Harry Valentine is a free-marketeer living
in Eastern Ontario.
State Policy, Family Dysfunction, and Rape (no
341 April 15, 2016)
State Complicity in Citizen Suicides (no
341 April 15, 2016)
The Failing Dream of a Nation: South Africa after Apartheid
340 March 15, 2016)
The Politics of the Energy East Oil Pipeline across Quebec
339 February 15, 2016)
Private Initiative and Innovation to Produce Food with Minimal Water
339 February 15, 2016)
The Free Market and Ride-Sharing Applications (no
338 January 15, 2016)
Business Lessons from the Underground Economy and the Ultimate
Competitor (no
338 January 15, 2016)
State Grinch Impedes Christmas Travel Plans (no
337 December 15, 2015)
Eastern Canada's Economy and Changing Ship Transportation (no
337 December 15, 2015)
Economic Development through Public Infrastructure Spending
336 November 15, 2015)
The High-Tech Hobbyist and the Volkswagen Emissions Test (no
335 October 15, 2015)
Political Attempts to Create New Economic Opportunity (no
335 October 15, 2015)
Restraining Legitimate Commercial Competition in the Maritime
Transportation Sector (no
334 September 15, 2015)
Radical Feminist Leader Seeks to Ban Heterosexuality and Men (no
334 September 15, 2015)
Residential Schools and Governmental Failure (no
333 June 15, 2015)
Ontario Sex-Ed Curriculum Protests & Government Infallibility
332 May 15, 2015)
Water as State Property
332 May 15, 2015)
Free Market Trade and Border Towns (no
330 March 15, 2015)
Growing Concerns about Sexual Violence on Campus (no
329 February 15, 2015)
Alberta Challenges Home-Schooling Families (no
329 February 15, 2015)
State Social Policy and the Rise of Psychopathic Behaviour
328 January 15,
The Sometimes Sad Legacy of State Experts (no
328 January 15,
An Economic-Oil Offensive from ISIS (no
327 December 15,
The Games We Play (no
326 November 15,
Exploring Causes Behind Violence Among First Nations People (no
326 November 15,
Envy as a Possible Cause of Bullying (no
325 October 15, 2014)
Free Market, the State and the Spread of Ebola (no
325 October 15, 2014)
Teachers' Strikes and the Homeschooling Option (no
324 September 15, 2014)
Constitutional Rights and Market Monopoly in Ontario (no
324 September 15, 2014)
Rampaging Gunmen and Unarmed Citizens (no
323 June 15, 2014)
The Evolving Ingenuity of the Smuggler Trade (no
323 June 15, 2014)
Economy, State and Masculine Identity (no
322 May 15, 2014)
A Case of Government Industrial Investment becoming Foreign Aid (no
322 May 15, 2014)
Evolving Beyond Foreign Aid (no
321 April 15, 2014)
Private Initiative in Producing Food in Cities in the
Developing World (no
321 April 15, 2014)
Private and Communal Property Rights in the Developing World
320 March 15,
Looming Prospects for Private and Home-Schooling in the Developing
320 March 15,
Forcible Coercion and Socialized Medicine (no
319 February 15,
Seeking Privacy in an Age of Increased Eavesdropping (no
319 February 15,
Subsidy-Free City Passenger Transportation Services in the
Developing World (no
318 January 15,
Cape Town's District Six: People's Survival and Progress in a
Politically Oppressed Community
318 January 15,
Welfare, Education, and the Appeal of Gangs in American Cities
317 December 15,
The Rise of Teen/Adolescent Suicide and Mental Illness
317 December 15,
State Economic Control and the Electric Power Feed-in Tariff (no
316 November 15,
The Alleged Downstream Benefits of Government Investment In Industry (no
316 November 15,
Social Responsibility and Clothing Manufacturing (no
315 October 15,
Black Economic Empowerment: Private vs. State Initiatives (no
315 October 15,
The Challenge of the Immigrant Worker (no
314 September 15,
No Room on the Train (Or on the Bus) (no
314 September 15,
School Bullying and the New York Male Teacher Experiment (no
313 August 15,
The Federal-Provincial Debate over Job Skills Training (no
313 August 15,
Much Ado about Fixing the Price of Chocolate (no
312 June 15,
State Economic Regulation and Opportunity in Atlantic Canada
311 May 15,
State, Society, and School-Related Teen Rape Cases (no
310 April 15,
The Ongoing Saga of State-Subsidized Entrepreneurship (no
309 March 15,
The Quest for Feasible Postal Services (no
309 March 15,
University and College
Graduates Seeking Professional Appointments (no
308 February 15,
Idle No More and the Destruction of Canada's First
Nations (no
307 January 15,
Water Fluoridation and the Tyranny of Forcible
Medication (no
307 January 15,
The Benefits of Private Initiative During
Times of Emergency (no
305 November 15, 2012)
Governmental Undermining of Spirituality and
Self-Reliance (no
305 November 15, 2012)
Government Partnership and Contaminated Alberta Beef (no
304 October 15, 2012)
Government Control of Trades (no
