Evolving Beyond Foreign Aid |
Earlier this year, the government of the central African nation of
Uganda declared homosexuality to be illegal. Despite protests against
the policy both at home and abroad, the Ugandan government has remained
defiant. Several nations have chosen to protest the new law by imposing
economic sanctions, canceling some $118 million in foreign aid payments
to Uganda’s government. The Ugandan president subsequently announced
that Uganda “had the capacity to move beyond foreign aid.”
In late 2013 and early 2014, the British government phased out foreign
aid payments given to the government of South Africa. South African
government officials were shocked and dismayed by their former colonial
master’s announcement. But Great Britain is presently experiencing an
economic downturn. Nations such as Canada, Ireland, Greece, Italy,
Iceland, Portugal and Poland have high rates of unemployment, while
financial resources remain constrained during the ongoing economic
malaise. These nations, along with larger and more economically sound
nations like Germany, may have little choice but to phase out foreign
aid given to developing nations.
Prior to the economic slowdown that followed the meltdown of North
America’s high-tech economy, Western governments were reluctant to
curtail foreign aid payments made to developing nations. The USA
curtailed foreign aid to the Ugandan government of Idi Amin and Western governments also curtailed foreign aid to the Zimbabwean government of
Robert Mugabe. But a former Washington insider let it be known that the
American government likes to give foreign aid to overseas governments as
it assures American influence inside those governments. From this
perspective, foreign aid is a form of economic colonialism.
The Historical Record
The practice of government-to-government foreign aid programs began
during the post-colonial era, motivated by academic theorists who
advised that post-colonial economies would develop with the assistance
of foreign aid from wealthier nations. While colonial rulers may have
exploited the resources of their colonies, they often left their former
colonies with functioning economic sectors. Despite the ruthlessness
with which British government officials administered colonial India,
private British businessmen built a functional and efficient railway
system across the subcontinent. India’s government now owns, subsidizes
and operates a once-viable and privately owned railway system.
When it was granted independence from British colonial rule, the African
nation of Tanganyika (later known as Tanzania) had a functional economy
with productive, viable privately owned farms. Tanzania’s first local
head of state, Dr. Julius Nyerere, had studied Marxist economics at the
London School of Economics and proceeded to transform Tanzania’s
formerly free-market economy into a centrally-planned Marxist economy.
Food production declined to the point where Tanzania actually
experienced famine, something that had never occurred during colonial
rule. Western governments, Canada among them, began to provide
assistance that included foreign aid.
“The economic underdevelopment that persists in parts of Africa and in some
other nations around the world are at least in part the result of
earlier episodes of government-to-government foreign aid.” |
Despite generous “donations” of government-to-government foreign aid,
Tanzania’s centrally planned economy malfunctioned, and the country
experienced repeated food shortages and famines. The apartheid-era
government of South Africa even provided foreign aid to Tanzania in the
form of food donations. News commentators wrote that Tanzania had become
“a bottomless pit for foreign aid.” Beginning during the rule of Julius
Nyerere, journalists in other African nations began to write about the
negative side of government-to-government foreign aid. In his book
entitled Africa Betrayed, African intellectual Dr. George Ayittey
detailed how African dictators were responsible for Africa’s worst
Only after Julius Nyerere was long gone from public office, and after the
socialist economies of Eastern Europe had collapsed, did a later
Tanzanian government open the country up to greater market freedom. The
result was an improvement in Tanzania’s economy. Indeed, the main
downside of government-to-government foreign aid is that it supports
central planning by state officials who have been well-schooled in
Marxist economic theory and have little understanding of the workings of
a functional market economy. Phasing out government-to-government
foreign aid to developing nations that administer central planning would
result in a massive layoff of government bureaucrats.
Propping Up Villains
In his book, Ayittey described how several African dictators had
actually plundered local economies for their own benefit. While
providing foreign aid to a nation such as Zimbabwe helped sustain the
lifestyles of government officials, it did comparatively little to
benefit ordinary citizens. Zimbabwe’s government forcibly seized farms
owned by whites and gave then to black supporters of the government. But
the new farm owners had little knowledge of agricultural management, and
farm productivity declined. Zimbabwe provides a clear example of
government-to-government foreign aid benefiting a small percentage of
the population.
Zimbabwe also provides an example of the majority of a developing
nation’s population being no better off with government-to-government
foreign aid than without such aid. Displaced white farmers moved to
other nations, including nations in central and tropical Africa, where
they developed productive and viable farms. Their example illustrates
how people can achieve and succeed on the basis of know-how and ability.
In this case, displaced Zimbabwean farmers had knowledge of irrigation,
water storage, and numerous other skills related to starting and
sustaining a viable, productive farm.
In this regard, Zimbabwe provided a form of people-and-skills foreign
aid to other nations, the political leadership of Zimbabwe being
ignorant of the nature of the human resources they had driven from their
nation. The displaced Zimbabwean farmers’ knowledge of irrigation
through the diversion of a percentage of a river’s water into water
storage in private (covered) dams on private property allowed them to
maintain farm productivity during periods of reduced rainfall. Two years
ago, a region of Niger through which the Niger River flows faced famine
conditions due to a lack of water storage capacity.
Since the 1960s, various African nations have received decades of
government-to-government foreign aid, including the governments of
Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia. Granting such aid has at times suited the
political aims of donor nations’ governments, to assure the safe passage
of Middle Eastern oil to foreign destinations, for instance. But the
economic underdevelopment that persists in parts of Africa and in some
other nations around the world are at least in part the result of
earlier episodes of government-to-government foreign aid. A phase-out of
such programs would encourage more productive private entrepreneurial
initiative on the part of private citizens.
From the same author |
Private and Communal Property Rights in the
Developing World
320 – March 15, 2014)
Looming Prospects for Private and Home-Schooling in
the Developing World
320 – March 15, 2014)
Forcible Coercion and Socialized Medicine
319 – February 15, 2014)
Seeking Privacy in an Age of Increased Eavesdropping
319 – February 15, 2014)
Subsidy-Free City Passenger Transportation Services
in the Developing World
318 – January 15, 2014)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
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