The Imperative of Technological Progress: Why Stagnation
Will Necessarily Lead to Disaster and How Techno-Optimism
Can Overcome It |
“He who moves not forward, goes backward.”
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It is both practically
desirable and morally imperative for individuals and
institutions in the so-called “developed” world to strive
for a major acceleration of technological progress within
the proximate future. Such technological progress can
produce radical abundance and unparalleled improvements in
both length and quality of life – whose possibilities Peter
Diamandis and Steven Kotler outlined in their 2012 book
Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think.
Moreover, major technological progress is the only way to
overcome a devastating step backward in human civilization,
which will occur if the protectionist tendencies and
pressures of existing elites are allowed to freeze the
status quo in place.
If the approximate technological and economic status quo
persists, massive societal disintegration looms on the
horizon. A Greece-style crisis of national-government
expenditures may occur as some have predicted, but would
only be a symptom of a greater problem. The fundamental
driver of crisis since at least September 11, 2001, and more
acutely since the Great Recession and the national-government
bailouts of legacy financial and manufacturing institutions,
is an increasing disconnect between the powerful and
everybody else. The powerful – i.e., the politically
connected, including the special interests of the “private
sector” – seek to protect their positions through political
barriers, at the expense of individual rights, upward social
mobility, and economic/technological progress. Individuals
from a relatively tiny politically connected elite caused
the 2008 financial crisis, lobbied for and received
unprecedented bailouts and lifelines for the firms whose
misbehavior exacerbated the crisis, and then have attempted
to rig the political “rules of the game” to prevent
themselves from being unseated from positions of wealth and
influence by the dynamics of market competition. The system
created by these elites has been characterized by various
observers as crony capitalism, corporatism, corporate
fascism, neo-mercantilism, and a neo-Medieval guild system.
The deleterious influence of the politically connected
today is reflected in the still-massive rates of
unemployment and underemployment for the millennial
generation, while many established industries fail to make
openings for young people to ascend and fail to accommodate
the emerging technologies with which young people thrive.
While the millennial generation had nothing to do with the
Great Recession, it has suffered its greatest fallout. Many
millennials now encounter tremendous diminution in economic
opportunity and living standards (think of young people in
New York City paying several thousand dollars a month to
share a tiny, century-old apartment among three people – or
emerging trend of shipping containers being converted
into the only type of affordable housing for young people in
San Francisco). The “Occupy” movement was a reflection of
the resulting discontentment – a reflexive and
indiscriminate backlash by young people who knew that their
circumstances were unjustly bad, but did not understand the
root causes or the culprits.
The only way for a crisis to be averted is for the
current elites to stop blocking people from the millennial
generation from opportunities to achieve upward mobility.
The elite must also stop bailing out obsolete and poorly
managed legacy institutions, and cease erecting
protectionist barriers to the existence of innovative
businesses that young people can and have tried to start. If
the millennial generation continues to be shut out of the
kinds of opportunities available to the preceding generation,
however, I can envision two crisis scenarios. Each of these
characterizations is not a prediction (but rather a
nightmare which I hope can be avoided), is somewhat broad
and, of course, is tentative. However, these scenarios are
rough outlines of how the West could falter in the absence
of significant technological progress.
Crisis Scenario 1: “Occupy” Times Ten:
Millions of unemployed thirty-somethings (millennials in
five to ten years) riot in the streets, indiscriminately
destroying storefronts and setting cars alight. Economic
activity and sophisticated production are ground to a halt
because of the turmoil. The continuity of knowledge transfer
and intergenerational symbiosis involved in human
civilization are completely interrupted. Clashes with police
create martyrs who are then invoked by opportunistic thugs
as an excuse to loot and burn. Without the opportunity for
peaceful economic cooperation, society degenerates into
armed gangs, some left-wing (e.g., “Black Bloc” violent
anarchists), others right-wing (e.g., survivalist militia
groups). Thoughtful and intellectual people, who want the
violence to end and see an imperfect peace as better than a
war of all against all, are universally despised by the new
tribes and cannot find a safe environment in which to work
and innovate. The infrastructure of everyday life is
critically damaged, and nobody maintains or repairs it.
Roads, bridges, pipes, and electrical grids are either
destroyed or become unusable after years of decay. The West
becomes Ukraine writ large, eventually regressing into
Crisis Scenario 2: The Reaction: Current
political and crony-capitalist elites crack down with
extreme force, either in response to actual riots or, more
likely, to the threat thereof. Civil liberties are
obliterated and an economic underclass enforced through
deliberate restrictions on entry into any remunerative
occupations – much like the 17th-century
mercantilists advocated for maximum wages and prohibitions
on perceived luxuries for the working classes. Those who do
get jobs are required to work 60 or more hours per week and
so have no time for anything else in life. All established
industries are maintained in their current form through
legal protections and bailouts, and there is an official
policy that the structure of the economy must not be allowed
to change for any reason. (Think of
Directive 10-289 from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.)
