The Limits of Power: A Review of Malcolm Gladwell's David
and Goliath |
Changing the world seems like a daunting task, especially if it means
going up against the powers that be, with their mountains of money and
their entrenched privileges. It seems as if those who are on top today
will be on top tomorrow and every tomorrow after that. The rich get
richer, and the middle class stagnates, we are told. And while this
complaint ignores many pertinent facts—especially income mobility and
technological progress—there is certainly a lot of truth to the idea
that those with political pull often do their best to rig the game in
their favour. Bankers who get bailed out by government when they screw
up are only the most obvious example.
Yet things do change, which suggests that the powerful are not always as
powerful as they appear to be. After all, if they were, they would
presumably hold on to their privileges indefinitely. The flipside of
that, as Malcolm Gladwell illustrates in
David and Goliath:
Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants, is that the
seemingly powerless are not always as powerless as they appear to
In the biblical story that gives the book its title, for instance, David
appears to be the underdog against the big, strong, heavily armed and
armoured Goliath. But in fact, as Gladwell explains in his introduction,
the sling that David carries is a powerful weapon. At a distance of 35
metres, a typical stone hurled by an expert slinger—which David
was—would have had the stopping power of “a fair-sized modern handgun.”
Sometimes, when you dig a little deeper, it turns out that the apparent
underdog is really the favourite.
When Ordinary People Face Outsize Challenges
Gladwell’s book is a wide-ranging (or less generously, a meandering)
exploration of “what happens when ordinary people confront giants,”
which includes people facing off against all manner of misfortune and
obstacle. There is the high school basketball coach who uses an
unorthodox strategy to frustrate more talented teams. There’s the
dyslexic who rises to the top of the legal profession by becoming a
superb listener to compensate for his reading difficulties. There is the
curmudgeon who lost his father very young and whose mother worked
18-hour days to make ends meet, but who grew up to become a doctor and
ended up doing pioneering work in the treatment of childhood leukemia.
There are the famous Impressionist painters who, struggling and broke,
challenged the Parisian art establishment in the 1870s,
and won.
“The more we realize
we can get along just fine without all of the government functions we
now take for granted, the less those rulers will be able to get away
with manipulating and controlling us in the name of the greater good.” |
But enjoyable as these anecdotes are, the real meat of Gladwell’s book
is the stuff about people resisting the political power of armies and
oppressors. For instance, of all wars over the past 200 years between
very large and very small countries—with one of them at least ten times
larger than the other—it turns out that the weaker side has won almost
one third of the time. When the weaker side has refused to play by the
stronger side’s rules and instead used “unconventional or guerilla”
tactics, the apparent underdog won almost two thirds of the time.
A crucial issue is that of legitimacy. Martin Luther King Jr. and the
civil rights activists of the 1960s were “outgunned and overmatched,”
but they overcame the oppressive Jim Crow laws of the day by challenging
their legitimacy. The powerful British Army was unable to impose its
will on the underdog Catholics in Northern Ireland in the 1970s because
it lacked legitimacy in their eyes. Similarly, law and order on American
streets succeeds or fails to keep the peace in part based on perceptions
of legitimacy. Turns out, sheer power isn’t everything.
Rethinking Legitimacy
Gladwell doesn’t go so far as to question the legitimacy of government
itself, in all its forms,
the way Michael Huemer does
in The Problem of Political Authority. But his anecdotes and
arguments nonetheless perform a valuable service in getting us to
question the nature of power. If enough people decide that their
governments can’t do a certain thing—discriminate against blacks or
impose a curfew on Catholics—it is difficult for even a powerful
government to enforce its commands.
As things like the Drug War and central banking lose their legitimacy,
those of us who value free markets and freedom more generally may soon
find that we are only apparent underdogs in our battles against Goliaths
like the DEA and the Fed. The real battle is over ideas. When our ideas
change, our rulers must sooner or later follow suit. The more we realize
we can get along just fine without all of the government functions we
now take for granted, the less those rulers will be able to get away
with manipulating and controlling us in the name of the greater good.
From the same author |
Math Education Should Be Set Free
318 – January 15, 2014)
Santa on Trial
317 – December 15, 2013)
What Does Greenpeace Have Against Golden Rice?
316 – November 15, 2013)
Dear Sugar Man: Does a Nation Really Need a Charter
of Values?
314 – Sept. 15, 2013)
The Cost of Regulation: Why It's Worth Thinking About
313 – August 15, 2013)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.