Forcible Coercion and Socialized Medicine |
There is an ongoing
debate across Canada and the USA about the alleged merit of
adding fluoride
to municipal drinking water. Most Western European nations have
discontinued the practice of adding fluoride to municipal drinking water
for a variety of reasons, one of them being that the state has no right
to forcibly medicate its citizens. While anti-fluoride forces across
Quebec and British Columbia have been very successful at persuading
municipalities to discontinue the addition of fluoride to municipal
drinking water, the medical establishment in Ontario along with Health
Canada actively lobbies for continued water fluoridation.
In late 2013 and
early 2014, several communities near Toronto voted to discontinue water
fluoridation, including a municipality where the mayor was a dentist who
doubted the effectiveness of the practice. Fluoride opponents point out
that the rate of tooth cavities among young children is no higher in
Vancouver, which is fluoride free, than in Toronto, which adds fluoride.
A medical health officer located in a municipality near Toronto has
chosen to disregard a democratic vote by a municipal council to end
municipal water fluoridation in response to public opposition to the
The medical health
officer who is on the public payroll is alleged to have written to the
provincial government to mandate compulsory water fluoridation of all
municipal water across Ontario, essentially seeking to use the authority
of the provincial government to override the democratic votes of elected
municipal officials responding to public opposition to the practice. A
regime of government control of socialized medicine has created
positions of power and authority for medical personnel, positions of
power and authority that would not exist in a regime of private medical
There are numerous
examples of medical personnel seeking to exercise greater power and
authority by encouraging the practice of forcible medication of
citizens. In the USA, teenage girls who live the States of Texas and
California are subject to compulsory HPV vaccinations to allegedly
inoculate them against certain strains of sexually transmitted diseases.
Medical personnel in such jurisdictions now have the authority to
medicate children without parental consent and without even advising
parents of their children having being medicated at school. Parents who
oppose compulsory state medication of their children risk having state
authorities take custody of those children.
“It is under a regime of
socialized medicine where government covers a large portion
of the costs of health case that the pharmaceutical industry
has earned more income, which it has been able to use to
expand its influence.” |
A recent debate in
the State of Vermont involved a physician on the public payroll lobbying
the authorities to enforce compulsory vaccination for adults and to
disregard any freedom of choice through nullifying the conscientious
objection clause in state law. While the initiative had supporters in
the state legislature, there was enough elected opposition to veto the
proposal that would have resulted in otherwise peaceful citizens being
sent to jail for refusing compulsory vaccinations. People who oppose
such compulsory medical practices advise that the single largest lobby
group in Washington represents the pharmaceutical industry, which
manufactures medications.
The pharmaceutical
lobby is believed to operate with an annual estimated budget of US$3
billion, to lobby elected and non-elected officials in the interests of
their industry. Such a lobby with such a budget could only be possible
in a regime of socialized medicine where government covers the costs of
compulsory medication, using revenue that citizens are required to
provide through force of law. A regime of state medicine provides a safe
and secure market for the pharmaceutical industry. In a regime of
private medicine where government is neutral, the pharmaceutical
industry would need to develop a very different business strategy.
It is under a regime
of socialized medicine where government covers a large portion of the
costs of health case that the pharmaceutical industry has earned more
income, which it has been able to use to expand its influence. That
influence has grown to a level where it would be very difficult for any
market-friendly elected official to attempt to dismantle the regime of
socialized medicine. During an earlier time when medical care was either
private or run by charities, companies that produced medicines
represented the tail while the paying private customers represented the
dog. Back then the dog wagged the tail.
Under the modern regime of socialized medicine, the dog
represents the pharmaceutical industry and the tail
represents the government. The medical health officer near
Toronto, who has approached the Ontario government to
mandate compulsory water fluoridation across that province,
evidently understands the contemporary dog/tail analogy.
Otherwise, why bother to approach the provincial government
to disregard the democratic vote of multiple elected
municipal councils across Ontario? Only in a regime of
socialized medicine could a medical practitioner who is on
the public payroll dare show such contempt for the
democratic process.
From the same author |
Subsidy-Free City Passenger Transportation Services
in the Developing World
318 – January 15, 2014)
Cape Town's District Six: People's Survival and
Progress in a Politically Oppressed Community
318 – January 15, 2014)
Welfare, Education, and the Appeal of Gangs in
American Cities
317 – December 15, 2013)
The Rise of Teen/Adolescent Suicide and Mental
317 – December 15, 2013)
State Economic Control and the Electric Power Feed-in
316 – November 15, 2013)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.