Harry Valentine

Harry Valentine is a free-marketeer living in Eastern Ontario.


State Policy, Family Dysfunction, and Rape  (no 341 – April 15, 2016)
State Complicity in Citizen Suicides  (no 341 – April 15, 2016)
The Failing Dream of a Nation: South Africa after Apartheid  (no 340 – March 15, 2016)
The Politics of the Energy East Oil Pipeline across Quebec  (no 339 – February 15, 2016)
Private Initiative and Innovation to Produce Food with Minimal Water  (no 339 – February 15, 2016)
The Free Market and Ride-Sharing Applications  (no 338 – January 15, 2016)
Business Lessons from the Underground Economy and the Ultimate Competitor  (no 338 – January 15, 2016)
State Grinch Impedes Christmas Travel Plans  (no 337 – December 15, 2015)
Eastern Canada's Economy and Changing Ship Transportation  (no 337 – December 15, 2015)
Economic Development through Public Infrastructure Spending  (no 336 – November 15, 2015)
The High-Tech Hobbyist and the Volkswagen Emissions Test  (no 335 – October 15, 2015)
Political Attempts to Create New Economic Opportunity  (no 335 – October 15, 2015)
Restraining Legitimate Commercial Competition in the Maritime Transportation Sector  (no 334 – September 15, 2015)
Radical Feminist Leader Seeks to Ban Heterosexuality and Men  (no 334 – September 15, 2015)
Residential Schools and Governmental Failure  (no 333 – June 15, 2015)
Ontario Sex-Ed Curriculum Protests & Government Infallibility  (no 332 – May 15, 2015)
Water as State Property  (no 332 – May 15, 2015)
Free Market Trade and Border Towns  (no 330 – March 15, 2015)
Growing Concerns about Sexual Violence on Campus  (no 329 – February 15, 2015)
Alberta Challenges Home-Schooling Families  (no 329 – February 15, 2015)
State Social Policy and the Rise of Psychopathic Behaviour  (no 328 – January 15, 2015)
The Sometimes Sad Legacy of State Experts  (no 328 – January 15, 2015)
An Economic-Oil Offensive from ISIS  (no 327 – December 15, 2014)
The Games We Play  (no 326 – November 15, 2014)
Exploring Causes Behind Violence Among First Nations People  (no 326 – November 15, 2014)
Envy as a Possible Cause of Bullying  (no 325 – October 15, 2014)
Free Market, the State and the Spread of Ebola  (no 325 – October 15, 2014)
Teachers' Strikes and the Homeschooling Option  (no 324 – September 15, 2014)
Constitutional Rights and Market Monopoly in Ontario  (no 324 – September 15, 2014)
Rampaging Gunmen and Unarmed Citizens  (no 323 – June 15, 2014)
The Evolving Ingenuity of the Smuggler Trade  (no 323 – June 15, 2014)
Economy, State and Masculine Identity  (no 322 – May 15, 2014)
A Case of Government Industrial Investment becoming Foreign Aid  (no 322 – May 15, 2014)
Evolving Beyond Foreign Aid  (no 321 – April 15, 2014)
Private Initiative in Producing Food in Cities in the Developing World  (no 321 – April 15, 2014)
Private and Communal Property Rights in the Developing World  (no 320 – March 15, 2014)
Looming Prospects for Private and Home-Schooling in the Developing World  (no 320 – March 15, 2014)
Forcible Coercion and Socialized Medicine  (no 319 – February 15, 2014)
Seeking Privacy in an Age of Increased Eavesdropping  (no 319 – February 15, 2014)
Subsidy-Free City Passenger Transportation Services in the Developing World  (no 318 – January 15, 2014)
Cape Town's District Six: People's Survival and Progress in a Politically Oppressed Community (no 318 – January 15, 2014)
Welfare, Education, and the Appeal of Gangs in American Cities  (no 317 – December 15, 2013)
The Rise of Teen/Adolescent Suicide and Mental Illness  (no 317 – December 15, 2013)
State Economic Control and the Electric Power Feed-in Tariff  (no 316 – November 15, 2013)
The Alleged Downstream Benefits of Government Investment In Industry  (no 316 – November 15, 2013)
Social Responsibility and Clothing Manufacturing  (no 315 – October 15, 2013)
Black Economic Empowerment: Private vs. State Initiatives  (no 315 – October 15, 2013)
