Edward W. Younkins

Edward W. Younkins is Professor of Accountancy and Business Administration in the Department of Business and Technology at Wheeling Jesuit University and the founder of the university’s undergraduate degree program in Political and Economic Philosophy. He is also the founding director of the university’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Science in Accountancy (MSA) programs. More...


Ayn Rand and Friedrich A. Hayek: A Side-by-Side Comparison  (no 334 – September 15, 2015)
Toward an Integrated Framework for Flourishing and Happiness  (no 332 – May 15, 2015)
Marx's Dictatorship of the Proletarian Majority  (no 331 – April 15, 2015)
Exploring Capitalist Fiction
- Allen Mendenhall Interviews Edward W. Younkins  (no 319 – February 15, 2014)
The Best Novels and Plays about Business: Results of a Survey  (no 311 – May 15, 2013)
Reflections on Victor Hugo's Les Misérables  (no 309 – March 15, 2013)
Business Through Literature and Film  (no 308 – February 15, 2013)
Workplace Freedom and Right to Work Laws  (no 307 – January 15, 2013)
Flourishing and Happiness in a Nutshell  (no 301 – June 15, 2012)
Objectivist Virtue Ethics in Business  (no 300 – May 15, 2012)
Cash McCall
: The Story of a Heroic Corporate Raider  (no 299 – April 15, 2012)
Henry Hazlitt's Time Will Run Back: A Tale of the Reinvention of Capitalism  (no 298 – March 15, 2012)
Sometimes a Great Notion
: The Story of a Family Who Would Never Give an Inch  (no 297 – February 15, 2012)
Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman: A Case of Self-Delusion  (no 296 – January 15, 2012)
Creating a Virtue-Based Business  (no 295 – December 15, 2011)
The Rise of Silas Lapham
: A Story of Self-Identity, Self-Respect, and Morality
 (no 294 – November 15, 2011)
Taking a Look at Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward  (no 293 – October 15, 2011)
Flourishing & Happiness In A Free Society
: Preface  (no 292 September 15, 2010)
Other People's Money
: A Tale of Capitalism and Creative Destruction  (no 280 August 15, 2010)
An American Romance
: King Vidor's Epic Film of Immigration and the American Dream  (no 271 October 15, 2009)
Executive Suite
: A Story of Corporate Success and Succession  (no 270 September 15, 2009)
Government Stimulus Packages Are Attempts to Deny Reality  (no 266 April 15, 2009)
Ayn Rand, Human Flourishing, and Virtue Ethics  (no 265 March 15, 2009)
Epicurus on Freedom and Happiness  (no 241 November 11, 2007)
and Economics: Celebrating Atlas Shrugged's 50th Anniversary (no 236 October 7, 2007)
A Review of Andrew Bernstein's The Philosophic and Literary Integration in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged  (no 232 Sept. 9, 2007)
Capitalism: The Only Moral Social System  (no 231 June 24, 2007)
Toward a Paradigm for a Free Society  (no 224 May 6, 2007)
Natural Rights as Derived from Ethical Egoism: Tibor R. Machan's Randian Approach  (no 206 December 17, 2006)
Human Flourishing and Natural Rights  (no 203 – November 26, 2006)
Revisiting the Intellectual Heritage of a Free Society  (no 193 – September 17, 2006)
Lao Tzu's Naturalistic Metaphysics, Ethics and Politics  (no 189 – August 20, 2006)
Turgot on Progress and Political Economy  (no 186 – July 30, 2006)
James M. Buchanan: Constitutional and Post-Constitutional Political Economy  (no 184 – July 16, 2006)
Herbert Spencer on Liberty and Human Progress  (no 181 – June 25, 2006)
Spinoza on Freedom, Ethics, and Politics  (no 178 –  May 7, 2006)
Milton Friedman's Pragmatic and Incremental Libertarianism  (no 176 –  April 23, 2006)
John Locke's Limited State  (no 167 –  February 19, 2006)
Jean-Baptiste Say' Law of Markets: A Fundamental, Conceptual Integration  (no 166 –  Feb. 12, 2006)
Thomas Aquinas' Christian Aristotelianism  (no 163 –  January 22, 2006)
Reconciling Austrian Economics and Objectivism  (no 161 –  December 15, 2005)
Hegel's Authoritarian State as the Divine Idea on Earth  (no 160 –  November 15, 2005)
Toward the Unity and Integration of Knowledge: The Study of Political and Economic Philosophy  (no 159 –  October 15, 2005)
Aristotle and Economics 
(no 158 –  September 15, 2005)
A Review of Andrew Bernstein's The Capitalist Manifesto 
(no 157 –  August 15, 2005)
Rousseau's "General Will" and Well Ordered Society 
(no 156 –  July 15, 2005)
Plato's Advocacy of Collectivism 
(no 155 –  June 15, 2005)
Dignity Demystified 
