Edward W. Younkins is Professor of
Accountancy and Business Administration in the Department of
Business and Technology at Wheeling Jesuit University and the
founder of the university’s undergraduate degree program in
Political and Economic Philosophy. He is also the founding
director of the university’s Master of Business Administration
(MBA) and Master of Science in Accountancy (MSA) programs.
In addition to earning state and national
honors for his performances on the Certified Public Accountant
(CPA) and Certified Management Accountant (CMA) exams,
respectively, Dr. Younkins also received the Outstanding
Educator Award for 1997 from the West Virginia Society of
Certified Public Accountants. The author of numerous articles
in accounting and business journals, his free-market-oriented
articles and reviews have appeared in Ideas on Liberty
(formerly The Freeman), The Journal of Markets and
Morality, The Social Critic,
Le Québécois Libre,
Liberty Free Press, The Free Radical, Free
Life, The Individual, and many other publications.
Exploring Capitalist Fiction
"Professor Younkins makes another contribution to the literature of
freedom, this time by showing us what pro-capitalist
fiction-and anti-capitalist, too-can teach us about
business and its enemies." (Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.,
Chairman and CEO, Ludwig von Mises Institute)
"I am a testament to the validity of the theme of this
book, which is that fiction can be a powerful tool for
business education. A novel, Atlas Shrugged, changed my
life and was far more important to me in successfully
leading a business than any nonfiction book or college
course." (John Allison, President and CEO, Cato
Review of Edward W. Younkins's Exploring Capitalist Fiction (by G. Stolyarov II,
Le QL no
315, October 15,
Read the
Get the book
Lexington Books,
Amazon.ca and on
Amazon.com. |
Flourishing and Happiness in a Free
Flourishing and Synthesis (by Allen Mendenhall,
The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 11, no. 2
(Issue 22, December 2011): 249-53.
Review of Younkins's Flourishing and Happiness in a
Free Society (by Leonidas Zelmanovitz,
Libertarian Papers 3, 31 (2011).
A Review of Edward W. Younkins's Flourishing and
Happiness in a Free Society (by G. Stolyarov II,
The Rational Argumentator, CCLXXIV, January
17, 2011.)
Book review: Flourishing and Happiness in a Free
Society by Edward W. Younkins (by Eric Field,
Richmond Libertarian Examiner, April 6, 2012.)
Six impossible things before or after breakfast
(by Graham Dawson, ON LINE opinion, posted
January 3, 2012.)
A review of Flourishing and Happiness in a
Free Society, by Edward W.
Younkins (by William H. Peterson, Le Québécois Libre,
September 15, 2012)
Read the preface...
Get the
Lexington Books,
Amazon.ca and on
Amazon.com. |
Champions of a Free Society: Ideas of Capitalism's
Philosophers and Economists
“Champions of a Free Society
is a tour de force of the libertarian and classical
liberal movements. Dig into any of these chapters,
better yet, all of them, and see a masterfully told
story of the history of liberty from days gone by to
the modern era.”
–Walter Block of Loyola University, New Orleans.
Get the
book on
Lexington Books,
Amazon.ca and on
Amazon.com. |
Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged: A
Philosophical and Literary Companion
"A collection of this type is long
overdue. Edward Younkins has exhibited an impressive
vision in assembling this extraordinary book just in
time for the 50th anniversary of Ayn Rand's
–Lew Rockwell, president of the Ludwig von Mises
"Re-Reading Atlas Shrugged"
A review by J. H. Huebert
Get the
book on
Ashgate Publishing Company,
Amazon.ca and on
Amazon.com. |
Philosophers of Capitalism: Menger, Mises, Rand
and Beyond
commend these essays as keys to understanding the
underlying trends in the current scene in politics and
economics in America and the West. Dr. Younkins links
the work of giants like Aristotle, Menger, Mises, and
Rand to give new meaning to applied Objectivism and
Austrian Economics. I speak as one who earned his
doctorate in economics under Ludwig von Mises at New
York University and contributed some 400 articles in the
Wall Street Journal."
--William H. Peterson, Adjunct Scholar, Heritage
More avance Praise...
the book on
Lexington Books. |
Capitalism and Commerce
(by Steven Yates, The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies
7, no. 2 (Spring 2006): 1-13).
Capitalism And Commerce: Conceptual Foundations Of Free
Enterprise - A Book That Should
Be On Every Free Market Advocate's Shelf
(by Patrick Q. Scheper,
Sense of Life Objectivists, December 24, 2004)
Capitalism and Commerce: Conceptual Foundations of
Free Enterprise (by Tibor R. Machan, The Freeman,
March 2004)
Capitalism and Commerce: Conceptual Foundations of
Free Enterprise (by Kyle Swan, Markets &
Morality, Fall 2003)
Younkins' book offers timely, important defense of
capitalism (by Thomas Michaud, The State Journal,
December 13, 2002)
A Moral and Rational Defense of Capitalism (by
Charles W. Almond, le QL, October 26, 2002)
Foundations of a Free Economy (by Martin Masse,
Mises.org, September 3, 2002)
Adam Smith's virtues revived (by William H.
Peterson, The Washington Times, August 25, 2002)
The Moral Case for Capitalism - A much-needed defense
(by Yuval Levin, National Review Online, August 22,
2002) |
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Québécois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.