304 October 15, 2012)
Quebec's Dormant Sovereignty Sentiment (no
303 September 15, 2012)
Montreal's "Just in Case" Marine Port for
Super Ships (no
303 September 15, 2012)
Canada's Vanishing
Intercity Train and Bus Services (no
302 August 15,
The Prohibition on Renovating and Repairing Your Own Property (no
301 June 15,
CO2 and
The Solar Cycle Theory of Global Warming (and Cooling) (no
301 June 15,
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Aid to Poor
Communities (no
300 May 15,
The Inevitability of Change in Post Secondary Education (no
299 April 15,
Prohibition and the Economics of the World's Oldest Profession (no
298 March 15,
Attempts to Police the Internet (no
297 February 15,
Political Initiatives to End Bullying (no
297 February 15,
Government as a Customer (no
296 January 15,
The Role of the State in the Epidemic of School Bullying
295 December 15,
The Wheat Board Court Ruling: Let the Real Producers Decide
the Vote (no
295 December 15,
Options for Western Farmers
after the Canadian Wheat Board (no
294 November 15,
The Downside of Government Control over long-distance
Transportation (no
293 October 15,
Exploring the Alleged Failure of Market Deregulation (no
292 September 15,
The Summer Riots of 2011 (no
291 August 15,
Revisiting the Quebec Sovereignty Debate (no
290 June 15,
Ending the Wheat Board Would Strike a Blow
for Greater Market Freedom in Canada (no
289 May 15,
Animal Welfare and Commercial Livestock (no
288 April 15,
The Discovery of a Trading Submarine (no
287 March 15, 2011)
Telecommunications Regulation and the Internet Download
Debacle (no
286 February 15, 2011)
Fuel Prices and the Village Vehicle (no
285 January 15, 2011)
International Protests against Reduced Government
Spending (no
284 December 15, 2010)
A Theory of Bullying (no
283 November 15, 2010)
Canada's Middle Eastern Airline Debacle
282 October 15,
Economic Lessons From the Third World (no
281 September
Canada Seeks to Phase Out the Economic Stimulus Package
280 August 15,
Quebec Commerce and Dropping Water Levels in the Great Lakes
279 June 15,
The Two Forms of State-sponsored
Entrepreneurial Training Programs
278 May 15,
The State and Water Politics (no
277 April 15,
Job Creation from the Economic Stimulus Package in Ontario
276 March 15,
Ending an Economic Stimulus Package (no
275 February 15,
The Fading Promise of the Green-Tech Economy (no
274 January 15,
Government Statistics Are Unreliable (no
273 December 15,
The Prospect of Parity Between Canadian and American Currencies
271 October
Economic Recovery or Signs of an Emerging Malinvestment Boom? (no
270 September
The Vapour-locked and Flooded
Engine: An Analogy of Economic Downturn (no
269 August
Real Signals or the Illusion of Economic Recovery? (no
268 June
Government Assistance Creates Seasonal Businesses (no
267 May
Political Folly During Economic Recession (no
266 April
A Historical Perspective of the Current Economic Downturn
265 March
Recession, Stimulus and Economic Deregulation (no
264 February
The Failure of Economic Regulation and the Economic Downturn (no
263 January
Economic Stimulation and Malinvestment (no
262 December
Governments Attempt To Stimulate Weakening Economies Worldwide
261 November
Canada's Mortgage Bailout and Beyond (no
260 October
Ontario Seeks Ways to Reduce Poverty (no
258 August
Ending Canadian Foreign Aid to Africa (no
244 December
The Free Market and Water Loss from the Great
Lakes (no
238 October
Reducing Carbon Emissions from Hydroelectric Power Stations
234 September
Learner-paced educational programs: An alternative to state
run schools (no
230 June 17,
Carbon Emissions and Property Rights in Canada (no
225 May 13,
The Property of the King and Mineral Rights in Canada (no
221 April
15, 2007)
Economic Opportunity From Montreal Traffic Congestion (no
207 January
7, 2007)
Canadian Opportunity in Fish-Depleted Oceans (no
201 November
12, 2006)
Canadian Foreign Aid and Political Manipulation in Southern
Africa (no
194 September
24, 2006)
Quagmire in Afghanistan (no
192 September
10, 2006)
The Economic Plight of Small Towns in Eastern Canada (no
185 July
23, 2006)
Canadian Opportunities from Global Warming
182 July
2, 2006)
Could Some Libertarian Economics Still
Previal Ottawa
166 February
12, 2006)
The Re-awakening of Sovereignty in Quebec
161 December
15, 2005)
Appeasement and Envy in Canadian Politics
November 15, 2005)
Geothermal Energy Could Bring Lower Food Prices
in Canada (no
October 15, 2005)
Dropping Out of High School in Ontario (no
September 15, 2005)
Making the Case for Large-Scale Regulatory
Free Off-Grid Power (no
August 15, 2005)
The Wire Across The Property Line
July 15, 2005)
Malinvestment and Regulation of Electric Power
in Ontario
May 15, 2005)
