Putting Innovation to a Vote?
Majoritarian Processes versus
Open Playing Fields |
Putting innovation to a vote is
never a good idea. Consider the breakthroughs that have
improved our lives the most during the 20th and
early 21st centuries. Did anyone vote for or
ordain the creation of desktop PCs, the Internet,
smartphones, or tablet computers? No: that plethora of
technological treasures was made available by individuals
who perceived possibilities unknown to the majority, and who
devoted their time, energy, and resources toward making
those possibilities real. The electronic technologies which
were unavailable to even the richest, most powerful men of
the early 20th century now open up hitherto
unimaginable possibilities even to children of poor families
in Sub-Saharan Africa.
On the other hand, attempts to
innovate through majority decisions, either by lawmakers or
by the people directly, have failed to yield fruit. Although
virtually everyone would consider education, healthcare, and
defense to be important, fundamental objectives, the goals
of universal cultivation of learning, universal access to
healthcare, and universal security against crime and
aggression have not been fulfilled, in spite of massive,
protracted, and expensive initiatives throughout the Western
world to achieve them. While it is easy even for people of
little means to experience any art, music, literature,
films, and games they desire, it can be extremely difficult
for even a person of ample means to receive the effective
medical care, high-quality formal education, and assurance
of safety from both criminals and police brutality
that virtually anyone would desire.
Why is it the case that, in the
essentials, the pace of progress has been far slower than in
the areas most people would deem to be luxuries or
entertainment goods? Why is it that the greatest progress in
the areas treated by most as direct priorities comes as a
spillover benefit from the meteoric growth in the original
luxury/entertainment areas? (Consider, as an example, the
immense benefits that computers have brought to medical
research and patient care, or the vast possibilities for
using the Internet as an educational tool.) In the areas
from which the eye of formal decision-making systems is
turned away, experimentation can commence, and courageous
thinkers and tinkerers can afford to iterate without asking
permission. So teenagers experimenting in their garages can
create computer firms that shape the economy of a generation.
So a pseudonymous digital activist,
Satoshi Nakamoto, can invent a cryptocurrency algorithm
that no central bank or legislature would have allowed to
emerge at a proposal stage—but which all governments of
the world must now accept as a fait accompli that is
not going away.
“The electronic technologies
which were unavailable to even the richest, most powerful
men of the early 20th century now open up hitherto
unimaginable possibilities even to children of poor families
in Sub-Saharan Africa.” |
Most people without political
connections or strong anti-free-enterprise ideologies
welcome these advances, but no such breakthroughs can occur
if they need to be cleared through a formal majoritarian
system of any stripe. A majoritarian system, vulnerable to
domination by special interests who benefit from the
economic and societal arrangements of the status quo, does
not welcome their disruption. Most individuals have neither
the power nor the tenacity to shepherd through the political
process an idea that would be merely a nice addition rather
than an urgent necessity. On the other hand, the vested and
connected interests whose revenue streams, influence, and
prestige would be disrupted by the innovation have every
incentive to manipulate the political process and thwart the
innovations they can anticipate.
It is only when some subset of
reality is a fully open playing field, away from the notice
of vested interests or their ability to control it, that
innovation can emerge in a sufficiently mature and pervasive
form that any attempts to suffocate it politically become
seen as transparently immoral and protectionist. The open
playing field can be any area that is simply of no interest
to the established powers—as could be said of personal
computers through the 1990s. Eventually, these innovations
evolve so dramatically as to upturn the major economic and
social structures underpinning the establishment of a given
era. The open playing field can be a jurisdiction more
welcoming to innovators than its counterparts, and beyond
the reach of innovation’s staunchest opponents.
Seasteading, for example, would enable more competition
among jurisdictions, and is particularly promising as a way
of generating more such open playing fields. The open
playing field can be an entirely new area of human activity
where the power structures are so fluid that staid,
entrenched interests have not yet had time to emerge. The
early days of the Internet and of cryptocurrencies are
examples of these kinds of open playing fields. The open
playing field can even occur after a major upheaval has
dislodged most existing power structures, as occurred in
Japan after World War II, when decades of immense progress
in technology and infrastructure followed the toppling of
the former militaristic elite by the United States.
The beneficent effect of the
open playing field is made possible not merely due to the
lack of formal constraints, but also due to the lack of
constraints on human thinking within the open playing field.
When the world is fresh and new, and anything seems
possible, human ingenuity tends to rise to the occasion. If,
on the other hand, every aspect of life is hyper-regimented
and weighed down by the precedents, edicts, compromises, and
traditions of era upon era—even with the best intentions
toward optimization, justice, or virtue—the existing
strictures constrain most people’s view of what can be
achieved, and even the innovators will largely struggle to
achieve slight tweaks to the status quo rather than the kind
of paradigm-shifting change that propels civilization
forward and upward. In struggling to conform to or push
against the tens of thousands of prescriptions governing
mundane life, people lose sight of astonishing futures that
might be.
The open playing fields may not
be for everyone, but they should exist for anyone who wishes
to test a peaceful vision for the future. Voting works
reasonably well in the Western world (most of the time) when
it comes to selecting functionaries for political office, or
when it is an instrument within a deliberately gridlocked
Constitutional system designed to preserve the fundamental
rules of the game rather than to prescribe each player’s
move. But voting is a terrible mechanism for invention or
creativity; it reduces the visions of the best and brightest—the farthest-seeing among us—to the myopia of the median
voter. This is why you should be glad that nobody voted on
the issue of whether we should have computers, or connect
them to one another, or experiment with stores of value in a
bit of code. Instead, you should find (or create!) an open
playing field and give your own designs free rein.
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First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.