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Montréal, 11 novembre 2000 / No 71 |
Scott Carpenter
Hunting season is nearly over and the snow has come once more like a blanket of cotton to cover the north until the coming of the spring Chinooks. It's a funny time of year here. While the oil and gas patch busies itself and the lumber companies return to the woods, for the most part life seems to take on a slower pace. Perhaps it's just the cold. Vehicles need to be warmed before driving, the wheels turn slower and yet – industry and play marches on. Indeed, amongst the northern population there appears to be a keen understanding of the connection between production and leisure. |
Final Frontier
Before play or politics (or anything else) comes work. It's not that it has to be this way – not in this day and age of government Northerners – though friendly and polite (for the most part) tend to be an independent bunch. The impact this fact has on the current political landscape is, after much thought, quite staggering to say the least. While the population in this northern hinterland is not nearly large enough to effect the wave of practical politics sweeping in from the south it does have the potential to tear the political fabric of this country apart in a much different fashion. In a place where individual rights are more or less a given – and where private property is still viewed as a sacred right – our current socialist regime will ultimately find itself either ignored or pushed aside altogether. It is true that those in search of liberty are not easily lead astray. So, while communist platitudes may quell the whining of the majority of our southern cousins they will do little more than inflame the already disgruntled sensibilities of the northern capitalist and individualist [note: I am well aware that there is diversity of political opinion throughout the country – but there is no denying that each region of the nation subscribes to a different set of politics as a general rule. One only need look as far as parliament to see that what I say is true.] Thanks but no thanks While Chrétien fiddles and recites Marx during the federal debates:
Because of this the underground economy here is booming at an alarming rate. It makes sense that with this growth there has been a correlated drop in the respect for any law passed by our provincial and federal governments with regards to trade and even other issues. All of this frustration, disobedience and prosperity adds up to one thing: secession – or at the very least decentralization in one shape or another – whether we like it or not. Indeed, it may be time for us to quit this charade and to face the incontrovertible fact that it is time for us to shake hands and go our own ways. The idea that we are bound by some esoteric and cryptic legal agreement to live as slaves to one another is absurd and immoral. Logically – there is no reason we cannot get along separately but together – as a loose association of free states. Big government has had its day in the sun and has failed us miserably. Time and again the principles of liberty provide a better world for men to cohabitate in than the strappings of socialism ever could. Indeed, the reason western Canada (northern Alberta and BC in particular) is so prosperous is because of the fact that it is more laissez faire politically and economically than the rest of the country. The governments own statistics will show that men go where there is capital and where the government and its legislation are less intrusive. Calgary is an excellent example of this phenomena as it's population has literally exploded over the last five to ten years. If this is indeed true then does it not make sense to cut the beast off at the head and to let each to his own? In light of these facts what purpose does the federal government serve anymore except to Why do we who see the truth in such things not say Is it not this simple? Your questions and comments are welcome.
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