The Challenge of the Immigrant Worker  (no 314 – September 15, 2013)
No Room on the Train (Or on the Bus)  (no 314 – September 15, 2013)
School Bullying and the New York Male Teacher Experiment  (no 313 – August 15, 2013)
The Federal-Provincial Debate over Job Skills Training  (no 313 – August 15, 2013)
Much Ado about Fixing the Price of Chocolate  (no 312 – June 15, 2013)
State Economic Regulation and Opportunity in Atlantic Canada  (no 311 – May 15, 2013)
State, Society, and School-Related Teen Rape Cases  (no 310 – April 15, 2013)
The Ongoing Saga of State-Subsidized Entrepreneurship  (no 309 – March 15, 2013)
The Quest for Feasible Postal Services  (no 309 – March 15, 2013)
University and College Graduates Seeking Professional Appointments  (no 308 – February 15, 2013)
Idle No More and the Destruction of Canada's First Nations  (no 307 – January 15, 2013)
Water Fluoridation and the Tyranny of Forcible Medication  (no 307 – January 15, 2013)
The Benefits of Private Initiative During Times of Emergency  (no 305 – November 15, 2012)
Governmental Undermining of Spirituality and Self-Reliance  (no 305 – November 15, 2012)
Government Partnership and Contaminated Alberta Beef  (no 304 – October 15, 2012)
Government Control of Trades  (no 304 – October 15, 2012)
Quebec's Dormant Sovereignty Sentiment  (no 303 – September 15, 2012)
Montreal's "Just in Case" Marine Port for Super Ships  (no 303 – September 15, 2012)
Canada's Vanishing Intercity Train and Bus Services
 (no 302 – August 15, 2012)
The Prohibition on Renovating and Repairing Your Own Property  (no 301 – June 15, 2012)
CO2 and The Solar Cycle Theory of Global Warming (and Cooling)  (no 301 – June 15, 2012)
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Aid to Poor Communities  (no 300 – May 15, 2012)
The Inevitability of Change in Post Secondary Education  (no 299 – April 15, 2012)
Prohibition and the Economics of the World's Oldest Profession  (no 298 – March 15, 2012)
Attempts to Police the Internet  (no 297 – February 15, 2012)
Political Initiatives to End Bullying  (no 297 – February 15, 2012)
Government as a Customer  (no 296 – January 15, 2012)
The Role of the State in the Epidemic of School Bullying  (no 295 – December 15, 2011)
The Wheat Board Court Ruling: Let the Real Producers Decide the Vote  (no 295 – December 15, 2011)
Options for Western Farmers after the Canadian Wheat Board  (no 294 – November 15, 2011)
The Downside of Government Control over long-distance Transportation  (no 293 – October 15, 2011)
Exploring the Alleged Failure of Market Deregulation  (no 292 – September 15, 2011)
The Summer Riots of 2011  (no 291 – August 15, 2011)
Revisiting the Quebec Sovereignty Debate  (no 290 – June 15, 2011)
Ending the Wheat Board Would Strike a Blow for Greater Market Freedom in Canada  (no 289 – May 15, 2011)
Animal Welfare and Commercial Livestock   (no 288 – April 15, 2011)
The Discovery of a Trading Submarine  (no 287 – March 15, 2011)
Telecommunications Regulation and the Internet Download Debacle  (no 286 – February 15, 2011)
Fuel Prices and the Village Vehicle  (no 285 – January 15, 2011)
International Protests against Reduced Government Spending  (no 284 – December 15, 2010)
A Theory of Bullying  (no 283 – November 15, 2010)
Canada's Middle Eastern Airline Debacle  (no 282 – October 15, 2010)
Economic Lessons From the Third World  (no 281 – September 15, 2010)
Canada Seeks to Phase Out the Economic Stimulus Package  (no 280 – August 15, 2010)
Quebec Commerce and Dropping Water Levels in the Great Lakes  (no 279 – June 15, 2010)
The Two Forms of State-sponsored Entrepreneurial Training Programs  (no 278 – May 15, 2010)
The State and Water Politics  (no 277 – April 15, 2010)
Job Creation from the Economic Stimulus Package in Ontario  (no 276 – March 15, 2010)
Ending an Economic Stimulus Package  (no 275 – February 15, 2010)
The Fading Promise of the Green-Tech Economy  (no 274 – January 15, 2010)