(no 154 –  May 15, 2005)
Adam Smith's Moral and Economic System 
(no 153 –  April 15, 2005)
"Who is Henry M. Galt": A Review of Garet Garrett's The Driver
  (no 152 –  March 15, 2005)
The Road to Objective Economics: Hayek Takes a Wrong Turn
  (no 151 –  February 15, 2005)
Mises, Friedman and Rand: A Methodological Comparison
  (no 150 –  January 15, 2005)
The Plague of Postmodernism
  (no 149 –  December 15, 2004)
From NASA To Commercial Space Enterprises  (no 148 –  November 15, 2004)
The Flawed Doctrine of Nature's Intrinsic Value  (no 147 –  October 15, 2004)
Atlas Shrugged: A Novel of Human Action  (no 146  –  September 15, 2004)
The Congruity Among Ayn Rand's Metaphysics, Epistemology, Value Theory and Ethics  (no 145  –  August 15, 2004)
Atlas Shrugged in the Business School  (no 144  –  July 15, 2004)
Ludwig von Mises: From Historicist to Praxeologist  (no 143 –  June 15, 2004)
Carl Menger on the Evolution of Institutions: The Case Of Money  (no 142  –  May 15, 2004)
Carl Menger's Aristotelian Methodology in Economics  (no 141  –  April 15, 2004)
Carl Menger and the German Historical School  (no 139  –  March 6, 2004)
Human Nature, Human Action, and Human Flourishing: Toward an Integration of Austrian Economics and Objectivism  (no 137  –  February 7, 2004)
Metaphysics and Epistemology for a free society: The views of Menger, Mises & Rand  (no 135  –  December 20, 2003)
Aristotle, Human flourishing, and the limited state  (no 133  –  November 22, 2003) 
Austrian economics can be compatible with Objectivist ethics  (no 129  –  September 27, 2003) 
What an Austrian-Objectivist paradigm for a free society might look like  (no 126  –  July 19, 2003) 
Developing a paradigm for a free society: The contributions of Mises, Menger, and Rand  (no 124  – May 10, 2003) 
Toward a conceptual framework for capitalism  (no 121  –  March 15, 2003)
Antitrust laws harm consumers and stifle competition  (no 116  –  December 21, 2002)
Customary law as an evolved good shortcut  (no 112  –  October 26, 2002)
Contract as a shortcut to progress  (no 109  –  September 14, 2002)
Mises' views on inflation and the business cycle  (no 107  –  August 3, 2002)
Mises' utilitarianism as social cooperation  (no 106  –  July 6, 2002)
Robert Nozick's libertarian framework for Utopia • Part Two  (no 103  –  April 27, 2002)
Robert Nozick's libertarian framework for Utopia • Part One  (no 102  –  April 13, 2002)
Free-market environmentalism  (no 100  –  March 16, 2002)
Market Prices VS. Government-Controlled Prices  (no 98  –  February 16, 2002)
Political correctness threatens free speech  (no 96  –  January 19, 2002)
Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism  (no 93  –  November 24, 2001)
Personnal flourishing and happiness: a case for the minimal state  (no 91  –  October 27, 2001)
Thomas Sowell's constrained vision of man and society  (no 89  –  September 29, 2001)
Amitai Etzioni's responsive community: a flawed paradigm  (no 87  –  September 1st, 2001)
Multiculturalism: The rejection of truth and reason  (no 86  –  August 4, 2001)
Time to repeal the Welfare State  (no 85  –  July 7, 2001)
Two perspectives on corporate social responsibility  (no 84  –  June 9, 2001)
Chris Matthew Sciabarra: Thinking freedom in context  (no 82  –  April 28, 2001)
The moral merits of business: image and reality  (no 80  –  March 31, 2001)
The businessman as a moral risk-taker  (no 78  –  March 3, 2001)
Michael Novak's vision of democratic capitalism  (no 76  –  February 3, 2001)
What sort of security should the State provide for individuals?  (no 74  –  January 6, 2001)
The future of free enterprise  (no 73  –  December 9, 2000)
Searching films for a capitalist hero  (no 72  –  November 25, 2000)
How government manipulates money and produces inflation  (no 70  –  October 28, 2000)
Taxation and Justice  (no 68  –  September 30, 2000)
The purpose of law and constitutions  (no 66  –  September 2, 2000)
The Evolution of Law  (no 65  –  August 5, 2000)
Entrepreneurship properly understood  (no 64  –  July 8, 2000)
Civil Society: The realm of freedom  (no 63  –  June 10, 2000)
Corporate Governance does not mean Corporate Government  (no 62  –  May 13, 2000)
True rights are freedoms, not powers  (no 60  –  April 15, 2000)
Labor law should protect worker freedom instead of unions  (no 58  –  March 18, 2000)
Antitrust laws should be abolished  (no 56  –  February 19, 2000)


