The Need for a “Buy Human” Program |
The Canadian government is apparently facing
growing pressure to graft a
Buy Canadian program onto its billions of dollars of planned
infrastructure spending. That way, all those taxpayer dollars would help
support employment and economic growth here at home instead of shipping
it across the border and overseas. Who could object to such a
well-meaning policy to prop up good, Canadian jobs?
Well, for starters, someone concerned with cost-effectiveness could
raise an objection. Such a person might argue that our representatives
in government have a responsibility to see that we taxpayers get our
money’s worth when they, for example, decide from whom to buy the steel
that will be used to build our bridges. Before raising our taxes even
higher than they already are, or sinking us further into debt and
saddling our kids with the bill, they should try to stretch each tax
dollar as far as it’ll go. And if getting the best value for our money
means buying steel from China, then that’s what they should do.
Someone who understands the general benefits of trade and specialization
could also easily object to a Buy Canadian program. When we engage in
voluntary exchange with other people, we do so because we expect to
benefit—and the people we trade with do the same. By specializing in
some form of production, we can get better at it, becoming more skilled
and even finding better ways of doing things. Then, through trade, we
benefit not only from our own skills and innovations, but from other
people’s as well. Importantly, this dynamic holds whether our trading
partners are across the street or on the other side of the planet.
“All parties are losers in a trade war, as
protectionist barriers beget more protectionist barriers. It’s like two
imbeciles in a gunfight: one shoots himself in the foot, and his rival
retaliates by shooting himself in his foot.” |
On the flipside, someone who understands how harmful a trade war is to
everyone concerned would have good reason to object to measures like a
Buy Canadian program. All parties are losers in a trade war, as
protectionist barriers beget more protectionist barriers. It’s like two
imbeciles in a gunfight: one shoots himself in the foot, and his rival
retaliates by shooting himself in his foot. As our economies limp
along with these self-inflicted wounds, we are also in increased danger
of seeing our strained relations deteriorate into actual wars, since
instead of at least valuing foreigners for what we can get from them
through trade, we find it easier to denigrate them as something less
than human, the better to justify dropping bombs on them. If this seems
farfetched, just think of how certain media outlets portray the people
who are currently having bombs dropped on them.
And speaking of foreigners, someone whose concern for the well-being of
his or her fellow humans doesn’t stop at an imaginary line on a map
could also find a Buy Canadian program objectionable. It’s true that
some people’s lives here at home are disrupted when businesses close, or
when certain kinds of jobs disappear altogether from the local
landscape. But the people we trade with in other countries? They’re
people too, and trade benefits them just as it benefits someone in this
country. Why their well-being should matter less to me because they live
in a different country, I’ve never understood.
If we want to lend a hand to our neighbours who lose their jobs, we can
help them transition to some other kind of work. But “we” shouldn’t keep
making steel if “we” can’t make it at a competitive price anymore;
instead, we should switch to doing something else, and buy our steel
from people willing and able to produce it and sell it at a lower price.
They in turn will buy from us the things that we are comparatively good
at. And if other governments want to subsidize their steel
industries—and therefore our purchases of steel—then our own governments
shouldn’t compound the mistake by following suit.
Think about it: If it makes sense to Buy Canadian, then why not Buy
Quebecois? Buy Montreal? Buy Mile-End? Buy
Fairmount-between-St-Laurent-and-Clark? The simple fact is that global
trade has made the globe richer, helping to bring us closer than we’ve
ever been to eradicating extreme poverty, and allowing everyone not
living under the boot heel of authoritarianism the opportunity to live a
decent life. Parochialism will only make us poorer and less connected
with other people around the world. Instead of Buy Canadian or Buy
American programs, what we really need is a Buy Human policy, trading
with whichever of our fellow human beings are offering us the best value
for our money in their efforts to improve their own lives.
From the same author |
Andy Weir's The Martian: A Book Review in Four
340 – March 15, 2016)
The Loaded Language of Cultural Nationalism
339 – February 15, 2016)
Now If Someone Could Just Invent Actual Reality
338 – January 15, 2016)
Being Good for Goodness Sake
337 – December 15, 2015)
Giving Thanks and Looking Forward
335 – October 15, 2015)
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.