers increased security from theft could crowd
out the others if enough market participants come to
recognize it as offering more reliable protection
against hackers and fraudsters than the current Bitcoin
algorithm and Bitcoin-oriented services do.) Moreover,
any individual or organization with sufficient resources
and determination could initiate a new cryptocurrency,
much as Billy Markus initiated Dogecoin in part with the
intent to provide an amusing reaction to the Bitcoin
price crash in early December 2013.
This free entry into the
cryptocurrency-creation market, combined with the
essential similarity of all cryptocurrencies to date and
the ability to readily exchange any one for any other,
suggests that we should not be considering the
purchasing power of Bitcoin in isolation. Rather, we
should view all cryptocurrencies combined as a
single pool of wealth. The total purchasing power of
this pool of cryptocurrencies in general would depend on
a multitude of real factors, including the demand among
the general public for an alternative to governmental
fiat currencies and the ease with which cryptocurrencies
facilitate otherwise cumbersome or infeasible financial
transactions. In other words, the properties of
cryptocurrencies as stores of value and media of
exchange would ultimately determine how much they could
purchase, and the activities of arbitrageurs among the
cryptocurrencies would tend to produce exchange rates
that mirror the relative volumes of each cryptocurrency
in existence. For instance, if we make the simplifying
assumption that the functional properties of Bitcoin and
Litecoin are identical for the practical purposes of
users, then the exchange rate between Bitcoins and
Litecoins should asymptotically approach 1 Bitcoin to 4
Litecoins, since this will be the ultimate ratio of the
number of units of these cryptocurrencies. Of course, at
any given time, the true ratio will vary, because each
cryptocurrency was initiated at a different time, each
has a different amount of computer hardware devoted to
mining it, and none has come close to approaching its
asymptotic volume.
What implication does this
insight have for the purchasing power of Bitcoin? In a
world of many cryptocurrencies and the possibility of
the creation of new cryptocurrencies, a single Bitcoin
will purchase less than it could have purchased in a
world where Bitcoin was the only possible cryptocurrency.
The degree of this effect depends on how many cryptocurrencies are in existence. This, in turn,
depends on how many new cryptocurrency models or
creative tweaks to existing cryptocurrency models are
originated – since it is reasonable to posit that users
will have little motive to switch from a more
established cryptocurrency to a completely identical but
less established cryptocurrency, all other things being
equal. If new cryptocurrencies are originated with
greater rapidity than the increase in the real
purchasing power of cryptocurrencies in total, inflation
may become a problem in the cryptocurrency world. The
real bulwark against cryptocurrency inflation, then, is
not the theoretical upper limit on any particular
cryptocurrency’s volume, but rather the practical
limitations on the amount of hardware that can be
devoted to mining all cryptocurrencies combined. Will
the scarcity of mining effort, in spite of future
exponential advances in computer processing power in
accordance with
Moore’s Law, sufficiently restrain the inflationary
pressures arising from human creativity in the
cryptocurrency arena? Only time will tell.
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First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.