Atlas Shrugged and Social Change, The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, Vol. 17, No. 2 (December 2017), pp. 285-305.
Ayn Rand and Friedrich A. Hayek: A Comparison, Libertarian Papers, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2017).
Business in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, Vol. 15, No. 2 (December 2015), pp. 157-184.
Philosophical and Literary Integration In Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 14, no. 2 (2014): 124-47.
Economics in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 13, no. 2 (Issue 26, December 2013): 123-39.
Ayn Rand's Objectivist Virtues as the Foundation for Morality and Success in Business, The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 12, no. 2 (Issue 24, December 2012): 237-62.
Unity and Integration in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, Libertarian Papers 3, 5 (2011).
Human Nature, Flourishing, and Happiness: Toward a Synthesis of Aristotelianism, Austrian Economics, Positive Psychology, and Ayn Rand’s Objectivism (Libertarian Papers 2, 35 - 2010)
Toward the Development of a Paradigm of Human Flourishing in a Free Society (The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 9, no. 2 - Spring 2008)
John Rawls' Theory of Blind "Justice" (SOLOhq - April 21, 2005)
Principles of Metanormative Justice (SOLOhq - March 29, 2005)
The Robert Stadler Story: The Moral Fall of a Man Who Knew Better (SOLOhq - February 9, 2005)
A Randian Definition of the Common Good (SOLOhq - January 4, 2005)

Ayn Rand: Philosopher of Unity and Integration (The Free Radical - February/March 2005)
Menger, Mises, Rand, and Beyond (The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 6, no. 2 - Spring 2005)
Political Correctness Threatens Free Society (SOLOhq - December 30, 2004)
Ayn Rand's Metaphysics and Epistemology (SOLOhq - November 30, 2004)
Free-Market Environmentalism (SOLOhq - November 22, 2004)
Ayn Rand's Ethics (SOLOhq - November 11, 2004)
The Philosophy of Social Engineering: An Irrational and Inconsistent Worldview (SOLOhq - October 28, 2004)
Flaws of Communitarian Thinkers (SOLOhq - October 20, 2004)
Trade Barriers Are Immoral and Destructive of Economic Well-Being (SOLOhq - October 12, 2004)
Pure and Perfect Competition: An Unrealistic and Mistaken Ideal (SOLOhq - September 30, 2004)
Multiculturalism: A Tool of Collectivism (SOLOhq - September 19, 2004)
True Educational Freedom (SOLOhq - September 8, 2004)
Ayn Rand's Value Theory (SOLOhq - August 8, 2004)
Marketing A Free Society: Education, Persuasion, and Conversion (SOLOhq - July 30, 2004)
Funding Government Without Taxation (SOLOhq - July 13, 2004)
The Reality and Morality of Business (SOLOhq - June 10, 2004)
Aristotle: Ayn Rand's Acknowledged Teacher (SOLOhq - April 25, 2004)
Immanuel Kant: Ayn Rand’s Intellectual Enemy (SOLOhq - April 7, 2004)
Toward a Paradigm of Human Nature, Human Action, and Human Flourishing (SOLOhq - March 24, 2004)
Contributions of Post-Randian Philosophers of Human Flourishing (SOLOhq - March 3, 2004)
Murray Rothbard's Randian Austrianism (SOLOhq - February 25, 2004)
Can the Ideas of Mises and Rand Be Reconciled? (SOLOhq - February 3, 2004)
Carl Menger's Economics of Well-Being: Almost Objectivism (SOLOhq - January 20, 2004)

