Uber Über Alles: The Internet Is Killing Regulated Business |
A dangerous outbreak
of voluntary trading activity is sweeping the planet, and citizens
everywhere are calling on their governments to do something about it.
Rogue technologies
have lowered the transaction costs that previously protected consumers
from the knowledge that various goods and services were available for
sale. As a result, people who previously relied on licensed taxis and
properly-regulated hotels are being lured into potentially disastrous
transactions with other people.
One of these rogue
technologies tricks users into arranging rides with other people who
just happen to have a car and who are willing to sell rides for money.
In one version, the technology goes by the ominous name of “Uber.”
Licensed taxi
drivers, alarmed at the threat to their customers, rose up and held a
one-day strike in cities across Europe and South America this past week,
demanding the government step in and take action. In cities from Rio to
Berlin, they heroically demanded protection for their vulnerable
passengers, in some cases bravely attacking cars
suspected of being
private taxis.
Central London was
gridlocked as its famous black cabs halted in protest. In London,
would-be taxi drivers study for as long as seven years to gain “The
Knowledge” that entitles them to
call themselves
cab drivers and undergo criminal background checks before paying more than $60,000
(USD) for their cabs. Needless to say, their concern for their
passengers is honed to a fine point in this process, and so the prospect
of any ill-use befalling people from random Uber drivers is topmost in
their minds. One of them explained the danger of Uber
to the
Daily Beast
in these terms: “Say you have a problem with me—I pick you up, and me
and you have a few words: I say, ‘Oh, fuck off, you wanker! Get out.’
You’d take my number down, and my head’s on the chopping block. I have
to go up and explain myself and if it ain’t right they'll suspend me or
take my license away.”
In a sick, ironic
twist, the strike drew the attention of many previously unsuspecting
passengers to the existence of Uber. A spokesperson claims that sign-ups
for the service have increased 850 percent. “London wants Uber in a big
way,” she added.
* * *
But seriously.
The Internet is
making it easier for people to communicate and arrange mutually
beneficial trades. Some of these trades involve things like
renting their homes when they are not using them,
or making some money giving rides to people
or doing odd jobs. These trades have the usual benefits associated with trading in general:
each party benefits. Furthermore, they have the obviously salutary
economic effect of putting underutilized resources like vacant homes and
car seats and human labour to good use.
“The same technology that makes it easier to find a person with a
spare room also makes it easy to find out what that person’s past
customers have to say about him or her. In other words, the transaction
costs have gone down for both of these things, and the utility of
regulation is thus diminished.” |
But needless to say,
the people who make use of these services to sell things that were
previously more difficult to sell are entering into competition with
existing businesses like taxi companies and hotels.
Some of these existing companies are heavily regulated and taxed. The
example of London’s black cabs is typical. In other cities, a carefully
limited number of taxi licenses become more and more expensive, until
finally it costs more to become a taxi driver than
it costs to purchase
a house.
The taxes and
regulations were created for that purpose. They serve to make it harder
to get into the business so that competition is minimized and prices
remain high. Good for the existing businesses, bad for everybody else.
Anyone who has jumped through the hoops and gotten into such a racket
the old-fashioned way has a good reason to be upset by things that make
it easy for people to find alternatives. But why anyone else should be
upset about it is not obvious.
“But it isn’t fair!”
shout those who have done things the old-fashioned way. (Pro-taxi
protesters in Berlin held signs reading “Fairer Wettbewerb für alle”—fair competition
for all—emphasis no doubt on “fair”.) And they are
right. So do away with the taxes and regulations and everyone can play
by the same rules. “We don’t mean that!”
The regulations, some
will say, in addition to protecting existing business from competition
and keeping prices high, do sometimes serve the worthy purpose of
mandating safety: fire standards for the hotels, criminal background
checks for cabbies, etc.
That is true. In the
days when transaction costs made it hard to find information about a
hotel in another city or a taxi company, health and safety regulations
did serve that purpose.
But the same technology that makes it easier to find a person with a
spare room also makes it easy to find out what that person’s past
customers have to say about him or her. In other words, the transaction
costs have gone down for both of these things, and the utility of
regulation is thus diminished.
This much is obvious
to everyone who has used one of these services, and their numbers are
growing. When will the newspapers and webzines catch up with the new
reality? Never, if folks like
Salon’s resident Luddite Andrew Leonard can help it. It seems it’s always easier to identify with rent-seeking producers
than with the consumers they’re gouging.
But there are
scattered signs of hope. Just as the gridlocking protest in London drove
business straight to Uber, so the mounting absurdity of not being
allowed to sell and rent the things that belong to you
is starting to
penetrate even the densest heads. May we live
to see the day when the absurdity of it becomes evident to everyone.
From the same author |
The Luddite Fallacy Is Alive and Well
317 – December 15, 2013)
The Pros and Cons of Discrimination
316 – November 15, 2013)
Amazon: The Bad, the Ugly, and the Good
315 – October 15, 2013)
The Booksellers' Petition
314 – September 15, 2013)
The Revolution Will Be Printed
313 – August 15, 2013)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.