The Politics of Envy and Jealousy |
Are the have-nots motivated by envy of the haves, or do they just want
their fair share? Conversely, are the well-to-do jealously guarding
their unjustified privileges from those that ain't got, or do they just
want to keep their fair share? The answers to these questions
depend, of course, on what you think is fair. A strict egalitarian will
object to anything but a perfectly equal sharing of resources. There
simply shouldn't be any haves or have-nots, according to egalitarianism.
Everyone should get the same amount of the pie, period.
I don't think this is a very convincing position, and I don't think most
people think it's a very convincing position. Human beings are different.
They have widely varying degrees of intelligence and energy; are honest
and hard-working to very different degrees; are bold or timid, trusting
or suspicious, curious or credulous. For these and many other reasons,
their productive and creative contributions to making the world a better
place diverge substantially. It seems entirely appropriate and
reasonable to me that their material rewards reflect the amount of good
they do in the world. Instead of everyone getting the same share of the
pie, each individual should get the share he or she deserves.
In a free market, you would get the material rewards for your
contribution to society that other individuals in society were willing
to pay, either directly or through the many complex interactions brought
about by specialization. There are no perfectly free markets in the
world, however. And while there are, I believe, many people on both
sides of the divide between rich and poor who are actually concerned
about justice, there are also many on both sides who just want to get
(or keep) what they haven't earned.
What Is Fair?
What got me thinking about this issue most recently was a somewhat
convoluted defence of the poor provided by Matt Bruenig in The Week,
entitled “The
intellectual bankruptcy of claiming the poor merely ‘envy' the rich.”
Although much of the article just bemoans the bare fact of rising income
inequality in the US in recent decades, Bruenig does make one important
point. “[T]he deeper problem is that calling something envy is nothing
but a flippant way to dismiss totally legitimate concerns about
justice,” he writes. “In some sense, all complaints about unequal
treatment could be categorized as envy if you really wanted to do so.”
Blacks used to envy whites their freedom, for example. Women used to
envy men the right to vote.
People who accuse the poor of being envious don't refer to the former
demands of black slaves and disenfranchised women as examples of envy,
Bruenig points out, because they think that those inequalities were
actually unjust. But the problem, then, is that calling something “envy”
just begs the question. “Referring to anger over distributive inequality
as envy already implicitly assumes that such anger is wholly without
merit and unjustified, but without actually making an argument to that
effect. It takes the legitimately contested question of the justness of
extreme inequality, assumes without any discussion that it is just, and
then accuses those who think otherwise not only of being wrong but of
actually being captured by vice and moral deficiencies.” While Bruenig
himself makes no actual arguments, at least in this short piece, that
current inequality is unjust, he is correct that any judgment one way or
the other requires actual arguments.
“From my point of
view, wanting to force others to pay for health insurance, education, or
welfare benefits for the poor, especially those poor who are perfectly
capable of working, is morally wrong.” |
So let's try to provide some, at least in principle. From my point of
view, wanting to force others to pay for health insurance, education, or
welfare benefits for the poor, especially those poor who are perfectly
capable of working, is morally wrong. Those who want those good things
for themselves without being willing to work for them—those who want to
take values for themselves without offering equivalent values to
others—are indeed morally deficient. In a free society, you could help
them if you wanted to, but personally, I would reserve my help for more
deserving people who needed a temporary assist, or for those who were
truly unable to work.
Yet untangling who deserves what in our mixed economy, which relies on
free markets only very imperfectly, is not as easy as this makes it
sound. The lazy poor may be poor largely because of their own sloth, the
dishonest poor because they screwed people over and ruined their
reputations. But many are poorer than they should be because they were
arrested for drug “crimes,” or because their fathers were killed in
prohibition-related violence. Many are made worse off by the countless
government regulations that make it harder for them to make a decent
living, or just by the chunk of their earnings that are confiscated to
pay for inefficient programs ostensibly designed to benefit the public
The Green-Eyed Monster Has Two Faces
And crucially, if we're going to rag on some of the poor for being
envious, we must be fair and criticize those among the rich who are
jealous of their undeserved bounty. Not that all wealth is undeserved.
Unlike in the days of kings when the only real way to get rich was to
conquer and pillage, the industrial revolution made it possible to amass
wealth by being useful to your fellow humans and prudent with your
earnings. Yet it remains true that some of the rich, to varying degrees,
are rich because of things like monopoly power, corporate subsidies,
protective tariffs, supply management, and other forms of welfare for
the well-to-do.
Envy can get really ugly. From simply wanting to follow in the footsteps
of the rich and earn a good life for yourself (commendable), it can
devolve into wanting something others have that you haven't earned
(exceptionable) and all the way down to wanting others to lose what they
have even if it makes you worse off as well (despicable). There is
surely some of this ugliness out there. But I suspect that a good amount
of what is written off as envy is actually righteous indignation at real
slights on the one hand and at the unearned privileges of some of the
rich on the other. If we could strip away the regressive rules that
disproportionately harm the poor and wrench away the jealously guarded
perks and powers that undeservedly benefit the wealthy, we would have a
much better idea of who deserved what, because people would more closely
get what they deserved. I believe that we would also have less
inequality than we have today—and that a lot of the so-called envy of
the poor would fade away as a result.
From the same author |
The Limits of Power: A Review
of Malcolm Gladwell's David and Goliath
319 – February 15,
Math Education Should Be Set Free
318 – January 15,
Santa on Trial
317 – December 15,
What Does Greenpeace Have
Against Golden Rice?
316 – November 15,
Dear Sugar Man: Does a Nation Really Need a Charter of
314 – Sept. 15,
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.