Government Statistics Are Unreliable  (no 273 – December 15, 2009)
The Prospect of Parity Between Canadian and American Currencies
  (no 271 – October 15, 2009)
Economic Recovery or Signs of an Emerging Malinvestment Boom?  (no 270 – September 15, 2009)
The Vapour-locked and Flooded Engine: An Analogy of Economic Downturn  (no 269 – August 15, 2009)
Real Signals or the Illusion of Economic Recovery?  (no 268 – June 15, 2009)
Government Assistance Creates Seasonal Businesses  (no 267 – May 15, 2009)
Political Folly During Economic Recession  (no 266 – April 15, 2009)
A Historical Perspective of the Current Economic Downturn  (no 265 – March 15, 2009)
Recession, Stimulus and Economic Deregulation  (no 264 – February 15, 2009)
The Failure of Economic Regulation and the Economic Downturn  (no 263 – January 15, 2009)
Economic Stimulation and Malinvestment  (no 262 – December 15, 2008)
Governments Attempt To Stimulate Weakening Economies Worldwide  (no 261 – November 15, 2008)
Canada's Mortgage Bailout and Beyond  (no 260 – October 15, 2008)
Ontario Seeks Ways to Reduce Poverty  (no 258 – August 15, 2008)
Ending Canadian Foreign Aid to Africa  (no 244 – December 2, 2007)
The Free Market and Water Loss from the Great Lakes  (no 238 – October 21, 2007)
Reducing Carbon Emissions from Hydroelectric Power Stations  (no 234 – September 23, 2007)
Learner-paced educational programs: An alternative to state run schools  (no 230 – June 17, 2007)
Carbon Emissions and Property Rights in Canada  (no 225 – May 13, 2007)
The Property of the King and Mineral Rights in Canada  (no 221 – April 15, 2007)
Economic Opportunity From Montreal Traffic Congestion  (no 207 – January 7, 2007)
Canadian Opportunity in Fish-Depleted Oceans  (no 201 – November 12, 2006)
Canadian Foreign Aid and Political Manipulation in Southern Africa  (no 194 – September 24, 2006)
Quagmire in Afghanistan  (no 192 – September 10, 2006)
The Economic Plight of Small Towns in Eastern Canada  (no 185 – July 23, 2006)
Canadian Opportunities from Global Warming  (no 182 – July 2, 2006)
Could Some Libertarian Economics Still Previal Ottawa  (no 166 – February 12, 2006)
The Re-awakening of Sovereignty in Quebec  (no 161 – December 15, 2005)
Appeasement and Envy in Canadian Politics  (no 160 –  November 15, 2005)
Geothermal Energy Could Bring
Lower Food Prices in Canada  (no 159 –  October 15, 2005)
Dropping Out of High School in Ontario 
(no 158 –  September 15, 2005)
Making the Case for Large-Scale Regulatory Free Off-Grid Power 
(no 157 –  August 15, 2005)
The Wire Across The Property Line 
(no 156 –  July 15, 2005)
Malinvestment and Regulation of Electric Power in Ontario 
(no 154 –  May 15, 2005)
High Court Appoints Bert & Ernie to Teach English to Francophone Children in Quebec 
(no 153 –  April 15, 2005)
The Alberta Tragedy and State Failure
  (no 152 –  March 15, 2005)
Economic Hope in Atlantic Canada
  (no 151 –  February 15, 2005)
Ontario Government Regulations Causing Job Losses
  (no 150 –  January 15, 2005)
Climate Change Requires Power Deregulation in Quebec
  (no 149 –  December 15, 2004)
Russian and Chinese Trade Developing Freight Transport in Canada's Northwest  (no 148 –  November 15, 2004)
The Bleak Future of Renewable Energy Automobile in Canada  (no 147 –  October 15, 2004)
The Choice is Between Private Medicine and Underground Medicine  (no 146  –  September 15, 2004)
The Hoax of Greater Market Freedom in Canadian Agricultural Production  (no 145  –  August 15, 2004)
Government's Systems Management of Canadian Transportation  (no 144  –  July 15, 2004)
Challenging Canada's Radiocommunications Act  (no 143 –  June 15, 2004)
Expanding Private Water Supply During Canada's Summer Drought  (no 142  –  May 15, 2004)
Ontario's Ongoing Electric Power Debacle  (no 141  –  April 15, 2004)
Tyranny in Canadian Telecommunications  (no 140  –  March 20, 2004)
Tha State and Teenage Smoking  (no 139  –  March 6, 2004)
