Military Conscription Shows the Evil of Ukraine’s Government |
I have, in the past, expressed ambivalence regarding the
government of Oleksandr Turchynov and Arseniy Yatseniuk in
Ukraine, but that government’s decision on May 1, 2014, to
impose military conscription for men aged 18 to 25 clearly
reveals it to be evil and unworthy of even verbal support, not
to mention the material assistance and economic bailouts
currently lavished on it by Western governments and the
International Monetary Fund.
As I wrote in 2008 in “Why
Freedom is Free and Rights Are Right: The Case Against
Conscription, Compulsion, and Confiscation,” conscription is
murder by lottery: “By fielding an army of conscripts, a
government necessarily guarantees that some of those
conscripts will be killed—although nobody knows in advance
who will die. In effect, this is no different from
selecting a large number of fit young men, assigning numbers to
each of them, and picking a few of the numbers out of a hat—whereafter those whose numbers have been picked will be shot.
Conscription is just such a murder by lottery—except that the
picking of numbers is performed by the vicissitudes of the
battlefield rather than the luck of a draw. The responsibility
for the deaths of millions of young men from conscripted armies
throughout world history lies solely on the shoulders of the
governments who conscripted them. The enemy soldiers who killed
them were mere instruments of murder; they were likely only
following orders—and were likely themselves under compulsion
to do so. The government officials who drafted the men, however,
did so of their own free will and even with enthusiasm.”
It would be a complete contradiction of the principles of
liberty and peace to support any government that conscripts its
young men to become cannon fodder—disposable pawns in the
power struggles of older, powerful leaders who will not
themselves bear the physical costs of their desires to dominate
over one group of people or another. Vladimir Putin’s regime is
evil, too, and so are many of the militants aligned with it, as
I have
acknowledged previously. But supporting one evil just
because it is arrayed against another is neither moral nor
effective. American foreign policy engages in this support for
the “enemy of the enemy” at almost every available opportunity,
and this always comes back to hurt Americans in both the long
and the not-so-long term.
Ironically, it was the overthrown Viktor Yanukovych who had
abolished conscription in 2013—perhaps the only good
and liberty-friendly decision he made. Yanukovych deserved to be
overthrown for instigating the killings of his own people, but
this new government of thugs is no better. Indeed, it has
managed to undo the one good legacy of Yanukovych’s reign! And
yes, it is a government of thugs.
This March 5 article from Channel 4 News in the United
Kingdom—no Putin mouthpiece!—explains how many of the top
posts in the Ukrainian government are occupied by leaders of
Svoboda and Right Sector, two ultra-nationalist groups that grew
out of explicitly fascist movements that use explicit Nazi
symbols such as the
Wolfsangel. Here are
two images: at the top, Svoboda’s Oleh Tyahnybok delivers a
Nazi salute; at the bottom, he poses with arch-interventionist
and neoconservative warmonger John McCain. Right Sector’s leader
Dmytro Yarosh is Ukraine’s Deputy Secretary of National
Security—security, that is, for those who meet Yarosh’s standards of
ethnic and linguistic “purity.”
“Neither side in the conflict in Eastern Ukraine is just or
right, or anything but destructive to the interests of the only
innocent parties in the mix—civilians who seek to live and
work in peace. No principle, no signal, no feverish
nationalistic pride, no set of lines drawn on a map is worth the
life of a single human being.” |
Neither side in the conflict in Eastern Ukraine is just or
right, or anything but destructive to the interests of the only
innocent parties in the mix—civilians who seek to live and
work in peace. No principle, no signal, no feverish
nationalistic pride, no set of lines drawn on a map is worth the
life of a single human being. As Voltaire poignantly and
perceptively expressed it in his Philosophical Dictionary, “It
needs twenty years to lead man from the plant state in which he
is within his mother’s womb, and the pure animal state which is
the lot of his early childhood, to the state when the maturity
of the reason begins to appear. It has needed thirty centuries
to learn a little about his structure. It would need eternity to
learn something about his soul. It takes an instant to kill him.”
No worthless, ephemeral power struggles and posturing can ever
justify sacrificing the existence of the rich individual
universe—the incomparably intricate and sophisticated mind and
body—of any actual human being.
The Ukrainian government is forcing young men to kill their
fellow Ukrainian and Russian young men, against whom they have
no individual grievances. This is vile and reprehensible, and
the Ukrainian government deserves to fall. It would be easy for
it to fall and would not require active external intervention;
the West would just need to withdraw its support and let the
situation unfold as it would with only the involvement of local
actors. If the West continues to prop it up with aid, this would
only prolong the spree of destruction engaged in by people who
should never have had a chance at high office in any civilized
society, who should have been marginalized much like the Ku Klux
Klan and various neo-Nazi parties are treated in the United
States today. No government that uses its own people as cannon
fodder against their will deserves to exist; no country whose
“territorial integrity” must be maintained by a conscript army
deserves for its territory to remain intact.
As to the young Ukrainian men about to suffer under the yoke
of military conscription, my advice to them can be found in my
poem “The
Draft Dodger,” written in 2004 but still just as relevant
ten years later. As one who proudly escaped Alexander
Lukashenko’s Belrusian military conscription myself (I have
subsequently become a US citizen—so I am thankfully safe from
that particular tyranny), I wish these innocent young men all
the best in finding peaceful, prosperous lives outside the
heinous havoc which they did not create.
The Draft Dodger (2004)
G. Stolyarov II
I have been sentenced to a war.
And my offense? Naught but my age.
I’ll suffer pestilence and gore,
And die upon a foreign stage.
The verdict has been passed by those
Who wish to equal me to rags,
Plug sand into a breathing nose,
Borrow my life, return dog-tags.
They tell me, “Freedom is not
And thus they seek mine to deprive.
But no! I’ll courage have to flee,
To choose to prosper and survive!
The right that mine was from the womb,
That I had bought with Reason’s gold,
I shall not lay before a tomb,
But will Self’s Shrine from robbers hold.
I claim no more than what is
To rise each morning when I will,
To build, compose, create, refine,
And heed no Congressman’s dread bill,
Whose parasitic voting bloc
My soul as spoils of war would claim,
No noble war of awe and shock,
But rabble-rousers’ power game.
When nations seek me for their
Their cause, their plight shall pass in vain.
Let no man give but what he gave,
Of his own will, for his own gain.
Freedom can’t stand on sacrifice;
With blood and bones I shan’t it craft.
I shall not offer prey to vice,
And, proudly, I shall dodge this draft! |
From the same author |
War is the Worst Choice for Ukraine and the World
321 – April 15, 2014)
Liberty or Death: Why Libertarians Should Proclaim
That Death is Wrong
320 – March 15, 2014)
Putting Innovation to a Vote? Majoritarian Processes
versus Open Playing Fields
319 – February 15, 2014)
Cryptocurrencies as a Single Pool of Wealth: Thoughts
on the Purchasing Power of Decentralized Electronic Money
318 – January 15, 2014)
Meaningful and Vacuous “Privilege”
317 – December 15, 2013)
On the same
subject |
War is the Worst Choice for Ukraine and the World
321 – April 15, 2014)
No Excuses for Militant Barbarism in Ukraine—But the West
Should Stay Out
322 – May 15, 2014)
Ukraine’s “Territorial Integrity” is Not Worth a Single
Human Life
322 – May 15, 2014)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.