High Court Appoints Bert & Ernie to Teach
English to Francophone Children in Quebec (no
April 15, 2005)
The Alberta Tragedy and State Failure (no
March 15, 2005)
Economic Hope in Atlantic Canada (no
February 15, 2005)
Ontario Government Regulations Causing Job
Losses (no
January 15, 2005)
Climate Change Requires Power Deregulation in
Quebec (no
149 December 15, 2004)
and Chinese Trade Developing Freight Transport in Canada's Northwest
(no 148
November 15, 2004) The
Bleak Future of Renewable Energy Automobile in Canada (no
147 October 15, 2004) The
Choice is Between Private Medicine and Underground Medicine (no
146 September 15, 2004) The
Hoax of Greater Market Freedom in Canadian Agricultural Production
(no 145
August 15, 2004)
Systems Management of Canadian Transportation (no
144 July 15, 2004) Challenging
Canada's Radiocommunications Act (no
143 June 15, 2004) Expanding
Private Water Supply During Canada's Summer Drought (no
142 May 15, 2004) Ontario's
Ongoing Electric Power Debacle (no
141 April 15, 2004) Tyranny
in Canadian Telecommunications (no
140 March 20, 2004) Tha
State and Teenage Smoking (no
139 March 6, 2004) Telecommunications
Without Economic Regulation Part Two (no
138 February 21, 2004) Telecommunications
Without Economic Regulation Part One (no
137 February 7, 2004) Free
Market Solutions to Canada's Coming Power Shortages (no
136 January 17, 2004) The
Threat of Water Shortage in Canada (no
135 December 20, 2003) Transportation
Gridlock in Canada's Heartland (no 134
December 6, 2003) The
Future of Canadian Industrial Competitiveness (no
133 November 22, 2003) Is
the Latest US Economic Recovery Driven by Malinvestments? (no
132 November 8, 2003) Down
and out in Vancouver (no 131
October 25, 2003) Can
Keynesian spending stimulate the economy? (no
130 October 11, 2003) High
noon for the new leader (no 129
September 27, 2003) Bureaucrats
challenge our constitutional rights (no
128 September 13, 2003) The
US and Canada on the road to economic stagnation (no
127 August 16, 2003) State
behaviour makes the case for homeschooling (no
126 July 19, 2003) Ontario's
compulsory "volunteer" community service (no
125 June 7, 2003) The
State's Supersonic and Hypersonic Planes (no
124 May 10, 2003) The
Post Irak Economic Slow-Down (no 123
April 12, 2003) Canada's
Passenger Transportation Debacle (no
122 March 29, 2003) The
State's Leading Business Partner Stumbles (no
121 March 15, 2003) Another
Potential High-Tech Meltdown (no 120
March 1st, 2003) Marketing
Boards Subvert Democracy (no 119
February 15, 2003) Ontario's
forthcoming electric power debacle (no
118 February 1st, 2003) Zwangswirtschaft
Policies in Canada (no 117
January 18, 2003) State
meddling created the high-tech bust (no
116 December 21, 2002) John
Rawl's influence on Canadian governance (no
115 December 7, 2002) Canada
imprisons pro-free-market farmers (no
114 November 23, 2002) Canada's
Kyoto pledge to Africa (no 113
November 9, 2002) The
State's immigration debacle (no 112
October 26, 2002) Canada's
Kyoto Upheaval (no 111
October 12, 2002) The
state and society's increasing complexity (no
110 September 28, 2002) Secession
and the emerging totalitarian state (no
109 September 14, 2002) Interprovincial
barriers are undermining the Canadian confederation (no
108 August 31, 2002) The
state and rising youth gang violence (no
107 August 3, 2002) The
evolving change in Quebec's distinct society (no
106 July 6, 2002) Preserving
the French language by free choice (no
105 June 8, 2002) The
changed vision of Quebec independence (no
104 May 11, 2002) Bullying
and zero tolerance in state schools (no
103 April 27, 2002) Canada's
constitutional remnant (no 102
April 13, 2002) Government
assistance to business destroys economic development (no
101 March 30, 2002) The
state and the underground economy (no
100 March 16, 2002) The
State and Cultural Preservation (no
99 March 2, 2002) A
crisis based Sovereignty Strategy in Quebec (no
98 February 16, 2002) A
policy for the birds in Ontario (no
97 February 2, 2002) The
State VS. Inter-cultural harmony (no
95 January 5, 2002) The
political lessons of the 2001 Grey Cup in Montreal (no
94 December 8, 2001) Government
policies achieve the opposite (no 93
November 24, 2001) The
increasingly assertive ladies of Quebec (no
92 November 10, 2001) Bert
& Ernie undermine PQ compulsory French education policy (no
91 October 27, 2001) The
evolving culture of Quebec (no 88
September 15, 2001) Canadian
water shortage: The legacy of of State control of water (no
87 September 1st, 2001) |
 |
First written appearance of the
word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C. |
Le Quιbιcois Libre
Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary
cooperation since 1998.