The Great Fact: A Review of Deirdre McCloskey's Bourgeois
Dignity |
We live in astonishing times. We take it for granted, of course, which
is good in a way because, well, we have to get on with the business of
living and can’t spend every waking moment going, “Oh my God! This is
amazing!” But it’s a good idea to stop and take stock from time to time
in order to appreciate just how far we’ve come in the past 200 years or
so—to show gratitude for just how much richer the average person is
today thanks to the Industrial Revolution.
“In 1800, the average human consumed and expected her children and
grandchildren and great-grandchildren to go on consuming a mere $3 a
day, give or take a dollar or two,” writes economist and historian
Deirdre McCloskey in her excellent 2010 book, Bourgeois Dignity: Why
Economics Can’t Explain the Modern World. That’s in modern-day, US
prices, corrected for cost of living. Apart from a comparatively few
wealthier lords, bishops, and the odd rich merchant, people were dirt
poor, barely subsisting, unable to afford luxuries like elementary
education for their kids—who had a 50% chance at birth of not making it
past the age of 30. That’s the way it was, the way it had always been,
and as far as anyone could tell, the way it always would be.
More Than 16 Times Richer
But thankfully, things turned out a little differently. There are seven
times as many of us on the planet today, but we’re many times richer on
average, despite pockets of enduring dire poverty here and there.
According to McCloskey, “Real income per head nowadays exceeds that
around 1700 or 1800 in, say, Britain and in other countries that have
experienced modern economic growth by such a large factor as sixteen, at
least.” And this is a very conservative estimate of material
improvement, not taking into account such novelties as jet travel,
penicillin, and smartphones.
This radical, positive change brought about by the Industrial Revolution
is the “Great Fact” about the modern world. “No competent economist,
regardless of her politics, denies the Great Fact,” writes McCloskey.
But it does require explanation, and here there are many theories. What
caused it? Why did it happen where and when it happened—starting in
northern Europe around 1800—instead of in some other place, at some
other time? And although modern economic growth has at least begun to
reach most of the world, including now China and India, if we had a
better understanding of its causes, perhaps we could do a better job of
encouraging it to spread to the relatively few remaining holdouts.
What changed, argues McCloskey, is the way people thought about markets
and innovation and the people who were engaged in the business of making
new things and buying and selling them. “More or less suddenly the Dutch
and British and then the Americans and the French began talking about
the middle class, high or low—the “bourgeoisie”—as though it were
dignified and free. The result was modern economic growth.” In other
words, the material, economic fact has a non-material, rhetorical cause,
which is why economics can’t explain the modern world. Our ideas
changed, and we started innovating like never before, and an explosion
of innovation drove the rapid economic growth of the past 200 years.
“Apart from a comparatively few
wealthier lords, bishops, and the odd rich merchant, people were dirt
poor in 1800, barely subsisting, unable to afford luxuries like elementary
education for their kids—who had a 50% chance at birth of not making it
past the age of 30.” |
What Didn’t Cause the Industrial Revolution
Bourgeois Dignity
is the second book of a trilogy. The first book, The Bourgeois
Virtues (2006), which I have not read but now plan to, argued for
the positive ethical status of a bourgeois life. The third book,
Bourgeois Equality, due out in 2015, will present the positive case
for the claim that it is a change in ideas and rhetoric that made the
modern world—and that ideas and rhetoric could unmake it, too. As for
this second book in the series, it presents the negative case by
examining the materialist explanations for the Great Fact offered up by
economists and historians from both the left and the right, and finding
them all to be lacking.
Imperialism, for instance, did not bring about the modern world. The
average European did not become spectacularly wealthy by historical
standards simply by taking Africa’s and America’s wealth. Imperialism
did happen, and it did make a few people rich and hurt a lot of people,
especially in places like the Belgian Congo. But it did not raise the
standard of living of average Europeans, who would have been better off
if their leaders had allowed trade to flourish instead of supporting the
subjugation of people in foreign lands. Besides which, empires had
existed in other times and places without bringing about an Industrial
Revolution. A unique effect cannot be the result of a routine cause. And
it cannot either simply be the case that wealth was moved from one place
to another, because there is much more wealth per person today than ever
before, despite there being many more of us around.
International trade did not do it either, according to McCloskey. Trade
is a good thing, as imperialism is a bad thing, but its effects are
relatively small. And extensive trade, too, existed long before the
1800s, in places other than Europe and the United States, without
launching the rapid material betterment of all. And for similar reasons,
it wasn’t the case that people began saving more, or finally accumulated
enough, or got greedier all of a sudden, or discovered a Protestant work
ethic, or finally built extensive transportation infrastructure, or
formed unions, or suddenly started respecting private property, or any
of dozens of other explanations presented by economists and historians
over the years.
Respect for Innovation and Making Money
Only innovation has the power to make people radically better off by
radically increasing the output produced from given inputs, and only
innovation was a truly novel cause, to the extent that it was taking
place on an unprecedented scale two hundred years ago in northern
Europe. And the reason that it began happening there and then like never
before was a change in rhetoric—a newfound liberty, yes, but also a
newfound dignity previously reserved for clergy and warriors. For the
first time, in the 17th and 18th centuries, it became respectable, even
honourable, to figure out new ways of doing things and to make money
selling those innovations to other people, and so innovation and
business were encouraged, and much of humanity was lifted out of dire
poverty for the first time in history starting in the 19th century.
Ideas matter. Supported by bourgeois dignity, and despite the betrayal
of a portion of the intellectual elite as of around 1848, we have
continued to innovate and make money and lift more and more people out
of poverty. There have been significant setbacks due to communism and
fascism and two world wars, but almost everyone is much better off today
than anyone dreamed was possible just a few short centuries ago. In
order to continue spreading the wealth, and the opportunities for human
flourishing that go with it, we need to defend the idea that business
and innovation deserve to be free and respected, as Deirdre McCloskey
herself has so admirably done in this fine volume.
From the same author |
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Centrally Planning the Job Market: We Need More Data!
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Individual Control of Individual Education
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First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.