Licensing requirements for professions become ubiquitous and
burdensome, laden with Catch-22 provisions so that few or no
new entrants can make it into the system. Only an elite
cadre of Baby Boomers enjoys wealth and uses the force of
legal entry barriers to prevent anyone else from having the
opportunity to earn their own. They have ground
technological progress to a halt, seeking to keep
established business models in place and thwart all
competition. The national government develops a massive
spying capability and enforces social order through the
ability to detect behaviors that might even be
algorithmically correlated with dissent. All ordinary
citizens are routinely humiliated in public under the
pretense of thwarting crime or terrorism. TSA body searches
have expanded beyond airports to highway checkpoints,
shopping centers, and random stops by police on city
streets. People’s homes are routinely raided by SWAT teams
at the mildest pretext. This is done to make people meek and
subservient to the established order. To keep young people
from rioting (and get rid of the “excess” unemployed
youths), the elites concoct jingoistic justifications to
inflame endless foreign wars, and young people are
conscripted and sent to die abroad. If any of these wars
aggravate the regimes of either Russia or China, this
scenario has the added risk of putting the world back on the
verge of nuclear conflict. The fast-senescing
crony-capitalist elites have cut off future biomedical
progress and so will die eventually, but only the children
of the elite will inherit any wealth. A neo-feudal oligarchy
is established and becomes gradually ossified throughout the
generations, while the industrial and technological base
built over the past 200 years, as a legacy of the
Enlightenment and individual rights, will deteriorate,
eventually bringing the West back into premodernity.
I see an ossification of the status quo as leading to one
or both of the above crisis scenarios. A return of
premodernity is the logical conclusion of the dynamics of a
fundamentally unaltered status quo. If humankind does not
move technologically forward, it will go backward in a
spiral of destruction and repression.
The only way for either crisis scenario to be averted is
for technological progress to occur at no slower than the
rates experienced during the twentieth century. Overt
political revolution, even if it begins peacefully, is
dangerous. To understand why this is so, one needs look no
further than the recent Arab Spring uprisings – initially
motivated by liberally minded dissidents and ordinary people
who could no longer tolerate corrupt dictatorships, but
ultimately hijacked by Islamist militants, military juntas,
or both. A case even closer to the contemporary Western
world is the recent Maidan revolution in Ukraine, which,
while initially motivated by peaceful and well-intentioned
pro-European activists, replaced a corrupt regime that
occasionally persecuted dissidents with a fiercely militant,
nationalistic regime that tolerates no dissent, engages in
coercive historical revisionism, prohibits criticism of Nazi
and neo-Nazi thugs, conscripts some of its citizens to die
in civil war, and indiscriminately shells others of its
citizens in the East. Revolutions always have the potential
of replacing a lethargically bad regime with an aggressively
destructive one.
“The key to achieving a freer, more prosperous, and
longer-lived future is to educate both elites and the
general public to accurately weigh the opportunities and
risks of emerging technologies.” |
This is why it is better for any societal transformation
to be driven primarily by technological and economic
development, rather than by political turmoil. The least
turbulent transformations should be somewhat gradual and at
least grudgingly accepted by the existing elites, who need
to be willing to alter their own composition and accept
bright minds from any background – not just their own
progeny. A sufficient rate of technological advancement –
especially due to the growth in 3D printing, robotics,
nanotechnology, biotechnology, genetic engineering, vertical
farming, and renewable energy – can ensure near-universal
abundance within a generation, untethered from permission-granting
institutions to which most people today owe a living. Such
prosperity would enable most people to experience what are
today upper-middle-class living standards, therefore having
no motivation to riot. Technological progress can also
preserve individual liberty by continually creating new
spheres where politicians and lobbyists are incapable of
control and individuals can outmaneuver most political
Technological progress, particularly radical extension of
the human lifespan through periodic rejuvenation that can
restore the body to a more youthful condition, is
also the only hope for remedying unsustainable expenditures
of national governments, which are presently primarily
intended to support people’s income and healthcare needs in
old age. Rejuvenation biotechnology of the sort championed
by Dr. Aubrey de Grey’s SENS
Research Foundation could be developed with sufficient
investment into the research, and could become disseminated
by biotechnology entrepreneurs, ensuring that older people
do not become decrepit or incapable of productive work as
they age. The only way to sustainably extend average
lifespans past about 85 years would be to turn back the
clock of biological aging. It is not possible for most
people (who do not have some degree of genetic luck) to live
much longer beyond that without also becoming more youthful.
Many people who receive rejuvenation treatments will not
want to retire – at least not from all work – if they still
feel the vitality of youth. They will seek out activities to
support human well-being and high living standards, even if
they have saved enough money to consider it unnecessary to
take a regular 8-to-5 job. With the vitality of youth
combined with the experience of age, these people will be
able to make sophisticated, persistent contributions to
human civilization and will tend to plan for the longer
term, as compared to most people today. If automation takes
care of basic human needs, then human labor will be freed
for more creative and fulfilling tasks.
