Seeking Privacy in an Age of Increased Eavesdropping |
The practice of eavesdropping is as old as the world's oldest
profession. In very early times, eavesdropping involved a witness on the
scene. Later, the methods of the eavesdropping trade included using
telescopes, eavesdropping on telegraph messages, tapping telephone
lines, using hidden cameras, cameras with telephoto lenses and hidden
microphones. Organized syndicates often developed their own secret
language and special codes to reduce the risk of eavesdroppers gaining
any valuable information. Syndicate members would often recognize each
other through subtle body language or through a series of seemingly
innocuous gestures that suggested syndicate membership.
During an earlier time when only a very small number of people
understood Morse code or semaphore signals, the early post office
respected the privacy of private communication despite the telegraph
office knowing the precise content of urgent communications. Today, with
mass telecommunications among massive numbers of private people,
government agencies in some countries seek to monitor the content of
such communication, using a modern version of telephone tapping
technology. However, an unregulated free market has ways of discovering,
developing and providing technology to ensure telecommunications
While one sector of the market has provided specific eavesdropping
technology to private and government spy agencies, another sector of the
market simultaneously seeks to provide privacy from eavesdropping. Spy
agencies are aware that some people and organizations operate computers
without telecommunications capability—that is, computers that nobody can
hack. But such computers may emit faint radio signals that spy agencies
look for in order to access and extract information. People who value
privacy are seeking ways to ensure privacy from foreign government spy
agencies and competing commercial enterprises.
People who are familiar with radio telecommunications are aware that
conventional commercial radio waves are often impossible in bowl-shaped
mountain valleys, inside large mountain caves with small entrances, and
inside long tunnels. While satellite radio waves are available in
bowl-shaped valleys, they do not penetrate inside mountain caves and
long tunnels that are without provision for wireless telecommunications.
While offline computers located inside mountain caves may generate radio
waves when they process information, those radio waves may simply bounce
around inside the caves for decades.
Commercial enterprises located in developing economies that seek to
develop new products and services for the market may process information
using computers that are linked on an internal network and without
connection to the outside world. They may seek to prevent foreign
competitors from gaining access to any radio signals that their computer
systems generate by locating their computer systems deep underground or
inside mountain caves. Innovators in a free market could develop a
variety of alternate methods to thwart outsiders from accessing
computer-generated radio waves and any valuable commercial information
they might contain.
“While governments claim that
their eavesdropping is only aimed at protecting national
security, the door is wide open for them to tap into foreign
commercial and research information for the benefit of
politically well-connected local industries.” |
While modern computers operate on electronic signals, there have in
the past been crude information processing devices that operated
mechanically, using mechanical input signals. Other devices have used
hydraulic methods by which to process information. There was interest
some ten years ago in developing computers that operate on optical
signals, with some working proof-of-concept prototype machines built.
The threat of spy technology being able to access computer-generated
radio signals could prompt renewed interest in optical computers that
emit no radio waves from organizations that value the privacy of their
information, especially information that has commercial value.
While using highly encrypted telecommunication codes ensure a measure
of privacy, several governments forbid the use of such codes to the
point of demanding access to the codes. In the history of
telecommunications, innovators have developed ingenious methods of
ensuring privacy. A recent CBC documentary on poverty in South
America revealed that in the poverty-ridden favelas of Brazil, for
example, groups of kites would occasionally appear in the sky and
disappear, possibly to send a message. Despite the very public display
of kites, the colour schemes, colour arrangements, and movements of the
kites would have formed the telecommunications code known only to a very
small number of people.
A commercial enterprise may suspect a foreign government of spying on
their product development information for the benefit of a politically
well-connected foreign competitor. They may either house all their
innovation staff at a central location and use a single central
computer, or connect vast numbers of standalone, radio-shielded
computers on an extended intranet. If the company operates multiple
innovation offices, they would need to transmit highly confidential
product development information between remote offices. Dividing the
information into a jigsaw puzzle format allows multiple computers on an
intranet to connect briefly to the outside world.
Each computer would transmit a portion of highly encrypted information
through from certain email addresses to certain other, different email
addresses that may be linked to an extensive intranet, perhaps involving
several dozen transmissions among several million on a
telecommunications network. An industrial spy would then need to look
for the equivalent of several hundred pieces of a needle among a large
number of haystacks that includes decoys. The company's receiving
intranet would relay the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle to an in-house
computer that would reassemble the entire transmission into usable
While governments claim that their eavesdropping is only aimed at
protecting national security, the door is wide open for them to tap into
foreign commercial and research information for the benefit of
politically well-connected local industries. This might be especially
true for nations that have undergone severe economic downturns involving
factory closures, massive industrial layoffs and high rates of
unemployment. Disgruntled locals could then prompt their governments to
seek ways of providing new industrial and employment opportunities,
including using the spy agency to access new product innovation
information from foreign competitors—government promises to use their
eavesdropping powers for good notwithstanding.
From the same author |
Subsidy-Free City Passenger Transportation Services
in the Developing World
318 – January 15, 2014)
Cape Town's District Six: People's Survival and
Progress in a Politically Oppressed Community
318 – January 15, 2014)
Welfare, Education, and the Appeal of Gangs in
American Cities
317 – December 15, 2013)
The Rise of Teen/Adolescent Suicide and Mental
317 – December 15, 2013)
State Economic Control and the Electric Power Feed-in
316 – November 15, 2013)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.