The New York Police Department: Striking Against the Public
Safety? |
Last month, New Yorkers became test subjects in a
remarkable social experiment when their police department all but went
on strike. Starting the week of December 22, arrests and citations by
the NYPD plunged in comparison to the same period a year earlier.
Summons to criminal court for low-level offences and citations for
traffic and parking violations plummeted by almost 95%.
Overall arrests
were down an incredible 66%.
The slowdown continued during the following week, which produced
As wonderful as it would be if these developments were due to a
sudden outbreak of libertarian fever among New York’s finest, the truth
is quite the opposite. By way of background, during New York City’s 2013
mayoral campaign the eventual winner, Bill de Blasio,
spoke out
against the NYPD’s “stop-and-frisk”
policy that disproportionately affected racial minorities. After taking
office, he dropped the city’s appeal of a court decision that ruled the
program unconstitutional. The unions objected to this decision and even
sought (unsuccessfully)
to carry on with the appeal themselves.
Tensions between the police and the mayor ratcheted up further in
July 2014 when the mayor expressed sympathy with
Eric Garner,
a black man killed by police after he was suspected of illegally selling
individual cigarettes. And in December, when a grand jury declined to
charge the officers responsible for Garner’s death (even after the
city’s medical examiner
it a homicide),
de Blasio acknowledged
that he had cautioned his African-American son to take special care when
interacting with officers. An enraged Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association
a flier
encouraging its members to tell the mayor to skip their funerals if they
were killed in the line of duty. The issue became all too real on
December 20 when two patrol officers were murdered in Brooklyn,
to avenge
Garner’s death. The rank and file expressed their anger by
turning their
on the mayor as he spoke at each patrolman’s funeral, while the
Sergeants Benevolent Association raged that the
officers’ blood was “on
the [mayor’s] hands.”
The intention of the slowdown is presumably twofold. First, to
remind New Yorkers of how much they need the police (and how much the
latter deserve the mayor’s unconditional support). Second, to starve the
municipal budget of a much-needed source of revenue: In 2013, fines of
all stripes swelled the city treasury by about $800 million, over $500
million of which came
from parking tickets alone.
Unfortunately for whoever hatched the idea of a work stoppage, New
York City has not descended into chaos and citizens are not desperate to
return to business as usual. As one observer
put it, “Arrests plummeted
66% but I just looked outside and nothing is on fire and the sun is
still out and everything.”
Try as I might, I could not find a single report of crime having
increased, New Yorkers being less safe or anything out of the ordinary
at all. In other words, the NYPD’s change in tactics aside, it is
business as usual in New York City. Which naturally raises the question
that Matt Ford
asks in The Atlantic: “If the NYPD can safely cut
arrests by two-thirds, why haven’t they done it before?”
“If America's largest police
department can all but abandon the enforcement of a huge
swath of laws without the sky falling down, then maybe it is
worth considering whether the police, in their current form,
are as essential as so many of us assume.” |
The answer might lie in part in a
directive, purportedly from the
Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, that read in part, “Absolutely NO
enforcement action in the form of arrests and or summonses is to be
taken unless absolutely necessary and an individual MUST be placed under
Apparently police officers had been arresting people just to pass the
time. Another important part of the answer may lie in
an admission
by an NYPD officer that he and his colleagues have quotas—one arrest and
20 summons a month—and that “[o]ur primary job is not to help anybody,
our primary job is not to assist anybody, our primary job is to get
those numbers and come back with them.” His statement is one indication
among many
that New York police are under pressure to generate arrests regardless
of whether crimes are actually being committed. It is therefore
unsurprising that arrests could plunge without diminishing public
Ironically, the slowdown has given the NYPD’s critics something that
they have long called for: an end to “broken window”
policing, in which petty offences such as public urination or public
drinking receive zero tolerance on the theory that cracking down on such
minor law breaking discourages more serious offences. A side effect,
however, is to increase the opportunities for friction between police
and citizens suspected of wrongdoing. Exacerbating matters, the NYPD
appears to have a
problem—even among current or retired black NYPD officers, a recent
Reuters investigation
found that 24 of 25 who were interviewed had been profiled. The result
is a toxic mixture of racial confrontation that falls on the backs of
low-income minorities, who are almost certainly the work action’s
biggest beneficiaries.
It’s also worth pausing for a moment to recall the astronomical
sum—$800 million—raised each year through fines and tickets. The racial
and economic disparities in how laws are enforced effectively mean that
poor minorities are being forced to help the city balance its budget—and
not just by seizing their money through taxation, but by putting them
through the stressful, time-consuming and humiliating wringer of the
justice system. It’s little wonder that black playwright Aurin
Square—whose piece on this issue is compelling reading—calls the
slowdown “an occasion to celebrate.”
The NYPD’s job action also raises a much bigger question, namely
whether we need police officers in the first place. Most people, even in
libertarian circles, would respond in the affirmative. But there are
convincing arguments
that laws need not be enforced by public employees who enjoy a
privileged legal status—and that private security forces who are paid
willingly for their services, who are answerable to their clients and
who are liable both civilly and criminally for any harm they cause would
be far superior. This is, admittedly, too radical for most people even
to contemplate. But if America’s
police department can all but abandon the enforcement of a huge swath of
laws without the sky falling down, then maybe it is worth considering
whether the police, in their current form, are as essential as so many
of us assume.
Tragically, the victimless “crime” that triggered the slowdown—Eric
Garner’s alleged sale of individual cigarettes—is exactly the sort of
activity to which New York’s police are now turning a blind eye. It is
an activity that a sane legal system would never have criminalized in
the first place. Garner’s interaction with the police was effectively
due to suspicion that he was committing an act of entrepreneurialism.
And a would-be Eric Garner who today decides to sell cigarettes to
willing buyers can probably rest easy knowing that the NYPD’s interest
in stopping him has evaporated. The longer the slowdown continues, the
more evidence there will be that the police were hitherto far too
aggressive and zealous in their enforcement of the law. And rather than
begging their police to turn back the clock, New Yorkers may instead
demand that the NYPD make a clean break with the past and abandon its
old habits permanently.
From the same author |
Another Year, Another War: How (Not) to Save the
Middle East
325 – October 15, 2014)
Living While Black
324 – Sept. 15, 2014)
The Great War's Legacy, a Century On
323 – June 15, 2014)
Is Justice Compatible with the Rule of Law?
322 – May 15, 2014)
The 2014 Quebec Election: This Time, It Mattered
321 – April 15, 2014)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.