Alberta Challenges Home-Schooling Families |
Discussions about home-schooling children during a time of
state-enforced compulsory school attendance first circulated during the
late 1960s. At the time, the practice was comparatively rare and usually
involved reclusive religious communities that isolated themselves from
the main population and lived in remote locations. A few mainstream
families that engaged in farming and lived in remote regions in very
small communities also home-schooled their children, usually guided by a
teacher located in a large town. Today, a small but no longer minuscule
percentage of families worldwide have chosen to home-school their
Concerns about the quality of education in state-run schools began to
emerge in the 1960s following the publication of such books as Why
Johnny Can’t Read that condemned the whole-word reading instruction
fashion that had taken hold in American schools. So-called experts in
education had rejected the earlier phonic method of letter recognition
and sounding out each letter to discover each word, but parents and
family members who taught children to read at home could use the phonic
method of reading instruction, with great success.
Worldwide, parents living in certain jurisdictions are free to
home-school their children with minimal state interference, while other
jurisdictions are openly hostile to the practice. In Germany,
home-schooling parents risk losing custody of their children, the result
of a law enacted by the Third Reich that banned the practice. At the
time, children were being brainwashed in the state-run schools regarding
the wisdom of the national leader, to whom the children owed respect,
obedience and allegiance. Across North America, jurisdictions like
California uphold the German standard, while Quebec is at least somewhat
hostile to home-schooling.
In early 2015, home-schooling families in Alberta became the focus of
certain government officials after members of a teachers’ union reported
that groups of children were being home-schooled in the province. In an
era of social media and electronic telecommunications, home-schooling
families have formed support networks and even organize outings such as
visits to museums and art galleries for their children. The supreme law
of Canada accords citizens the right to freedom of assembly and freedom
of association—except in Alberta, if those citizens happen to be
home-schooling their children.
The Alberta teachers’ union and government officials want to stop
home-schooling families from associating with each other, seeking to
prevent them from exercising their constitutional right to freedom of
assembly. A clause in the Constitution claims that it is the supreme law
of Canada and that “any law that is inconsistent with the statutes
spelled out in the constitution, are to the extent of the inconsistency,
to be of no force or effect.”
“Does the concept of freedom
of peaceful assembly as spelled out in the Charter of Rights
and Freedoms, mean anything to either the teachers’ union or
to provincial government officials? Any attempt by the
government of Alberta to invoke a notwithstanding clause in
regard to freedom of peaceful assembly sets a dangerous
precedent.” |
So a question begs to be asked of officials of the Government of
Alberta and the Alberta teachers’ union in regard to the constitution of
Canada: Does the Constitution of Canada and the Charter of Rights and
Freedoms contained within that Constitution have any relevance for the
Alberta teachers’ union and for provincial government officials? Does
the concept of freedom of peaceful assembly as spelled out in the
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, mean anything to either the teachers’
union or to provincial government officials? Any attempt by the
government of Alberta to invoke a notwithstanding clause in regard to
freedom of peaceful assembly sets a dangerous precedent. It may begin
with the children of home-schooling families today, but then expand to
include other citizens’ groups tomorrow.
Across the United States, teachers’ unions vehemently oppose the
home-schooling movement, and the trend may be spreading to Canada. In
the US, many employers and even institutions of higher learning regard
the high school graduation diploma as little more than a certificate of
school attendance. Several institutions of higher learning actually
employ grade school teachers to teach remedial English to first year
university students who are deficient in reading, grammar, sentence
structure and spelling. Members of teachers’ unions who oppose
home-schooling taught these same students during their high school
Several years ago, this writer became aware of an extraordinary
practice involving a small number of teachers employed in the state
school system. They actually enrolled their own children in private
schools, while other teachers actually home-schooled their own children
to ensure that they would receive a higher quality of education,
acquired in a learner-paced environment. Some families owned collections
of compact discs of documentaries that covered a wide range of subjects
that included history, physics, geography, chemistry and other subjects
that could be adapted to the learner’s pace.
Some home-schooling families actually owned electronic hobby sets,
chemistry sets and other scientific equipment that allowed learners, at
their own pace, to use the hands-on approach to learn about physics,
chemistry, technology and science. Long before the uproar in Alberta,
home-schooling families actually shared learning equipment such as
educational compact discs and scientific sets. Some of these students
even worked together in groups on educational projects.
Alberta education officials appear ready to challenge home-schoolers’
freedom of assembly, evidently unaware that the supreme law of the land
upholds citizens’ rights to do so. If they seek to question the quality
of home-schooling education, they will find a wide range of subjects
readily available on compact discs covering the entire school
curriculum, from kindergarten to the final year of high school. And if
they do their homework, they will find that many thousands of
home-schooled students have successfully made the transition to college
and university—and that very few of them needed remedial language
training when they got there.
From the same author |
State Social Policy and the Rise of Psychopathic
328 – January 15, 2015)
The Sometimes Sad Legacy of State Experts
328 – January 15, 2015)
An Economic-Oil Offensive from ISIS
327 – December 15, 2014)
The Games We Play
326 – November 15, 2014)
Exploring Causes Behind
Violence Among First Nations People
326 – November 15, 2014)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
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