Telecommunications Without Economic Regulation • Part Two  (no 138  –  February 21, 2004)
Telecommunications Without Economic Regulation • Part One  (no 137  –  February 7, 2004)
Free Market Solutions to Canada's Coming Power Shortages  (no 136  –  January 17, 2004)
The Threat of Water Shortage in Canada  (no 135  –  December 20, 2003)
Transportation Gridlock in Canada's Heartland  (no 134  –  December 6, 2003)
The Future of Canadian Industrial Competitiveness  (no 133  –  November 22, 2003)
Is the Latest US Economic Recovery Driven by Malinvestments?  (no 132  –  November 8, 2003)
Down and out in Vancouver  (no 131  –  October 25, 2003)
Can Keynesian spending stimulate the economy?  (no 130  –  October 11, 2003)
High noon for the new leader  (no 129  –  September 27, 2003)
Bureaucrats challenge our constitutional rights  (no 128  –  September 13, 2003)
The US and Canada on the road to economic stagnation  (no 127  –  August 16, 2003)
State behaviour makes the case for homeschooling  (no 126  –  July 19, 2003)
Ontario's compulsory "volunteer" community service  (no 125  –  June 7, 2003)
The State's Supersonic and Hypersonic Planes  (no 124  –  May 10, 2003)
The Post Irak Economic Slow-Down  (no 123  –  April 12, 2003)
Canada's Passenger Transportation Debacle  (no 122  –  March 29, 2003)
The State's Leading Business Partner Stumbles  (no 121  –  March 15, 2003)
Another Potential High-Tech Meltdown  (no 120  –  March 1st, 2003)
Marketing Boards Subvert Democracy  (no 119  –  February 15, 2003)
Ontario's forthcoming electric power debacle  (no 118  –  February 1st, 2003)
Zwangswirtschaft Policies in Canada  (no 117  –  January 18, 2003)
State meddling created the high-tech bust  (no 116  –  December 21, 2002)
John Rawl's influence on Canadian governance  (no 115  –  December 7, 2002)
Canada imprisons pro-free-market farmers  (no 114  –  November 23, 2002)
Canada's Kyoto pledge to Africa  (no 113  –  November 9, 2002)
The State's immigration debacle  (no 112  –  October 26, 2002)
Canada's Kyoto Upheaval  (no 111  –  October 12, 2002)
The state and society's increasing complexity  (no 110  –  September 28, 2002)
Secession and the emerging totalitarian state  (no 109  –  September 14, 2002)
Interprovincial barriers are undermining the Canadian confederation  (no 108  –  August 31, 2002)
The state and rising youth gang violence  (no 107  –  August 3, 2002)
The evolving change in Quebec's distinct society  (no 106  –  July 6, 2002)
Preserving the French language by free choice  (no 105  –  June 8, 2002)
The changed vision of Quebec independence  (no 104  –  May 11, 2002)
Bullying and zero tolerance in state schools  (no 103  –  April 27, 2002)
Canada's constitutional remnant  (no 102  –  April 13, 2002)
Government assistance to business destroys economic development  (no 101  –  March 30, 2002)
The state and the underground economy  (no 100  –  March 16, 2002)
The State and Cultural Preservation  (no 99  –  March 2, 2002)
A crisis based Sovereignty Strategy in Quebec  (no 98  –  February 16, 2002)
A policy for the birds in Ontario  (no 97  –  February 2, 2002)
The State VS. Inter-cultural harmony  (no 95  –  January 5, 2002)
The political lessons of the 2001 Grey Cup in Montreal  (no 94  –  December 8, 2001)
Government policies achieve the opposite  (no 93  –  November 24, 2001)
The increasingly assertive ladies of Quebec  (no 92  –  November 10, 2001)
Bert & Ernie undermine PQ compulsory French education policy  (no 91  –  October 27, 2001)
The evolving culture of Quebec  (no 88  –  September 15, 2001)
Canadian water shortage: The legacy of of State control of water  (no 87  –  September 1st, 2001)

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First written appearance of the word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C.


Le Québécois Libre Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary cooperation since 1998.


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