Reconciling Austrian and Objectivist Value Theories (The Free Radical - Nov. 2003/Jan. 2004)
Extract from Capitalism & Commerce (The Free Radical - Nov. 2002/Jan. 2003)
Tyranny of Reason: The Origins and Consequences of the Social Scientific Outlook (The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty - August 2002)
Morality and Character Development: The Roles of Capitalism, Commerce, and the Corporation (Markets & Morality - Spring 2001)
True Rights are Freedoms, Not Powers (Consent, January 2001)
Education in a Free Society (The Free Radical - Nov. 2000/Jan. 2001)
Protectionism: A threat to Individual Rights (Liberty Free Press - November 15, 2000)
Why the World Is the Way It Is: Cultural Relativism and Its Descencents (The Free Radical - Sept./Oct. 2000)
In Praise of Commercial Culture (Liberty Free Press - September 15, 2000)
Government Regulation: Enemy of Individualism (Liberty Free Press - August 15, 2000)
In Dispraise of Communitarianism (The Free Radical - May/June 2000)
Freedom to Contract  (Liberty Free Press - June 15, 2000)
The Common Good Demystified (The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty - May 2000)
Work in a Free Society (Liberty Free Press - May 15, 2000)
Private Property Rights: The Moral and Economic Foundation of a Free Society (Liberty Free Press - April 15, 2000)
Individual Rights, Social Responsibilities, and Corporations (The Free Radical - March/April 2000)
Justice in a Free Society  (Liberty Free Press - March 15, 2000)
Technology, Progress, and Freedom (The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty - January 2000)
The Future and Its Enemies by Virginia Postrel (Free Life - July 1999)
The Cross and the Rain Forest: A Critique of Radical Green Spirituality (Free Life - April 1999)
Michael Novak’s Portrait of Democratic Capitalism (Markets & Morality - Spring 1999)
Ayn Rand's Philosophy of Objectivism (The Individual - February 1999)
Business as a Calling: Work and the Examined Life (The Social Critic - Winter 1998)
The Conceptual Foundations of Democratic Capitalism (The Social Critic - Winter, 1998)
The Minimal State, Not the Welfare State (The Individual - November 1998)
Reality is Not Optional: Thomas Sowell's Vision of Man and Society (The Social Critic - Fall, 1998)
Personal Flourishing and Happiness: A Case for the Minimal State (The Social Critic - Fall, 1998)
Cinema and the Capitalist Hero (The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty - June 1998)
Capitalism and Morality (Impact - Summer, 1998)
Philosophical Enemies of a Free Society (The Social Critic - Summer, 1998)
Individualism and Freedom: Vital Pillars of True Communities (The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty - January 1998)
Business and Morality in a Free Society (The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty - November 1997)
Atlas Shrugged Revisited: Forty Years of Voicing the Philosophy of Freedom (The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty - May 1997)
Stockholders as Stakeholders (The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty - April 1997)
Perspectives on Capitalism and Freedom (The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty - December 1996)
Individual Happiness and the Minimal State (The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty - October 1996)

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First written appearance of the word 'liberty,' circa 2300 B.C.


Le Québécois Libre Promoting individual liberty, free markets and voluntary cooperation since 1998.


Review of his latest book Exploring Capitalist Fiction: Business through Literature and Film

Review of his book Flourishing and Happiness in a Free Society

Order his book Champions of a Free Society: Ideas of Capitalism's Philosophers and Economists





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