Effective rejuvenation will not arrive right away, but
immigration can keep the demographic disparity between the
young and the old from being a severe problem in the
meantime. This is another reason to reject protectionist
policies and instead pursue approaches that allow more
people to contribute to and benefit from the material
prosperity of the “developed” world. Birth rates tend to
fall anywhere there are major rises in standards of living
after an industrial revolution, as children stop becoming
productive helpers in an agricultural economy and instead
become expensive to raise and educate so that they can
participate in a knowledge-based economy. However, birth
rates are still higher in many less-developed parts of the
world, and people from those areas will readily seek
opportunities for economic advancement in more developed
countries, if given the option.
Fortunately, there are glimmers of hope that the path of
gradual embrace of ever-accelerating progress will be the
one taken in the early-21st-century Western
world. The best outcome would be for an existing elite to
facilitate mechanisms for its own evolution by offering
people of merit but from humble backgrounds a place in real
Some of that evolution can occur through market
competition – new, upstart businesses displacing incumbents
and gradually amassing significant resources themselves. The
best instantiation of this in the United States today is the
Silicon Valley entrepreneurial culture – which,
incidentally, tends to finance the majority of longevity
research. The most massive infusion of funds into
longevity-related research has been from an offshoot of
Google – Calico –
founded in 2013 and currently partnering with a large
pharmaceutical company, AbbVie. Calico has been somewhat
secretive as to the details of its research, but there are
other large businesses that are beginning to invest in
similar endeavors – e.g., Craig Venter’s Human
Longevity, Inc. Moreover, the famous libertarian venture
capitalist Peter Thiel has given millions of dollars to Dr.
Aubrey de Grey’s SENS
Research Foundation – a smaller-scale organization but
perhaps the most ambitious in its goals to bring about a
reversal of human senescence through advances in
rejuvenation treatments within the next quarter-century.
These developments are evidence that the United States
today is characterized not by one elite, but by several –
and the old “Paper
Belt” elite is clearly in conflict with the new Silicon
Valley elite. Politicians tend, surprisingly, not to
be the most decisive players in this conflict, since they
typically depend on harnessing pre-existing cultural
currents in order to get elected and stay in office. Thus,
they will tend to side with whatever issues and special
interests they consider to be gaining ground at a given
time. For this reason, many thinkers have characterized
politics as a lagging indicator, responding to rather than
triggering the defining events of an era. The politicians
ride the currents to power, but something else creates those
Differences in the breadth of vision among elites also
matter. For instance, breakthroughs in human longevity could
actually be a great boon for medical providers and the first
pharmaceutical companies that offer effective
products/treatments. Even the most ambitious proponents of
life extension do not think it possible to develop a magic
immortality pill. Rather, the treatments involved (which
will be quite expensive at first) would require periodic
regeneration of the cells and tissues within a person’s body
– essentially resetting the biological clock every decade or
so, while further innovation uncovers ways to reverse the
damage more cheaply, safely, and effectively. This is a
field ripe with opportunities for enterprising doctors,
researchers, and engineers (while, at the same time,
certainly endangering many extant business models). Some
government officials, if they are sufficiently perceptive,
could also be persuaded to support these changes – if only
because they could prevent a catastrophic collapse of Social
Security and Medicare.
Approximately 30% of Medicare expenditures occur during
the last year of patients’ lives, when the body is often
fighting back multiple ailments in a losing battle. If this
situation were simply prevented in the first place, and if
most people became biologically young again and fully
capable of working for a living or financing their own
retirements, the expenses of both Social Security and
Medicare could plummet until these programs became wholly
unnecessary in the eyes of most voters.
The key to achieving a freer, more prosperous, and
longer-lived future is to educate both elites and the
general public to accurately weigh the opportunities and
risks of emerging technologies. Too many individuals today,
both elites and ordinary people, view technological progress
with suspicion, conjuring in their minds every possible
dystopian scenario and every possible malfunction,
inconvenience, lost opportunity, moral reservation, or
esthetic dislike they can muster against breakthroughs in
life extension, artificial intelligence, robotics,
autonomous vehicles, genetic engineering, nanotechnology,
and many other areas of advancement that could vastly
benefit us all. This techno-skeptical mindset is the biggest
obstacle for proponents of progress and a better future to
overcome. Fortunately, we do not need to be elites to play
important roles in overcoming it. By simply arguing the
techno-optimist case and educating people from all walks of
life about the tremendous beneficial potential of emerging
technologies, we can each do our part to ensure that the 21st
century will become known as an era of humankind’s great
liberation from its age-old limitations, and not a lurch
back into the bog of premodern barbarism.
If we have a modicum of technological progress,
the West might be able to muddle through the next several
decades. If we have an acceleration of
technological progress, the West will leave its current
problems in the dust. The outcome will be a question of
whether people (both elites and ordinary citizens) are, on
balance, held hostage to the fear of the new or, rather,
willing to try out technological alternatives to the status
quo in the hopes of achieving improvement in their lives.
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Universal Physical and Moral Laws, With No Lawgiver
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